33 research outputs found

    Le secteur des télécommunications surfe-t-il de bulle en bulle ?

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    Le secteur des tĂ©lĂ©communications a connu un dĂ©veloppement rapide qui s’est accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© Ă  partir de la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© des annĂ©es 1990, avec l’apparition du GSM et de l’Internet. Mais la croissance rĂ©elle du secteur s’est rapidement transformĂ©e en une gigantesque bulle financiĂšre qui a Ă©tĂ© Ă  l’origine de l’une des pires crises sectorielles qu’aient connu les Ă©conomies modernes. Dans cet article, nous essayons d’identifier les facteurs qui ont conduit Ă  une telle valorisation financiĂšre des entreprises de tĂ©lĂ©communications ainsi que ceux qui ont conduit au retournement des marchĂ©s financiers. Enfin, Ă  la veille de la mise en place de l’UMTS, certains Ă©lĂ©ments nous amĂšnent Ă  penser qu’une nouvelle bulle pourrait se former dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir. En annexes, nous simulons la rentabilitĂ© financiĂšre de l’UMTS et Ă©valuons l’impact macroĂ©conomique de ce projet sur les composantes de la croissance française.The telecommunication sector has recently undergone a fast development which accelerated from the second half of the 1990s, with the rise of the GSM and the Internet. But the actual growth of the sector turned into a gigantic financial bubble which was at the origin of one of the worst sector-based crises that the modern economies had seen. In this article, we try to identify the factors driving such a financial valuation of the telecommunications companies as well as those leading to the reversal of financial markets. Finally, on the verge of the implementation of the UMTS in France, some elements let us think that a new bubble might appear in the coming years. In the appendices, we simulate the financial profitability of the UMTS and estimate the macroeconomic impact of this project on the constituents of French economic growth

    Transdermal Blood Sampling for C-peptide Is a Minimally Invasive, Reliable Alternative to Venous Sampling in Children and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE:C-peptide and islet autoantibodies are key type 1 diabetes biomarkers, typically requiring venous sampling, which limits their utility. We assessed transdermal capillary blood (TCB) collection as a practical alternative.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS:Ninety-one individuals (71 with type 1 diabetes, 20 controls; individuals with type 1 diabetes: aged median 14.8 years [interquartile range (IQR) 9.1–17.1], diabetes duration 4.0 years [1.5–7.7]; controls: 42.2 years [38.0–52.1]) underwent contemporaneous venous and TCB sampling for measurement of plasma C-peptide. Participants with type 1 diabetes also provided venous serum and plasma, and TCB plasma for measurement of autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, islet antigen-2, and zinc transporter 8. The ability of TCB plasma to detect significant endogenous insulin secretion (venous C-peptide ≄200 pmol/L) was compared along with agreement in levels, using Bland-Altman. Venous serum was compared with venous and TCB plasma for detection of autoantibodies, using established thresholds. Acceptability was assessed by age-appropriate questionnaire.RESULTS:Transdermal sampling took a mean of 2.35 min (SD 1.49). Median sample volume was 50 ”L (IQR 40–50) with 3 of 91 (3.3%) failures, and 13 of 88 (14.7%) <35 ”L. TCB C-peptide showed good agreement with venous plasma (mean venous ln[C-peptide] – TCB ln[C-peptide] = 0.008, 95% CI [−0.23, 0.29], with 100% [36 of 36] sensitivity/100% [50 of 50] specificity to detect venous C-peptide ≄200 pmol/L). Where venous serum in multiple autoantibody positive TCB plasma agreed in 22 of 32 (sensitivity 69%), comparative specificity was 35 of 36 (97%). TCB was preferred to venous sampling (type 1 diabetes: 63% vs. 7%; 30% undecided).CONCLUSIONS:Transdermal capillary testing for C-peptide is a sensitive, specific, and acceptable alternative to venous sampling; TCB sampling for islet autoantibodies needs further assessment

    Transdermal blood sampling for C-peptide is a minimally invasive, reliable alternative to venous sampling in children and adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Objective: C-peptide and islet autoantibodies are key type 1 diabetes biomarkers, typically requiring venous sampling, which limit their utility. We assessed transdermal capillary blood (TCB) collection as a practical alternative. Research Design and methods: Ninety-one individuals (71 type 1 diabetes, 20 controls; type 1 diabetes: aged median 14.8 years[interquartile range 9.1-17.1]; diabetes duration 4.0 years[1.5-7.7]; controls 42.2 years[38.0-52.1]) underwent contemporaneous venous and TCB sampling for measurement of plasma C-peptide. Type 1 diabetes participants also provided venous serum and plasma, and TCB plasma for measurement of autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, islet antigen-2, and zinc transporter 8. The ability of TCB plasma to detect significant endogenous insulin secretion (venous C-peptide ≄200pmol/L) was compared along with agreement in levels using Bland-Altman. Venous serum was compared with venous and TCB plasma for detection of autoantibodies using established thresholds. Acceptability was assessed by age-appropriate questionnaire.Results: Transdermal sampling took a mean of 2.35minutes (SD 1.49). Median sample volume was 50 ”l(IQR 40-50) with 3/91(3.3%) failures, and 13/88(14.7%) <35 ”L). TCB C-peptide showed good agreement to venous plasma (mean venous ln(C-peptide) – TCB ln(C-peptide) = 0.008, 95% CI(-0.23, 0.29), with 100%(36/36) sensitivity/100%(50/50) specificity to detect venous C-peptide ≄ 200pmol/L. Where venous serum in multiple autoantibody positive TCB plasma agreed in 22/32 (sensitivity 69%), comparative specificity was 35/36 (97%). TCB was preferred to venous sampling (type 1 diabetes: 63% vs 7%; 30% undecided). Conclusions: Transdermal capillary testing for C-peptide is a sensitive, specific, and acceptable alternative to venous sampling, TCB sampling for islet autoantibodies needs further assessment

    General population screening for type 1 diabetes using islet autoantibodies at the preschool vaccination visit: a proof-of-concept study (the T1Early study)

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    Objective: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) screening programmes testing islet autoantibodies (IAbs) in childhood can reduce life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis. General population screening is required to detect the majority of children with T1D, since in >85% there is no family history. Age 3–5 years has been proposed as an optimal age for a single screen approach. Design: Capillary samples were collected from children attending their preschool vaccination and analysed for IAbs to insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, islet antigen-2 and zinc transporter 8 using radiobinding/luciferase immunoprecipitation system assays. Acceptability was assessed using semistructured interviews and open-ended postcard questionnaires with parents. Setting: Two primary care practices in Oxfordshire, UK. Main outcome measures: The ability to collect capillary blood to test IAbs in children at the routine preschool vaccination (3.5–4 years). Results: Of 134 parents invited, 66 (49%) were recruited (median age 3.5 years (IQR 3.4–3.6), 26 (39.4%) male); 63 provided a sample (97% successfully), and one participant was identified with a single positive IAb. Parents (n=15 interviews, n=29 postcards) were uniformly positive about screening aligned to vaccination and stated they would have been less likely to take part had screening been a separate visit. Themes identified included preparedness for T1D and the long-term benefit outweighing short-term upset. The perceived volume of the capillary sample was a potential concern and needs optimising. Conclusions: Capillary IAb testing is a possible method to screen children for T1D. Aligning collection to the preschool vaccination visit can be convenient for families without the need for an additional visit

    General population screening for type 1 diabetes using islet autoantibodies at the preschool vaccination visit:a proof-of-concept study (the T1Early study)

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    Objective: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) screening programmes testing islet autoantibodies (IAbs) in childhood can reduce life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis. General population screening is required to detect the majority of children with T1D, since in &gt;85% there is no family history. Age 3–5 years has been proposed as an optimal age for a single screen approach. Design: Capillary samples were collected from children attending their preschool vaccination and analysed for IAbs to insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, islet antigen-2 and zinc transporter 8 using radiobinding/luciferase immunoprecipitation system assays. Acceptability was assessed using semistructured interviews and open-ended postcard questionnaires with parents. Setting: Two primary care practices in Oxfordshire, UK. Main outcome measures: The ability to collect capillary blood to test IAbs in children at the routine preschool vaccination (3.5–4 years). Results: Of 134 parents invited, 66 (49%) were recruited (median age 3.5 years (IQR 3.4–3.6), 26 (39.4%) male); 63 provided a sample (97% successfully), and one participant was identified with a single positive IAb. Parents (n=15 interviews, n=29 postcards) were uniformly positive about screening aligned to vaccination and stated they would have been less likely to take part had screening been a separate visit. Themes identified included preparedness for T1D and the long-term benefit outweighing short-term upset. The perceived volume of the capillary sample was a potential concern and needs optimising. Conclusions: Capillary IAb testing is a possible method to screen children for T1D. Aligning collection to the preschool vaccination visit can be convenient for families without the need for an additional visit

    General population screening for type 1 diabetes using islet autoantibodies at the preschool vaccination visit:a proof-of-concept study (the T1Early study)

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    Objective: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) screening programmes testing islet autoantibodies (IAbs) in childhood can reduce life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis. General population screening is required to detect the majority of children with T1D, since in &gt;85% there is no family history. Age 3–5 years has been proposed as an optimal age for a single screen approach. Design: Capillary samples were collected from children attending their preschool vaccination and analysed for IAbs to insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, islet antigen-2 and zinc transporter 8 using radiobinding/luciferase immunoprecipitation system assays. Acceptability was assessed using semistructured interviews and open-ended postcard questionnaires with parents. Setting: Two primary care practices in Oxfordshire, UK. Main outcome measures: The ability to collect capillary blood to test IAbs in children at the routine preschool vaccination (3.5–4 years). Results: Of 134 parents invited, 66 (49%) were recruited (median age 3.5 years (IQR 3.4–3.6), 26 (39.4%) male); 63 provided a sample (97% successfully), and one participant was identified with a single positive IAb. Parents (n=15 interviews, n=29 postcards) were uniformly positive about screening aligned to vaccination and stated they would have been less likely to take part had screening been a separate visit. Themes identified included preparedness for T1D and the long-term benefit outweighing short-term upset. The perceived volume of the capillary sample was a potential concern and needs optimising. Conclusions: Capillary IAb testing is a possible method to screen children for T1D. Aligning collection to the preschool vaccination visit can be convenient for families without the need for an additional visit

    Preventing type 1 diabetes in childhood

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which the insulin-producing ÎČ cells of the pancreas are destroyed by T lymphocytes. Recent studies have demonstrated that monitoring for pancreatic islet autoantibodies, combined with genetic risk assessment, can identify most children who will develop T1D when they still have sufficient ÎČ cell function to control glucose concentrations without the need for insulin. In addition, there has been recent success in secondary prevention using immunotherapy to delay the progression of preclinical disease, and primary prevention approaches to inhibiting the initiating autoimmune process have entered large-scale clinical trials. By changing the focus of T1D management from late diagnosis and insulin replacement to early diagnosis and ÎČ cell preservation, we can anticipate a future without the need for daily insulin injections for children with T1D

    Screening for Type 1 Diabetes in the General Population:A Status Report and Perspective

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    Most screening programs to identify individuals at risk for type 1 diabetes have targeted relatives of people living with the disease to improve yield and feasibility. However, ∌90% of those who develop type 1 diabetes do not have a family history. Recent successes in disease-modifying therapies to impact the course of early-stage disease have ignited the consideration of the need for and feasibility of population screening to identify those at increased risk. Existing population screening programs rely on genetic or autoantibody screening, and these have yielded significant information about disease progression and approaches for timing for screening in clinical practice. At the March 2021 Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Steering Committee meeting, a session was held in which ongoing efforts for screening in the general population were discussed. This report reviews the background of these efforts and the details of those programs. Additionally, we present hurdles that need to be addressed for successful implementation of population screening and provide initial recommendations for individuals with positive screens so that standardized guidelines for monitoring and follow-up can be established