1,154 research outputs found

    New string vacua from twistor spaces

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    We find a new family of AdS_4 vacua in IIA string theory. The internal space is topologically either the complex projective space CP^3 or the "flag manifold" SU(3)/(U(1)xU(1)), but the metric is in general neither Einstein nor Kaehler. All known moduli are stabilized by fluxes, without using quantum effects or orientifold planes. The analysis is completely ten--dimensional and does not rely on assumptions about Kaluza--Klein reduction.Comment: 19 pages. v3: published version, further minor correction

    A Metric for Gradient RG Flow of the Worldsheet Sigma Model Beyond First Order

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    Tseytlin has recently proposed that an action functional exists whose gradient generates to all orders in perturbation theory the Renormalization Group (RG) flow of the target space metric in the worldsheet sigma model. The gradient is defined with respect to a metric on the space of coupling constants which is explicitly known only to leading order in perturbation theory, but at that order is positive semi-definite, as follows from Perelman's work on the Ricci flow. This gives rise to a monotonicity formula for the flow which is expected to fail only if the beta function perturbation series fails to converge, which can happen if curvatures or their derivatives grow large. We test the validity of the monotonicity formula at next-to-leading order in perturbation theory by explicitly computing the second-order terms in the metric on the space of coupling constants. At this order, this metric is found not to be positive semi-definite. In situations where this might spoil monotonicity, derivatives of curvature become large enough for higher order perturbative corrections to be significant.Comment: 15 pages; Erroneous sentence in footnote 14 removed; this version therefore supersedes the published version (our thanks to Dezhong Chen for the correction

    Scarf osteotomy versus metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis in forefoot first ray disorders: Comparison of functional outcomes

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    SummaryIntroductionScarf osteotomies of the first metatarsal and metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis are the two most frequent surgical forefoot reconstructive procedures.HypothesisWe compared functional results of isolated arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint with an isolated Scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal.Materials and methodsThis was a retrospective, observational, continuous study of patients operated between 1993 and 2008. After patients who had undergone a procedure on the lateral rays, extremely elderly patients, lost to follow-up patients and those with incomplete questionnaires had been excluded, there remained two comparable groups of 25 patients. Mean age was 60 in the arthrodesis group [41–70] and 59.8 in the Scarf group [47–71]. The Scarf group included 25 hallux valgus (100%) compared to 16 hallux valgus (64%) and nine hallux rigidus (36%) in the arthrodesis group. Complications were recorded. Evaluation of functional results was based on the most recent functional or quality of life scores (AOFAS, FFI, FAAM, SF 36) and a questionnaire on physical and athletic ability.ResultsThere was no significant difference in the rate of complications between the two groups. There was no difference in pain according to the AOFAS score with 35.6/40 (±6.5) in the Scarf group and 34.5 (±5.9) in the arthrodesis group. Global satisfaction was also similar between the Scarf and arthrodesis groups: 91.4% and 90% of very satisfied or satisfied patients, respectively. The FFI score was higher in the Scarf group than in the arthrodesis group: 8.6 (±20.1) and 19.8 (±17.7) respectively. Functional results were better in the Scarf group than in the arthrodesis group with a FAAM Daily Activity score of 80.2 (±12.1) compared to 68 (±7.2), a FAAM Sports Activity score of 29.7 (±6.7) compared to 25.2 (±7.6) and a FAAM Global Function score of 94% (±10.8) compared to 87% (±15.7), respectively. The Global SF36 score was higher in the Scarf group than in the arthrodesis group: 70.9% (±14.1) and 62.3% (±20.6) respectively, which was due to a higher Mental Health score in the Scarf group: 68.7% (±14.2) and 60.4% (±19.3) respectively. In the area of sports activities the Scarf group practiced more hiking than the arthrodesis group (74% versus 42% respectively). There was no difference for other activities.Discussion and conclusionThis study provides detailed information on the level of physical and sports activities that are practiced following these procedures, so that the patient can be better informed.Level of evidenceLevel III. Comparative retrospective

    The sectional curvature remains positive when taking quotients by certain nonfree actions

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    We study some cases when the sectional curvature remains positive under the taking of quotients by certain nonfree isometric actions of Lie groups. We consider the actions of the groups S1S^1 and S3S^3 such that the quotient space can be endowed with a smooth structure using the fibrations S3/S1S2S^3/S^1{\simeq}S^2 and S7/S3S4S^7/S^3\simeq S^4. We prove that the quotient space carries a metric of positive sectional curvature, provided that the original metric has positive sectional curvature on all 2-planes orthogonal to the orbits of the action.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. Changed the spelling of the author's nam

    What is the Geometry of Superspace ?

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    We investigate certain properties of the Wheeler-DeWitt metric (for constant lapse) in canonical General Relativity associated with its non-definite nature. Contribution to the conference on Mach's principle: "From Newtons Bucket to Quantum Gravity", July 26-30 1993, Tuebingen, GermanyComment: 10 pages, Plain Te

    Stability of Horava-Lifshitz Black Holes in the Context of AdS/CFT

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    The anti--de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence is a powerful tool that promises to provide new insights toward a full understanding of field theories under extreme conditions, including but not limited to quark-gluon plasma, Fermi liquid and superconductor. In many such applications, one typically models the field theory with asymptotically AdS black holes. These black holes are subjected to stringy effects that might render them unstable. Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity, in which space and time undergo different transformations, has attracted attentions due to its power-counting renormalizability. In terms of AdS/CFT correspondence, Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz black holes might be useful to model holographic superconductors with Lifshitz scaling symmetry. It is thus interesting to study the stringy stability of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz black holes in the context of AdS/CFT. We find that uncharged topological black holes in λ=1\lambda=1 Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz theory are nonperturbatively stable, unlike their counterparts in Einstein gravity, with the possible exceptions of negatively curved black holes with detailed balance parameter ϵ\epsilon close to unity. Sufficiently charged flat black holes for ϵ\epsilon close to unity, and sufficiently charged positively curved black holes with ϵ\epsilon close to zero, are also unstable. The implication to the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz holographic superconductor is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Updated version accepted by Phys. Rev. D, with corrections to various misprints. References update

    A teleparallel model for the neutrino

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    The main result of the paper is a new representation for the Weyl Lagrangian (massless Dirac Lagrangian). As the dynamical variable we use the coframe, i.e. an orthonormal tetrad of covector fields. We write down a simple Lagrangian - wedge product of axial torsion with a lightlike element of the coframe - and show that variation of the resulting action with respect to the coframe produces the Weyl equation. The advantage of our approach is that it does not require the use of spinors, Pauli matrices or covariant differentiation. The only geometric concepts we use are those of a metric, differential form, wedge product and exterior derivative. Our result assigns a variational meaning to the tetrad representation of the Weyl equation suggested by J.B.Griffiths and R.A.Newing.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Taille de la population d’Avahi laniger dans la réserve d’Ambodiriana-Manompana, Nord-est de Madagascar

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    Avahi laniger est le seul lémurien nocturne appartenant à la famille des Indriidae qui habite les forêts humides de l’est de Madagascar (Mittermeier et. al., 2010) dont une partie disparaît chaque année (exploitation du bois, pratique du «tavy» ou culture sur brûlis) (Beaucent and Fayolle, 2011; Lehman and Wright, 2000). La fragmentation et la destruction de leur habitat ainsi que la chasse menacent la survie de nombreuses espèces de lémuriens incluant celle de A. laniger (Jenkins et. al., 2011; Rakotondravony and Rabenandrasana, 2011; Anderson, Rowcliffe and Cowlishaw, 2007). Nous avons réalisé, entre fin Avril et Mai 2012, une étude de densité de la population de A. laniger au sein de l’aire protégée de Manompana-Ambodiriana afin d’estimer la taille de la population totale et de déterminer l’impact du projet de conservation menée par l’Association de Défense de la Forêt d’Ambodiriana (ADEFA) qui recherche l’évolution démographique à moyen terme de cette espèce."LABEX" TULIP: (ANR-10-LABX-41), fct fellowship: (SFRH/BD/64875/2009)

    Asymptotically Hyperbolic Non Constant Mean Curvature Solutions of the Einstein Constraint Equations

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    We describe how the iterative technique used by Isenberg and Moncrief to verify the existence of large sets of non constant mean curvature solutions of the Einstein constraints on closed manifolds can be adapted to verify the existence of large sets of asymptotically hyperbolic non constant mean curvature solutions of the Einstein constraints.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, no figure

    Near-Constant Mean Curvature Solutions of the Einstein Constraint Equations with Non-Negative Yamabe Metrics

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    We show that sets of conformal data on closed manifolds with the metric in the positive or zero Yamabe class, and with the gradient of the mean curvature function sufficiently small, are mapped to solutions of the Einstein constraint equations. This result extends previous work which required the conformal metric to be in the negative Yamabe class, and required the mean curvature function to be nonzero.Comment: 15 page