339 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis in Dr Granville's mummy: a molecular re-examination of the earliest known Egyptian mummy to be scientifically examined and given a medical diagnosis

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    ‘Dr Granville's mummy’ was described to the Royal Society of London in 1825 and was the first ancient Egyptian mummy to be subjected to a scientific autopsy. The remains are those of a woman, Irtyersenu, aged about 50, from the necropolis of Thebes and dated to about 600 BC. Augustus Bozzi Granville (1783–1872), an eminent physician and obstetrician, described many organs still in situ and attributed the cause of death to a tumour of the ovary. However, subsequent histological investigations indicate that the tumour is a benign cystadenoma. Histology of the lungs demonstrated a potentially fatal pulmonary exudate and earlier studies attempted to associate this with particular disease conditions. Palaeopathology and ancient DNA analyses show that tuberculosis was widespread in ancient Egypt, so a systematic search for tuberculosis was made, using specific DNA and lipid biomarker analyses. Clear evidence for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA was obtained in lung tissue and gall bladder samples, based on nested PCR of the IS6110 locus. Lung and femurs were positive for specific M. tuberculosis complex cell-wall mycolic acids, demonstrated by high-performance liquid chromatography of pyrenebutyric acid–pentafluorobenzyl mycolates. Therefore, tuberculosis is likely to have been the major cause of death of Irtyersenu

    The C-Type Lectin Receptor CLECSF8/CLEC4D Is a Key Component of Anti-Mycobacterial Immunity

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust: Under a Creative Commons license Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Acknowledgments We would like to thank S. Hardison, P. Redelinghuys, J. Taylor, C. Wallace, A. Richmond, S. Hadebe, A. Plato, F. Abbass, L. Fick, N. Allie, R. Wilkinson, K. Wilkinson, S. Cooper, D. Lang, and V. Kumar for reagents and assistance, and the animal facility staff for the care of our animals. This work was supported by the MRC (UK) and Wellcome Trust (G.D.B.); MRC (South Africa) and Sydney Brenner Fellowship (M.J.M.); Vici (M.G.N.), Vidi (R.v.C.), and Veni grants (T.S.P.) from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (T.H.M.O.); EC FP7 projects (NEWTBVAC, ADITEC; T.H.M.O.); Carnegie Corporation and CIDRI (J.C.H.); and the University of Aberdeen (B.K.).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Development of a novel secondary phenotypic screen to identify hits within the mycobacterial protein synthesis pipeline

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    Background Whole‐cell phenotypic screening is the driving force behind modern anti‐tubercular drug discovery efforts. Focus has shifted from screening for bactericidal scaffolds to screens incorporating target deconvolution. Target‐based screening aims to direct drug discovery toward known effective targets and avoid investing resources into unproductive lines of enquiry. The protein synthesis pipeline, including RNA polymerase and the ribosome, is a clinically proven target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Screening for new hits of this effective target pathway is an invaluable tool in the drug discovery arsenal. Methods Using M. tuberculosis H37Rv augmented with anhydrotetracycline‐inducible expression of mCherry, a phenotypic screen was developed for the identification of protein synthesis inhibitors in a medium throughput screening format. Results The assay was validated using known inhibitors of protein synthesis to show a dose‐dependent reduction in mCherry fluorescence. This was expanded to a proprietary screen of hypothetical protein synthesis hits and modified to include quantitative viability measurement of cells using resazurin. Conclusion Following the success of the proprietary screen, a larger scale screen of the GlaxoSmithKline anti‐tubercular library containing 2799 compounds was conducted. Combined single shot and dose‐response screening yielded 18 hits, 0.64% of all screened compounds

    Reconstruction of diaminopimelic acid biosynthesis allows characterisation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase

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    With the increased incidence of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis there is an urgent need for new and better anti-tubercular drugs. N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase (DapE) is a key enzyme in the succinylase pathway for the biosynthesis of meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-DAP) and L-lysine. DapE is a zinc containing metallohydrolase which hydrolyses N-succinyl L,L diaminopimelic acid (L,L-NSDAP) to L,L-diaminopimelic acid (L,L-DAP) and succinate. M. tuberculosis DapE (MtDapE) was cloned, over-expressed and purified as an N-terminal hexahistidine ((His)6) tagged fusion containing one zinc ion per DapE monomer. We redesigned the DAP synthetic pathway to generate L,L-NSDAP and other L,L-NSDAP derivatives and have characterised MtDapE with these substrates. In contrast to its other Gram negative homologues, the MtDapE was insensitive to inhibition by L-captopril which we show is consistent with novel mycobacterial alterations in the binding site of this drug

    The Distribution and Origins of Ancient Leprosy

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    Human leprosy is primarily caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but also by the related ‘M. lepromatosis’. Ancient leprosy can be recognised in archaeological materials by the paleopathology associated with multi-bacillary or lepromatous forms of the disease. Whole M. leprae genomes have been obtained from human skeletons, and diagnostic aDNA fragments have been recovered. The derived M. leprae phylogenies, based on single nucleotide polymorphisms, mirror past human migrations, as M. leprae is usually an obligate pathogen. The detection of M. leprae in historical leprosy cases is assisted by the hydrophobic M. leprae cell envelope, which is composed of unusual lipids that can be used as specific biomarkers. Lipid biomarkers are more stable than aDNA and can be detected directly without amplification. Indigenous human leprosy is extinct in Western Europe, but recently, both M. leprae and ‘M. lepromatosis’ were found in British red squirrels. Leprosy may also be found in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) where it can cause a zoonotic human infection. Certain leprosy-like diseases, caused by uncultivable species in cats, for example, may be related to M. leprae. The closest extant relatives of leprosy bacilli are probably members of the M. haemophilum taxon, emerging pathogens with genomic and lipid biomarker similarities

    A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition

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    Little is known regarding the basis for selection of the semi-invariant αβ T cell receptor (TCR) expressed by natural killer T (NKT) cells or how this mediates recognition of CD1d–glycolipid complexes. We have determined the structures of two human NKT TCRs that differ in their CDR3β composition and length. Both TCRs contain a conserved, positively charged pocket at the ligand interface that is lined by residues from the invariant TCR α- and semi-invariant β-chains. The cavity is centrally located and ideally suited to interact with the exposed glycosyl head group of glycolipid antigens. Sequences common to mouse and human invariant NKT TCRs reveal a contiguous conserved “hot spot” that provides a basis for the reactivity of NKT cells across species. Structural and functional data suggest that the CDR3β loop provides a plasticity mechanism that accommodates recognition of a variety of glycolipid antigens presented by CD1d. We propose a model of NKT TCR–CD1d–glycolipid interaction in which the invariant CDR3α loop is predicted to play a major role in determining the inherent bias toward CD1d. The findings define a structural basis for the selection of the semi-invariant αβ TCR and the unique antigen specificity of NKT cells

    Atypical natural killer T-cell receptor recognition of CD1d-lipid antigens

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    Crucial to Natural Killer T (NKT) cell function is the interaction between their T-cell receptor (TCR) and CD1d-antigen complex. However, the diversity of the NKT cell repertoire and the ensuing interactions with CD1d-antigen remain unclear. We describe an atypical population of CD1d-α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer)-reactive human NKT cells that differ markedly from the prototypical TRAV10-TRAJ18-TRBV25-1(+) type I NKT cell repertoire. These cells express a range of TCR α- and β-chains that show differential recognition of glycolipid antigens. Two atypical NKT TCRs (TRAV21-TRAJ8-TRBV7-8 and TRAV12-3-TRAJ27-TRBV6-5) bind orthogonally over the A'-pocket of CD1d, adopting distinct docking modes that contrast with the docking mode of all type I NKT TCR-CD1d-antigen complexes. Moreover, the interactions with α-GalCer differ between the type I and these atypical NKT TCRs. Accordingly, diverse NKT TCR repertoire usage manifests in varied docking strategies and specificities towards CD1d-α-GalCer and related antigens, thus providing far greater scope for diverse glycolipid antigen recognition