413 research outputs found

    On interpretation of recent proper motion data for the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Recent observational studies using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) have derived the center-of-mass proper motion (CMPM) of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Although these studies carefully treated both rotation and perspective effects in deriving the proper motion for each of the sampled fields, they did not consider the effects of local random motion in the derivation. This means that the average PM of the fields (i.e., the observed CMPM) could significantly deviate from the true CMPM, because the effect of local random motion can not be close to zero in making the average PM for the small number of the fields (~10). We discuss how significantly the observationally derived CMPM can deviate from the true CMPM by applying the same method as used in the observations for a dynamical model of the LMC with a known true CMPM. We find that the deviation can be as large as ~ 50 km/s (~0.21 mas/yr), if the LMC has a thick disk and a maximum circular velocity of ~120$ km/s. We also find that the deviation depends both on the total number of the sampled fields and on structure and kinematics of the LMC. We therefore suggest that there is a possibility that the observed CMPM of the LMC deviates from the true one to some extent. We also show that a simple mean of PM for a large number of the LMC fields (~1000) can be much closer to the true CMPM.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures accepted in ApJ

    Connecting the first galaxies with ultra faint dwarfs in the Local Group: chemical signatures of Population~III stars

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    We investigate the star formation history and chemical evolution of isolated analogues of Local Group (LG) ultra faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs; stellar mass range of 10^2 solar mass < M_star <10^5 solar mass) and gas rich, low mass dwarfs (Leo P analogs; stellar mass range of 10^5 solar mass < M_star <10^6 solar mass). We perform a suite of cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations to follow their evolution from the era of the first generation of stars down to z=0. We confirm that reionization, combined with supernova (SN) feedback, is primarily responsible for the truncated star formation in UFDs. Specifically, haloes with a virial mass of M_vir 90\% of stars prior to reionization. Our work further demonstrates the importance of Population~III (Pop~III) stars, with their intrinsically high [C/Fe]\rm [C/Fe] yields, and the associated external metal-enrichment, in producing low-metallicity stars ([Fe/H]≲−4\rm [Fe/H]\lesssim-4) and carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. We find that UFDs are composite systems, assembled from multiple progenitor haloes, some of which hosted only Population~II (Pop~II) stars formed in environments externally enriched by SNe in neighboring haloes, naturally producing, extremely low-metallicity Pop~II stars. We illustrate how the simulated chemical enrichment may be used to constrain the star formation histories (SFHs) of true observed UFDs. We find that Leo P analogs can form in haloes with M_vir ~ 4 x 10^9 solar mass (z=0). Such systems are less affected by reionization and continue to form stars until z=0, causing higher metallicity tails. Finally, we predict the existence of extremely low-metallicity stars in LG UFD galaxies that preserve the pure chemical signatures of Pop~III nucleosynthesis.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dynamics of the Magellanic Clouds in a LCDM Universe

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    We examine Milky Way-Magellanic Cloud systems selected from the Millennium-II Simulation in order to place the orbits of the Magellanic Clouds in a cosmological context. Our analysis shows that satellites massive enough to be LMC analogs are typically accreted at late times. Moreover, those that are accreted at early times and survive to the present have orbital properties that are discrepant with those observed for the LMC. The high velocity of the LMC, coupled with the dearth of unbound orbits seen in the simulation, argues that the mass of the MW's halo is unlikely to be less than 2 x 10^12 Msun. This conclusion is further supported by statistics of halos hosting satellites with masses, velocities, and separations comparable to those of the LMC. We further show that: (1) LMC and SMC-mass objects are not particularly uncommon in MW-mass halos; (2) the apparently high angular momentum of the LMC is not cosmologically unusual; and (3) it is rare for a MW halo to host a LMC-SMC binary system at z=0, but high speed binary pairs accreted at late times are possible. Based on these results, we conclude that the LMC was accreted within the past four Gyr and is currently making its first pericentric passage about the MW.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; MNRAS, in press. Minor revisions, conclusions unchange

    A possible common halo of the Magellanic Clouds

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    Recent observational and theoretical studies on the three-dimensional (3D) space motions of the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC, respectively) have strongly suggested that the latest proper motion measurements of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are consistent with their orbital evolution models in which the MCs have arrived in the Galaxy quite recently for the first time. The suggested orbital models appear to be seriously inconsistent with the tidal interaction models in which the Magellanic Stream (MS) can be formed as a result of the mutual tidal interaction between the MCs and the Galaxy for the last ~2 Gyr. Based on orbital models of the MCs, we propose that if the MCs have a common diffuse dark halo with the mass larger than ~ 2 * 10^{10} M_sun, the MCs can not only have the present 3D velocities consistent with the latest proper motion measurements but also interact strongly with each other and with the Galaxy for the last 2 Gyr.These results imply that if the observed proper motions of the MCs are true ones of the centers of mass for the MCs, the common halo of the MCs would need to be considered in constructing self-consistent MS formation models. We discuss whether the origin of the possible common halo can be closely associated either with the past binary formation or with the MCs having been in a small group.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted in ApJ

    Quasi-Resonant Theory of Tidal Interactions

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    When a spinning system experiences a transient gravitational encounter with an external perturber, a quasi-resonance occurs if the spin frequency of the victim matches the peak orbital frequency of the perturber. Such encounters are responsible for the formation of long tails and bridges of stars during galaxy collisions. For high-speed encounters, the resulting velocity perturbations can be described within the impulse approximation. The traditional impulse approximation, however, does not distinguish between prograde and retrograde encounters, and therefore completely misses the resonant response. Here, using perturbation theory, we compute the effects of quasi-resonant phenomena on stars orbiting within a disk. Explicit expressions are derived for the velocity and energy change to the stars induced by tidal forces from an external gravitational perturber passing either on a straight line or parabolic orbit. Comparisons with numerical restricted three-body calculations illustrate the applicability of our analysis.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, ApJ submitted, numerical routines for evaluation of special functions and analytical results are provided upon reques

    Formation of Narrow Dust Rings in Circumstellar Debris Disks

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    Narrow dust rings observed around some young stars (e.g., HR 4796A) need to be confined. We present a possible explanation for the formation and confinement of such rings in optically thin circumstellar disks, without invoking shepherding planets. If an enhancement of dust grains (e.g., due to a catastrophic collision) occurs somewhere in the disk, photoelectric emission from the grains can heat the gas to temperatures well above that of the dust. The gas orbits with super(sub)-Keplerian speeds inward (outward) of the associated pressure maximum. This tends to concentrate the grains into a narrow region. The rise in dust density leads to further heating and a stronger concentration of grains. A narrow dust ring forms as a result of this instability. We show that this mechanism not only operates around early-type stars that have high UV fluxes, but also around stars with spectral types as late as K. This implies that this process is generic and may have occurred during the lifetime of each circumstellar disk. We examine the stringent upper-limit on the H2 column density in the HR 4796A disk and find it to be compatible with the presence of a significant amount of hydrogen gas in the disk. We also compute the OI and CII infrared line fluxes expected from various debris disks and show that these will be easily detectable by the upcoming Herschel mission. Herschel will be instrumental in detecting and characterizing gas in these disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 14 pages, 7 figure
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