70 research outputs found

    Accounting for the Local Field When Determining the Dielectric Loss Spectra of Metals in the Region of the Frequencies of Volume, Surface and Localized Plasmon Oscillations

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    The optical constant of bulk metal is used to determine the dispersion of the local field under one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) confinement. 3D confinement, expressed as ε mic 2 (ω3D), corresponds to the dielectric loss spectra of spherical particles with a diameter, d, much less than the wavelength of the beam used to measure the spectrum (d \u3c\u3c λ). Excellent agreement with the results of Mie theory and experimental data for solid colloids within alkali halide crystals was observed. The function expressed as ε mic 2 (ω1D) allows the measurement of spectral micro-characteristics in the frequency range of the longitudinal collective motion of the free electrons. This corresponds to the spectrum of dielectric losses of bulk plasma oscillations. The function ε mic 2 (ω2D) describes the spectra of the dielectric losses of surface plasma oscillations in thin metal films. It is shown that the peak positions of ε mic 2 (ω3D), ε mic 2 (ω2D) and ε mic 2 (ω1D) spectra for simple metals, viz. alkali metals as well as Al, Be, Mg, Ga, In, Sn and Si, are in agreement with experimental results from electron-energy-loss spectroscopy and various optical techniques

    Design Criteria and Optical Characteristics of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Based on Periodically Grooved Silicon

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    Photonic bandgap (PBG) regions have been calculated for periodically grooved Si structures, acting as a one-dimensional photonic crystal. The wavelength range of the PBG as a function of the ratio (DSi/A) is presented, where DSi is the width of the Si walls and A is the grooved silicon lattice constant. The influence of the parameter DSi, the refractive index of the space between the Si walls and the number of structure periods, m, on the forming of PBG regions is discussed. A good correlation between the calculated and the experimentally observed PBG regions is obtained

    The effect of the local field and dipole-dipole interactions on the absorption spectra of noble metals and the plasmon resonance of their nanoparticles

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    An analysis of the effect of free and bound electrons on the optical properties of noble metals and their nanoparticles is performed, based on the Drude-Lorentz model. It is shown that the shifts in the absorption bands of plasmons localized in spherical nanoparticles with respect to the zero frequency of free electrons in a bulk metal can be estimated using the theory of resonant dipole-dipole interactions. The calculation includes account for differences between the effective and average electromagnetic fields. It is established that the difference in oscillator strength for free electrons in the bulk metal, obtained using the Drude-Lorentz model, and the microscopic oscillators in the corresponding spherical nanoparticle, is due to background polarization. This occurs at the expense of high-frequency excitation of the bound electrons. These results show that interparticle interactions in the noble metals in the quasi-static approximation can be regarded as dipole-dipole interactions of point dipoles with a concentration equal to the concentration of free electrons

    Influence of the Local Field and Dipole-Dipole Interactions on the Spectral Characteristics of Simple Metals and Their Nanoparticles

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    The effect of dipole-dipole interactions of free electrons on the spectral characteristics of simple metals and their nanoparticles is analyzed using Drude theory and the model of the Lorentz local field. It is established that accounting for the dispersion of a local field under conditions of one-dimensional (1D) confinement based on the optical constants of the bulk metal allows the determination of its spectral micro-characteristics in the frequency region of the longitudinal collective motions of the free electrons. This corresponds to the spectra of the dielectric losses of bulk plasma oscillations. A similar procedure for three-dimensional (3D) confinement produces the spectrum of dielectric losses at the frequency of localized plasma oscillations. Using a number of simple metal examples, viz., Li, Na, and K, and also Al, Be, and Mg, it is shown that the frequencies of volume and localized plasma oscillations obtained from a model of dispersion of the local field in the long-wave limit are in good agreement with the actual frequencies of the plasma oscillations of the corresponding metals and the absorption maxima of their nanoparticles with a radius of 2–20 nm. It is shown that the frequencies of the main mode of longitudinal plasma oscillations and the absorption frequency of localized plasmons are well described using the dynamic theory of crystal lattice vibrations

    Phylogenetics of Indo-European Language Families via an Algebro-Geometric Analysis of Their Syntactic Structures

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    Using Phylogenetic Algebraic Geometry, we analyze computationally the phylogenetic tree of subfamilies of the Indo-European language family, using data of syntactic structures. The two main sources of syntactic data are the SSWL database and Longobardi’s recent data of syntactic parameters. We compute phylogenetic invariants and estimates of the Euclidean distance functions for two sets of Germanic languages, a set of Romance languages, a set of Slavic languages and a set of early Indo-European languages, and we compare the results with what is known through historical linguistics

    Micro-Raman Study of Stress Distribution Generated in Silicon During Proximity Rapid Thermal Diffusion

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    proximity rapid thermal diffusion (RTD). A compressive stress was found on the whole silicon wafer after 15 s RTD. After 165 s RTD, the distribution of the stress across the wafer was found to be different: compressive at the edge and tensile at the middle. Thermal stress was relieved in the RTD wafers via slip dislocations. These slip dislocations were observed in the product wafers using optical microscopy. Slip lines propagated from the wafer edge to the wafer centre in eight preferred positions of maximum induced stress. The thermally induced stress and the slip dislocation density increased with time spent at the RTD peak temperature

    Carbon-based interlayers in perovskite solar cells

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    Perovskites are solution-processed, high-performance semiconductors of interest in low-cost photovoltaics. The interfaces between the perovskite photoactive layers and the top and bottom contacts are crucial for efficient charge transport and minimizing trapping. Control of the collection of charge carriers at these interfaces is decisive to device performance. Here, we review recent progress in the realization of efficient perovskite solar cells using cheap, easily processed, stable, carbon-based interlayers. Interface materials including graphene, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene quantum dots and carbon dots are introduced and their influence on device performance is discussed

    Photoluminescence of Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots of Different Sizes in a Nanoporous Silicate Glass Matrix

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    The optical properties of lead sulfide quantum dots (QDs) of different sizes embedded in a nanoporous silicate glass matrix (NSM) are investigated by steady-state and transient photoluminescence spectroscopy. The use of this matrix allows the fabrication of samples with reproducible optical characteristics, for both isolated and close-packed QDs. Low-temperature PL analysis of isolated QDs with sizes of 3.7 and 4.5 nm shows that the coefficient of temperature shift of the PL position changes sign with reducing QD size because of size-dependent contributions from thermal expansion, mechanical strain, and electron–phonon coupling. The PL intensity is determined by size-dependent splitting of the lowest energy electronic state

    The Effect of High Background and Dead Time of an InGaAs/InP Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiode on the Registration of Microsecond Range Near-Infrared Luminescence

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    The effects of a high background count and a microsecond dead time interval on a gated InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) during microsecond luminescence decay registration are discussed. It is shown that the background count rate of the SPAD limits its use for time-resolved and steady-spectral measurements, and that a “pile-up” effect appears in the microsecond range
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