2,198 research outputs found

    Consensus is the Answer Key: Liberating Science and Math Education

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    There is a pervasive hidden curriculum about science and math intelligence. It teaches students that being smart in these subjects means independently and effortlessly getting quick, correct answers. This hidden curriculum is inaccurate, disempowering, and unjust. A classroom dynamic called Consensus is the Answer Key is an effective way to rewrite this hidden curriculum. By solving complex problems and using group discussion that calls for logic and communication skills, students effectively learn science and math content, as well as gaining the skills and confidence to be successful in these subjects

    Programming DNA-Based Systems through Effective Molarity Enforced by Biomolecular Confinement

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    The fundamental concept of effective molarity is observed in a variety of biological processes, such as protein compartmentalization within organelles, membrane localization and signaling paths. To control molecular encountering and promote effective interactions, nature places biomolecules in specific sites inside the cell in order to generate a high, localized concentration different from the bulk concentration. Inspired by this mechanism, scientists have artificially recreated in the lab the same strategy to actuate and control artificial DNA-based functional systems. Here, it is discussed how harnessing effective molarity has led to the development of a number of proximity-induced strategies, with applications ranging from DNA-templated organic chemistry and catalysis, to biosensing and protein-supported DNA assembly

    Instrumento de avaliação para otimizar a comunicação interna na Unidade de trabalho.

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    A comunicação, do ponto de vista empresarial, pode ser entendida como função indispensável de pessoas e organizações, através da qual se conduz uma relação com o meio ambiente, com os outros e com suas próprias partes, mediante processos internos. Entende-se, por isso, que o equilibrio da organização está na disposição ordenada entre as partes que a compõem. Esse equilibrio e integração dependem fundamentalmente do seu processo comunicacional, ou seja, ao se organizar, uma empresa organiza, de fato, o fluxo de informações a ela relacionadas. Assim, estarão organizando suas relações humanas, administrativas e estratégicas entre suas partes funcionais.bitstream/CNPDIA/8888/1/CT09_96.pd

    Abordagem de sistemas de controle para desenvolvimento de instrumento de medida de pressão intracelular.

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    Bibliometric analysis of scientific literature on intestinal parasites in Argentina during the period 1985-2014

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    The study of scientific production is a good indicator of the progress in research and knowledge generation. Bibliometrics is a scientific discipline that uses a set of indicators to quantitatively express the bibliographic characteristics of scientific publications. The scientific literature on the epidemiology of intestinal parasites in Argentina is scattered in numerous sources, hindering access and visibility to the scientific community. Our purpose was to perform a quantitative, bibliometric study of the scientific literature on intestinal parasites in humans in Argentina published in the period 1985---2014. This bibliometric analysis showed an increase in the number of articles on intestinal parasites in humans in Argentina published over the past 30 years. Those articles showed a collaboration index similar to that of the literature, with a high index of institutionality for national institutions and a very low one for international collaboration. The original articles were published in scientific journals in the American Continent, Europe and Asia. The use of bibliometric indicators can provide a solid tool for the diagnosis and survey of the research on epidemiology of intestinal parasites and contributes to the dissemination and visibility of information on the scientific production developed in Argentina.El estudio de las publicaciones científicas constituye un buen indicador del progreso de la investigación y de la generación de conocimiento. La bibliometría es una disciplina que CientíficasArgentinasutiliza un conjunto de indicadores para expresar cuantitativamente las características bibli-ográficas de las publicaciones. La literatura científica sobre la epidemiología de los parásitosintestinales en la Argentina se encuentra muy dispersa en numerosas fuentes impresas y online,con escasa visibilidad para la comunidad científica. Nuestro objetivo fue realizar un estudio bib-liométrico cuantitativo de la literatura científica publicada sobre los parásitos intestinales dehumanos en Argentina durante el período 1985---2014. Este análisis mostró un incremento enel número de documentos publicados en los últimos 30 a˜nos. Dicha publicaciones mostraronun índice de colaboración similar a la literatura, con un alto índice de institucionalidad paralas instituciones nacionales y un índice bajo para la colaboración internacional. Los artículosfueron publicados en revistas científicas del continente americano, Europa y Asia. El uso deindicadores bibliométricos proporciona una herramienta sólida para el diagnóstico y estudio dela investigación sobre la epidemiología de los parásitos intestinales y contribuye a la difusión yvisibilidad de la información sobre la producción científica desarrollada en Argentina