65 research outputs found

    Tn6198, a novel transposon containing the trimethoprim resistance gene dfrG embedded into a Tn916 element in Listeria monocytogenes

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    Objectives To characterize Tn6198, a novel conjugative transposon from the clinical Listeria monocytogenes strain TTH-2007, which contains the tetracycline and trimethoprim resistance genes tet(M) and dfrG, respectively, and to assess its transferability in vitro and in situ. Methods The complete sequence of Tn6198 was determined using a primer walking strategy. Horizontal gene transfer studies were performed by filter matings, as well as on the surface of smear-ripened cheese and smoked salmon. The presence of Tn916-like circular intermediates was determined by PCR. Antibiotic resistance was determined by the broth microdilution method and microarray hybridization. Results Sequencing of Tn6198 revealed that a 3.3 kb fragment containing dfrG was integrated between open reading frames 23 and 24 of Tn916. Furthermore, an additional copy of Tn916 was present in L. monocytogenes TTH-2007. Both elements were transferred simultaneously and separately in vitro to recipients L. monocytogenes 10403S and Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 by conjugation, resulting in either tetracycline- and trimethoprim-resistant or solely tetracycline-resistant transconjugants. On the surface of cheese and salmon, only L. monocytogenes 10403S transconjugants were detected. Conclusions This study reports the first Tn916-like element associated with a trimethoprim resistance gene, as well as the first fully characterized transposon conferring multidrug resistance in L. monocytogenes. This is of concern, as trimethoprim is administered to listeriosis patients with β-lactam allergy and as Tn6198 has a large potential for dissemination, indicated by both intra-species and inter-genus transfe

    Genetic chimerism of Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay 96 is maintained through organogenesis but not somatic embryogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Grapevine can be a periclinal chimera plant which is composed at least of two distinct cell layers (L1, L2). When the cell layers of this plant are separated by passage through somatic embryogenesis, regenerated plants could show distinct DNA profiles and a novel phenotype which proved different from that of the parent plant. RESULTS: Genetically Chardonnay clone 96 is a periclinal chimera plant in which is L1 and L2 cell layers are distinct. Plants obtained via organogenesis through meristematic bulks are shown to be composed of both cell layers. However, plants regenerated through somatic embryogenesis starting from anthers or nodal explants are composed only of L1 cells. These somaclones do not show phenotypic differences to the parental clone up to three years after regeneration. Interestingly, the only somaclone showing an atypical phenotype (asymmetric leave) shows a genotypic modification. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the phenotype of Chardonnay 96 does not result from an interaction between the two distinct cell layers L1 and L2. If phenotype conformity is further confirmed, somatic embryogenesis will result in true-to-type somaclones of Chardonnay 96 and would be well suitable for gene transfer

    Retention of the virus-derived sequences in the nuclear genome of grapevine as a potential pathway to virus resistance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies have revealed a wide-spread occurence of the partial and complete genomes of the reverse-transcribing pararetroviruses in the nuclear genomes of herbaceous plants. Although the absence of the virus-encoded integrases attests to the random and incidental incorporation of the viral sequences, their presence could have functional implications for the virus-host interactions.</p> <p>Hypothesis</p> <p>Analyses of two nuclear genomes of grapevine revealed multiple events of horizontal gene transfer from pararetroviruses. The ~200–800 bp inserts that corresponded to partial ORFs encoding reverse transcriptase apparently derived from unknown or extinct caulimoviruses and tungroviruses, were found in 11 grapevine chromosomes. In contrast to the previous reports, no reliable cases of the inserts derived from the positive-strand RNA viruses were found. Because grapevine is known to be infected by the diverse positive-strand RNA viruses, but not pararetroviruses, we hypothesize that pararetroviral inserts have conferred host resistance to these viruses. Furthermore, we propose that such resistance involves RNA interference-related mechanisms acting via small RNA-mediated methylation of pararetroviral DNAs and/or via degradation of the viral mRNAs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The pararetroviral sequences in plant genomes may be maintained due to the benefits of virus resistance to this class of viruses conferred by their presence. Such resistance could be particularly significant for the woody plants that must withstand years- to centuries-long virus assault. Experimental research into the RNA interference pathways involving the integrated pararetroviral inserts is required to test this hypothesis.</p> <p>Reviewers</p> <p>This article was reviewed by Arcady R. Mushegian, I. King Jordan, and Eugene V. Koonin.</p

    Phytotoxic metabolites from Neofusicoccum parvum, a pathogen of Botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine

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    Liquid chromatography-diode array screening of the organic extract of the cultures of 13 isolates of the fungus Neofusicoccum parvum, the main causal agent of botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine, showed similar metabolites. One strain was selected for further chemical studies and led to the isolation and characterisation of 13 metabolites. Structures were elucidated through spectroscopic analyses, including one- and two-dimensional NMR and mass spectrometry, and through comparison to literature data. The isolated compounds belong to four different chemical families: five metabolites, namely, ( )-terremutin (1), (+)-terremutin hydrate (2), (+)-epi-sphaeropsidone (3) ( )-4-chloro-terremutin hydrate (4) and(+)-4- hydroxysuccinate-terremutin hydrate (5), belong to the family of dihydrotoluquinones; two metabolites, namely, (6S,7R) asperlin (6) and (6R,7S)-dia-asperlin (7), belong to the family of epoxylactones; four metabolites, namely, (R)-( )-mellein (8), (3R,4R)-4-hydroxymellein (9), (3R,4S)-4-hydroxymellein (10) (R)( )-3-hydroxymellein (11), belong to the family of dihydroisocoumarins; and two of the metabolites, namely, 6-methyl-salicylic acid (12) and 2-hydroxypropyl salicylic acid (13), belong to the family of hydroxybenzoic acids. We determined the phytotoxic activity of the isolated metabolites through a leaf disc assay and the expression of defence-related genes in Vitis vinifera cells cv. Chardonnay cultured with ( )-terremutin (1), the most abundant metabolite. Finally, analysis of the brown stripes of grapevine wood from plants showing botryosphaeria dieback symptoms revealed the presence of two of the isolated phytotoxinsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases

    VvNPR1.1 est l’orthologue d’AtNPR1 et sa surexpression provoque l’activation constitutive des gènes PR et la résistance à Erysiphe necator chez Vitis vinifera

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    La compréhension des bases moléculaires des mécanismes de résistance de la Vigne aux agresseurs biotiques constitue un prérequis à la recherche de moyens de lutte alternatifs aux pesticides. Chez Arabidopsis, NPR1 (Non expressor of PR genes 1) joue un rôle clé dans la voie de signalisation régulée par l’acide salicylique et responsable de la mise en place de la résistance aux agents pathogènes biotrophes et de la résistance systémique acquise (SAR). Nous avons identifié deux gènes homologues d’AtNPR1 chez la Vigne : VvNPR1.1 et VvNPR1.2. La caractérisation fonctionnelle de ces deux gènes montre que la surexpression de VvNPR1.1 dans le mutant npr1-2 d’Arabidopsis permet, contrairement `a VvNPR1.2, de restaurer l’expression de PR1 après traitement par du SA ou inoculation bactérienne, ainsi que la résistance à Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola, un agent pathogène virulent. VvNPR1.1 apparaît donc comme l’orthologue fonctionnel d’AtNPR1, alors que VvNPR1.2 assure vraisemblablement une fonction différente. La surexpression stable de VvNPR1.1 en fusion avec la GFP a également pu être réalisée chez V. vinifera cv. Chardonnay, grâce à une technique de transformation par A. tumefaciens de cals embryogènes de Vigne. Les résultats obtenus sur les plantules transformées montrent une localisation constitutive de VvNPR1-GFP dans le noyau, ainsi qu’une expression élevée des protéines PR en l’absence d’infection. De plus, les vignes surexprimant VvNPR1-GFP montrent clairement une augmentation de la r´esistance vis-à-vis de l’infection par Erysiphe necator, l’agent de l’oïdium. La forte conservation de séquence des gènes VvNPR1 chez les Vitaceae ainsi que l’ensemble de ces résultats souligne l’importance de la voie régulée par le SA et NPR1 pour la résistance aux agents pathogènes biotrophes chez la Vigne

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases
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