540 research outputs found

    Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation

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    A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions

    Angle-resolved photoemission study of the role of nesting and orbital orderings in the antiferromagnetic phase of BaFe2As2

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    We present a detailed comparison of the electronic structure of BaFe2As2 in its paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases, through angle-resolved photoemission studies. Using different experimental geometries, we resolve the full elliptic shape of the electron pockets, including parts of dxy symmetry along its major axis that are usually missing. This allows us to define precisely how the hole and electron pockets are nested and how the different orbitals evolve at the transition. We conclude that the imperfect nesting between hole and electron pockets explains rather well the formation of gaps and residual metallic droplets in the AFM phase, provided the relative parity of the different bands is taken into account. Beyond this nesting picture, we observe shifts and splittings of numerous bands at the transition. We show that the splittings are surface sensitive and probably not a reliable signature of the magnetic order. On the other hand, the shifts indicate a significant redistribution of the orbital occupations at the transition, especially within the dxz/dyz system, which we discuss

    Giant Anisotropy of Spin-Orbit Splitting at the Bismuth Surface

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    We investigate the bismuth (111) surface by means of time and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The parallel detection of the surface states below and above the Fermi level reveals a giant anisotropy of the Spin-Orbit (SO) spitting. These strong deviations from the Rashba-like coupling cannot be treated in kp\textbf{k}\cdot \textbf{p} perturbation theory. Instead, first principle calculations could accurately reproduce the experimental dispersion of the electronic states. Our analysis shows that the giant anisotropy of the SO splitting is due to a large out-of plane buckling of the spin and orbital texture.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry breaking in commensurate graphene rotational stacking; a comparison of theory and experiment

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    Graphene stacked in a Bernal configuration (60 degrees relative rotations between sheets) differs electronically from isolated graphene due to the broken symmetry introduced by interlayer bonds forming between only one of the two graphene unit cell atoms. A variety of experiments have shown that non-Bernal rotations restore this broken symmetry; consequently, these stacking varieties have been the subject of intensive theoretical interest. Most theories predict substantial changes in the band structure ranging from the development of a Van Hove singularity and an angle dependent electron localization that causes the Fermi velocity to go to zero as the relative rotation angle between sheets goes to zero. In this work we show by direct measurement that non-Bernal rotations preserve the graphene symmetry with only a small perturbation due to weak effective interlayer coupling. We detect neither a Van Hove singularity nor any significant change in the Fermi velocity. These results suggest significant problems in our current theoretical understanding of the origins of the band structure of this material.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Nanoparticles in SiH4-Ar plasma: Modelling and comparison with experimental data

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    Experimental and theoretical investigations for growth of silicon nanoparticles (4 to 14 nm) in radio frequency discharge were carried out. Growth processes were performed with gas mixtures of SiH4 and Ar in a plasma chemical reactor at low pressure. A distinctive feature of presented kinetic model of generation and growth of nanoparticles (compared to our earlier model) is its ability to investigate small"critical" dimensions of clusters, determining the rate of particle production and taking into account the influence of SiH2 and Si2Hm dimer radicals. The experiments in the present study were extended to high pressure (≥20 Pa) and discharge power (≥40 W). Model calculations were compared to experimental measurements, investigating the dimension of silicon nanoparticles as a function of time, discharge power, gas mixture, total pressure, and gas flow

    A wide band gap metal-semiconductor-metal nanostructure made entirely from graphene

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    A blueprint for producing scalable digital graphene electronics has remained elusive. Current methods to produce semiconducting-metallic graphene networks all suffer from either stringent lithographic demands that prevent reproducibility, process-induced disorder in the graphene, or scalability issues. Using angle resolved photoemission, we have discovered a unique one dimensional metallic-semiconducting-metallic junction made entirely from graphene, and produced without chemical functionalization or finite size patterning. The junction is produced by taking advantage of the inherent, atomically ordered, substrate-graphene interaction when it is grown on SiC, in this case when graphene is forced to grow over patterned SiC steps. This scalable bottomup approach allows us to produce a semiconducting graphene strip whose width is precisely defined within a few graphene lattice constants, a level of precision entirely outside modern lithographic limits. The architecture demonstrated in this work is so robust that variations in the average electronic band structure of thousands of these patterned ribbons have little variation over length scales tens of microns long. The semiconducting graphene has a topologically defined few nanometer wide region with an energy gap greater than 0.5 eV in an otherwise continuous metallic graphene sheet. This work demonstrates how the graphene-substrate interaction can be used as a powerful tool to scalably modify graphene's electronic structure and opens a new direction in graphene electronics research.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Ultrafast filling of an electronic pseudogap in an incommensurate crystal

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    We investigate the quasiperiodic crystal (LaS)1.196(VS2) by angle and time resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The dispersion of electronic states is in qualitative agreement with band structure calculated for the VS2 slab without the incommensurate distortion. Nonetheless, the spectra display a temperature dependent pseudogap instead of quasiparticles crossing. The sudden photoexcitation at 50 K induces a partial filling of the electronic pseudogap within less than 80 fs. The electronic energy flows into the lattice modes on a comparable timescale. We attribute this surprisingly short timescale to a very strong electron-phonon coupling to the incommensurate distortion. This result sheds light on the electronic localization arising in aperiodic structures and quasicrystals

    Silicon intercalation into the graphene-SiC interface

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    In this work we use LEEM, XPEEM and XPS to study how the excess Si at the graphene-vacuum interface reorders itself at high temperatures. We show that silicon deposited at room temperature onto multilayer graphene films grown on the SiC(000[`1]) rapidly diffuses to the graphene-SiC interface when heated to temperatures above 1020. In a sequence of depositions, we have been able to intercalate ~ 6 ML of Si into the graphene-SiC interface.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Band structure parameters of metallic diamond from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    International audienceThe electronic band structure of heavily boron doped diamond was investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on (100)-oriented epilayers. A unique set of Luttinger parameters was deduced from a comparison of the experimental band structure of metallic diamond along the Delta (GammaX) and Sigma(GammaK) high-symmetry directions of the reciprocal space, with theoretical band structure calculations performed both within the local density approximation and by an analytical k·p approach. In this way, we were able to describe the experimental band structure over a large three-dimensional region of the reciprocal space and to estimate hole effective masses in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental papers