416 research outputs found

    Mechanical analysis of a Roller Compacted Concrete Dam

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    In this thesis a mechanical analysis of rolled-compacted concrete dam on conceptual level was made, with a mathematical tool, CADAM and TNO DIANA. The first tool is based on gravity method, the other on finite element method. In the first part the rolled-compacted concrete dams, their types and design concepts were introduced. The following describes the location, geotechnical conditions and design of Suhorka dam, which a mechanical analysis was made. The following presents a creation of mathematical models and results of analysis from both programs. Summary of the results and a comparison were made in the last part. There was given an assessment of the usefulness of the program TNO DIANA for design of Roller-Compacted Concrete Dams

    Securing user internet access using the next generation firewall

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    Good practice in information infrastructure security requires a multifaceted approach. In the majority of cases, the firewall represents the first line of defence. The thesis discusses diverse types of firewalls, as well as advantages and disadvantages of diverse technological approaches. Increasingly more sophisticated threats have promoted the development of advanced security systems together with their integration into present day firewalls. A detailed description of a next generation firewall and its most important functions is, therefore, given. When securing computer networks the user himself with his devices represents the biggest threat to its vulnerability. An example of a hypothetical client, therefore, introduces the concept of the next generation firewall use. In reference to the needs of the client, the traffic and application analysis is introduced. The analysis serves as a basis for both implementation plan and the execution of a secure user internet access. The main goal of the thesis is to present the user and the application as the cornerstones of access policy

    Using Lidar Data to Analyse Sinkhole Characteristics Relevant for Understory Vegetation under Forest Cover\u2014Case Study of a High Karst Area in the Dinaric Mountains

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    In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts

    Integrirani pristup za veći uspjeh u spajanjima i preuzimanjima

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    The paper outlines the importance of balanced management of hard and soft key success factors, combining the economic logic of corporate performance and human capital through an integrated approach to mergers and acquisitions. The study, based on a questionnaire and interviews, suggests that the achievement level of mergers and acquisitions’ objectives of acquiring companies in Slovenia should be comparable to findings of similar studies; namely, the objectives that drove the deal were met only half the time. The results indicate that five hard success factors – a professional target search and due diligence, a realistic assessment of synergies, the right mix of financial sources, a detailed post-acquisition integration plan already prepared in the pre-deal phase and its speedy implementation – and five soft success factors – a new “combined” organizational culture, a competent management team, innovative employees, efficient and consistent communication and a creative business environment – are becoming increasingly relevant. Even though they differ in their importance for individual companies in the sample, they are all considered essential to increasing the success rate of corporate combinations.Istraživanje opisuje važnost uravnoteženog menadžmenta ključnih čimbenika uspjeha (tvrdih i mekanih), kombinirajući ekonomsku logiku korporacijske uspješnosti i ljudskog kapitala kroz integrirani pristup u procesima spajanja i preuzimanja. Studije, na temelju anketa i intervjua, pokazuju da su postignuti ciljevi procesa spajanja i preuzimanja preuzetih slovenskih poduzeća usporedivi s utvrđenim činjenicama sličnih istraživanja. Naime, postavljeni se ciljevi samo djelomično ostvaruju. Rezultati ukazuju na pet tvrdih čimbenika uspjeha – stručan odabir cilja i primjerena brižljivost, realna ocjena sinergija, pravilna kombinacija izvora financiranja, detaljan integracijski plan faze nakon preuzimanja, već pripremljen u prethodnoj fazi, te brza implementacija – i pet mekanih čimbenika uspjeha – nova, “kombinirana” organizacijska kultura, kompetentne ekipe menadžera, inovativni djelatnici, djelotvorne i solidne komunikacije i kreativno poslovno okruženje, koji dobivaju sve veću važnost. Unatoč njihovim različitostima i različitim stupnjevima važnosti za svako pojedino poduzeće, smatra se da su od izuzetne važnosti za veću uspješnost korporacijskih kombinacija

    A conceptual model of individual competency components as one of the predictors of success in mergers and acquisitions

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    The increasing challenge of how to balance “soft” human factors with “hard” financial factors in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to be successful is not new. However, the real challenge lies in the question of how, and with which yardstick, to measure and compare the human factor in both the acquiring and the acquired companies in all phases of M&A. In this study, a model for measuring and comparing the human factor with competencies is presented. The model enables the measuring of soft factors with quantitative criteria. A tripartite individual competency components construct is conceived: cognitive, affective and conative, to which the personal value system is added. The model discussed is based on empirical findings and the cases of two companies and literature. The model enables companies to compare differences in competencies and thus to plan activities how to overcome those differences and achieve a higher success rate in M&A

    comparison study between Slovenia and the UK

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    Results of Six Sigma projects are related to company performance. Successful Six Sigma projects increase customer satisfaction and have many other positive effects on organisations. Success of Six Sigma projects is related to key management decision about how to identify potential projects and which projects to select for final implementation. This research is oriented toward the study of tools used in the phase of Six Sigma project identification and criteria used in the phase of Six Sigma project selection. The purpose of this research is to compare results from manufacturing sector in Slovenia and the UK. Results of this study indicate that management within the organisations tend to identify potential Six Sigma projects with the use of different tools, such as: brainstorming (Slovenia and UK.), followed by Critical To Quality tree (UK.), and interviews and customer visits (Slovenia). Further, the results show that the final decision about Six Sigma projects selection in the UK and Slovenia include different criteria, such as: customer benefit (Slovenia and UK), finance impact (UK) and connection to business strategy (Slovenia). Many companies in the UK as well in Slovenia combine the use of tools and balanced selection criteria at the same time.Rezultati Šest sigma projektov so povezani s poslovanjem urganizacije. Uspešni Šest sigma projekti nam pomagajo povečati zadovoljstvo kupcev in na številne ostale načine pozitivno vplivajo na poslovanje. Uspešnost Šest sigma projektov je povezana z odločitvami managementa organizacije o tem, kako identificirati potencialne Šest sigma projekte in katere izmed njih v nadaljevanju tudi izvajati. Ta raziskava obravanava orodja, ki jih organizacije uporabljajo v fazi identifikacije in izbire Šest sigma projektov v Sloveniji in Veliki Britaniji (VB). Namen raziskave je primerjava proizvodnih sektorjev v Sloveniji in VB. Rezultati kažejo, da management v organizacijah za identifikacijo potencialnih Šest sigma projektov uporablja različna orodja, kot so: viharjenje možganov, diskusije s kupci (Slovenija in VB), kritične parameter kakovosti (VB) in intervjuje s kupci (Slovenija). V nadaljevanju nam rezultati kažejo, da organizacije tv Sloveniji kot v VB pri končni izbiri projektov uporabljajo več meril, kot so: koristi za kupca (Slovenija in VB), finačni učinek (VB) in povezanost projekta s poslovno strategijo (Slovenija). Mnoge organizacije v Sloveniji in VB pri tem hkrati uporablja več orodij in uravnoteženih meril