106 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Nephron-Sparing Calycectomy for Treating Fraley's Syndrome

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    Background/Aims/Objectives: Various nephron-sparing approaches were described as part of surgical management for Fraley's syndrome, a rare anatomic variant of the renal vascular anatomy that compresses the upper pole infundibulum resulting in an upper calyceal obstruction and dilatation, with symptoms of flank pain and hematuria. To date, descriptions of minimally invasive correction techniques are anecdotal. METHODS: A retroperitoneal pure laparoscopic approach using the nephron-sparing technique was chosen in the presented case. RESULTS: In this report, we demonstrated that if laparoscopic calycectomy is performed without clamping of renal branches, parenchymal ischemia can be completely avoided. Additionally, the preservation of renal tissue surrounding the calyx enables the preservation of the intrasinusal segmental arteries flow, thereby avoiding their accidental closure by hemostatic sutures. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, Laparoscopic Nephron-Sparing Calycectomy is a safe and effective surgical procedure for the treatment of Fraley's syndrome. Consistent laparoscopic experience is required before embarking on this kind of surgery

    Effects of electrophysical resources in osteoporosis: a review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article was to provide a literature review regarding the impact of the main eletrophysical resources used on the acceleration of bone metabolism and on the osteoporosis treatment. DEFINITION: The OMS defines osteoporosis as a Sistemic esqueletical disease characterized for diminished bone mass and for deterioration of the bone mass microarchitecture, increasing the bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Many drug or non-drug treatments are being developed as an attempt to increase the bone mass, and prevent osteoporosis. Within this context, the eletrophysical resources is having a prominence paper, as a resource which presents a osteogenic potencial, capable of stimulating the proliferation of osteoblasts and biomodulate the bone metabolism. RESEARCH STRATEGIES: The data base consulted were: The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, SciELO, references of indentified articles and contact with laser's especialists, between 1983 and 2009. SELECTION CRITERIA: Were included experimental study and randomized clinical tests on the effects of eletrophysical resources on osteoporosis. RECOMPILATION AND DATA ANALISIS: Two reviewers independently selected the studies, assessed their methodological quality and collected the data. RESULTS: All the eletrophysical resources quoted on this article were effective in stimulation of bone metabolism. However, most of the studies show these effects through in vitro studies and experimental studies with animals. It is important to say that experiments like these are rare in human beings. Based on the findings of this review, it may be suggested that the eletrophysical resources like lasertherapy, ultra-sound, electromagnetic fields and vibration are resources that has osteogenic potencial, but more studies are needed to define the effects of it in humans, as well as more effective treatment protocols. CONCLUSION: With this literature review it is clear that eletrophysical resources have high osteogenic potential, but most of the studies are in vitro. It is needed more studies in vivo, defining therefore, better parameters and doses to be used in the treatment of osteoporosis.OBJETIVO: Fazer uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito dos efeitos dos principais recursos eletrofísicos utilizados na aceleração do metabolismo ósseo e no tratamento da osteoporose. ANTECEDENTES: A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) define a osteoporose como doença esquelética sistêmica caracterizada por diminuição da massa óssea e deterioração microarquitetural do tecido ósseo, com consequente aumento da fragilidade óssea e susceptibilidade à fratura. Vários tratamentos medicamentosos e não medicamentosos vêm sendo desenvolvidos na tentativa de aumentar a massa óssea e prevenir a osteoporose. Dentro desse contexto, os recursos eletrofísicos vêm tendo um papel de destaque, como recursos que apresentam um potencial osteogênico, capazes de estimular a proliferação de osteoblastos e biomodular o metabolismo ósseo. ESTRATÉGIA DE PESQUISA: Foram consultadas as bases de dados: The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, SciELO, referências dos artigos identificados, e contato com especialisas em laser, entre os anos de 1983 e 2009. CRITÉRIOS DE SELEÇÃO: Foram incluídos estudos experimentais e ensaios clínicos randomizados que avaliaram os efeitos dos recursos eletrofísicos na osteoporose. RECOMPILAÇÃO E ANÁLISE DE DADOS: Dois revisores selecionaram independentemente os estudos, avaliaram sua qualidade metodológica dos estudos e coletaram os dados. RESULTADOS: Todos os recursos eletrofísicos citados neste artigo se mostraram eficazes na estimulação do metabolismo ósseo. No entanto, a grande maioria dos estudos realizados evidenciam esses efeitos através de estudos in vitro e estudos experimentais com cobaias. Cabe ressaltar que trabalhos como esses são raros em seres humanos. Baseado nos achados desta revisão pode ser sugerido que os recursos eletrofísicios como o laser terapêutico, o ultrassom, campos eletromagnéticos e plataformas vibratórias são recursos que tem um potencial osteogênico entretanto mais estudos são necessários para definir os efeitos dos mesmos em humanos, bem como, protocolos mais eficazes de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: A partir deste levantamento bibliográfico, fica evidente que os recursos eletrofísicos apresentam um grande potencial osteogênico, porém, a maior parte dos estudos é in vitro. São necessários mais estudos in vivo, definindo, assim, melhores parâmetros e doses, para que sejam utilizados no tratamento da osteoporose.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São CarlosUNIFESPSciEL

    Resection Techniques During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy: A Systematic Review

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    CONTEXT: The resection technique used to excise tumor during robotic partial nephrectomy (RPN) is of paramount importance in achieving optimal clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To provide an overview of the different resection techniques used during RPN, and a pooled analysis of comparative studies. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The systematic review was conducted according to established principles (PROSPERO: CRD42022371640) on November 7, 2022. A population (P: adult patients undergoing RPN), intervention (I: enucleation), comparator (C: enucleoresection or wedge resection), outcome (O: outcome measurements of interest), and study design (S) framework was prespecified to assess study eligibility. Studies reporting a detailed description of resection techniques and/or evaluating the impact of resection technique on outcomes of surgery were included. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Resection techniques used during RPN can be broadly classified as resection (non-anatomic) or enucleation (anatomic). A standardized definition for these is lacking. Out of 20 studies retrieved, nine compared "standard" resection versus enucleation. A pooled analysis did not reveal significant differences in terms of operative time, ischemia time, blood loss, transfusions, or positive margins. Significant differences favoring enucleation were found for clamping management (odds ratio [OR] for renal artery clamping 3.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13-10.88; p = 0.03), overall complications (OR for occurrence 0.55, 95% CI 0.34-0.87; p = 0.01) major complications (OR for occurrence 0.39, 95% CI 0.19-0.79; p = 0.009), length of stay (weighted mean difference [WMD] -0.72 d, 95% CI -0.99 to -0.45; p < 0.001), and decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate (WMD -2.64 ml/min, 95% CI -5.15 to -0.12; p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: There is heterogeneity in the reporting of resection techniques used during RPN. The urological community must improve the quality of reporting and research produced accordingly. Positive margins are not specifically related to the resection technique. Focusing on studies comparing standard resection versus enucleation, advantages with tumor enucleation in terms of avoidance of artery clamping, overall/major complications, length of stay, and renal function were found. These data should be considered when planning the RPN resection strategy. PATIENT SUMMARY: We reviewed studies on robotic surgery for partial kidney removal using different techniques to cut away the kidney tumor. We found that a technique called "enucleation" was associated with similar cancer control outcomes in comparison to the standard technique and had fewer complications, better kidney function after surgery, and a shorter hospital stay

    Single-port robotic partial nephrectomy: impact on perioperative outcomes and hospital stay

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    Single-port (SP) robotic surgery is a novel technology and is at the beginning of its adoption curve in urology. The goal of this narrative review is to provide an overview of SP-robotic partial nephrectomy (PN) 4 years after the introduction of the da Vinci SP dedicated platform, focusing on perioperative outcomes, length of stay, and surgical technique. A nonsystematic review of the literature was conducted. The research included the most updated articles that referred to SP robotic PN. Since its commercial release in 2018, several institutions have reproduced robotic PN by using the SP platform, both via a transperitoneal and a retroperitoneal approach. The published SP-robotic PN series are generally based on preliminary experiences by surgeons who had previous experience with conventional multi-arms robotic platforms. The reported outcomes are encouraging. Overall, three studies reported that SP-robotic PN cases had nonsignificantly different operative time, estimated blood loss, overall complications rate, and length of stay compared to the conventional 'multi-arms' robotic PN. However, in all these series, renal masses treated by SP had overall lower complexity. Moreover, two studies underlined decreased postoperative pain as a major pro of adopting the SP system. This should reduce/avoid the need for opioids after surgery. No study compared SP-robotic versus multi-arms robotic PN in cost-effectiveness. Published experience with SP-robotic PN has reported the feasibility and safety of the approach. Preliminary results are encouraging and at least noninferior with respect to those from the multi-arms series. Prospective comparative studies with long-term oncologic and functional results are awaited to draw more definitive conclusions and better establish the more appropriate indications of SP robotics in the field of PN

    Global mapping of cancers: The Cancer Genome Atlas and beyond

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    Cancer genomes have been explored from the early 2000s through massive exome sequencing efforts, leading to the publication of The Cancer Genome Atlas in 2013. Sequencing techniques have been developed alongside this project and have allowed scientists to bypass the limitation of costs for whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of single specimens by developing more accurate and extensive cancer sequencing projects, such as deep sequencing of whole genomes and transcriptomic analysis. The Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes recently published WGS data from more than 2600 human cancers together with almost 1200 related transcriptomes. The application of WGS on a large database allowed, for the first time in history, a global analysis of features such as molecular signatures, large structural variations and noncoding regions of the genome, as well as the evaluation of RNA alterations in the absence of underlying DNA mutations. The vast amount of data generated still needs to be thoroughly deciphered, and the advent of machine-learning approaches will be the next step towards the generation of personalized approaches for cancer medicine. The present manuscript wants to give a broad perspective on some of the biological evidence derived from the largest sequencing attempts on human cancers so far, discussing advantages and limitations of this approach and its power in the era of machine learning