30 research outputs found

    A local human Vδ1 T cell population is associated with survival in nonsmall-cell lung cancer

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    Murine tissues harbor signature γδ T cell compartments with profound yet differential impacts on carcinogenesis. Conversely, human tissue-resident γδ cells are less well defined. In the present study, we show that human lung tissues harbor a resident Vδ1 γδ T cell population. Moreover, we demonstrate that Vδ1 T cells with resident memory and effector memory phenotypes were enriched in lung tumors compared with nontumor lung tissues. Intratumoral Vδ1 T cells possessed stem-like features and were skewed toward cytolysis and helper T cell type 1 function, akin to intratumoral natural killer and CD8+ T cells considered beneficial to the patient. Indeed, ongoing remission post-surgery was significantly associated with the numbers of CD45RA−CD27− effector memory Vδ1 T cells in tumors and, most strikingly, with the numbers of CD103+ tissue-resident Vδ1 T cells in nonmalignant lung tissues. Our findings offer basic insights into human body surface immunology that collectively support integrating Vδ1 T cell biology into immunotherapeutic strategies for nonsmall cell lung cancer


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    SUMMARY Fourtythree patients affected by temporal branch retinal vein occlusion contolicated bv mucttlar oedemLt huvt' heett tr('utcd br nreuns of Argon Iaser photot'ougulation. In order to usses luser efficut't' in nrodifving visual prctgnosis. patients n'cre divided itrto ttt'o groups recer\ufa arul long-stonding onset rispectivelv und contpored to cotttrol groups of sintilar clittit'ul Iearures. Stutistit'al analvsis showed a better visual ou\ueecorne in the \ucdreute(l outients corttpared to controls: thosc uflcctcd h.r' relutivelt' recent onset occlusion seetn to tlo better than those affected bv long-stunding disease. Further stutliesa re required to establish +,-hichi s the best rttontent \ucdo rreot i.e. hon, lone we huve to n'uit ttlter Ilte uctt!e cyent


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    Fluorescein and ICG angiographic findings in serpiginous choroidopathy

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    PlnRIfn- To analyze the fluorescein (FA) and indocyanine green (ICGA) angiographic aspects of serpiginous choroidopathy. Msfhndl- We performed FA and ICGA in 11 consec- utive paOents with serpiginous chowidopathy with a SLO (Rode[Istock, Germany) and with a still-frame digitized fundus camera (Topcon 50 IA, japan). llflnlfl- In 6 patients the dis- ease was active (12 eyes), in other 5 (10 eyes) it was inactive and 2 of these patients (3 eyes) had developed a choroidal neovascularization. The active lesions were hypofluorescent in Che early phases of the FA showing diffusion in the late phase!s. In 2 of the patients with active disease a retinal vasculitis was also present. The healed lesions were hypofluorescent in the early phase of the FA due to extensive atrophy of the chodocapillaris and choroidal vessels with sparing of major collors. A progressive hypernllorescence of the margins was also apparent. In ICGA in the active stage the lesions were hypo8uorescent throughout the examination. In 4 of the 6 patients with active disease the ICGA revealed a delayed cho roidal 6lling next to the active lesions. FoHow up showed in only one subject a coinddence between the delayed choroidal filling and the progression of the lesions.fnllfhlllSlN - FA and ICGA are useful to highlight the level of activity of the disease and the extent of the cho- roidal damage but it cannot precisely predict the evolution of the lesions. CR: Non

    Sepsis: state of the art

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    In recent years, we have considerably widened our knowledge of the pathophysiology of sepsis and some procedures, aiming both to relieve symptoms and control the inflammation/coagulation reaction, have proven to be effective in increasing survival. This improves when mechanical ventilation is applied with low tidal volumes, fluid replacement and the use of cardioactive drugs are titrated on the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the central venous system and blood glucose does not exceed certain limits. It is also evident that inflammation and coagulation are closely related to each other. The inhibition of only one pathway, such as the inhibition of inflammation with high dosage steroids or the inhibition of coagulation with antithrombin, does not produce a survival improvement. The only molecule which has proven to be notably effective in reducing mortality is Activated Protein C interacting on coagulation/fibrinolysis, as well as on inflammation processes. Multinodal modulation of several interdependent processes may be the probable reason for the proven effectiveness of this treatment