284 research outputs found

    Type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DMII) is a metabolic disorder that affects glucose metabolism. Characteristics of DMII include: hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and impaired insulin secretion by the pancreas. Contributing risk factors in the development of DMII includes: familial history of diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, hypertension, and other comorbid medical conditions. Signs and symptoms of DMII include: polyuria, polydipsia, fatigue, weight loss, blurry vision, as well as, other long-term complications. The complex pathophysiology of DMII will be discussed in this poster, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of DMII. Greater discussion and education is needed for healthcare providers with the increase prevalence of DMII among individuals

    Design For Christopher Shinn\u27s The Coming World

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    This document is a complete design for The Coming World by Christopher Shinn. This design is not one that has been realized on stage, but is instead every element necessary to make it real. It includes a scenic design, lighting design, costume design, and proposed budget. It also includes all research and inspiration behind the design

    Achieving the Vision through High Ethical Standards

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    Angebot an und Nachfrage nach Umweltleistungen in einem marktanalogen Agrarumweltprogramm – Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie

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    Der Beitrag diskutiert die im Zeitraum 2004 bis 2006 in einer Modellregion (Landkreis Northeim in Südniedersachsen) erstmalig vollzogene praktische Umsetzung eines neuen Agrarumweltprogramms zur ergebnisorientierten Honorierung ökologischer Leistungen der Landwirtschaft. Das Programm wurde zur Überwindung zentraler Problemfelder wie Defiziten bei der Effizienz und der Akzeptanz europäischer Agrarumweltprogramme entwickelt. In diesem Beitrag wird die Umsetzungsphase des neuen Modells für ein Agrarumweltprogramm vorgestellt, das sich durch Einbeziehung marktwirtschaftlicher Elemente auszeichnet. Dies sind einerseits das freiwillige Angebot von Umweltleistungen durch die Landwirtschaft im Rahmen eines Ausschreibungsverfahrens und andererseits die durch ein regionales Entscheidungsgremium repräsentierte Nachfrage. In diesem Beitrag wird die spezifische Ausgestaltung des Angebots von und der Nachfrage nach Umweltleistungen analysiert.

    Species-Rich Grassland as an Ecological Good in an Outcome-Based Payment Scheme

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    Agriculture plays an important role in protecting the biodiversity of the rural environment. Since the reform of the EU\u27s common agricultural policy (CAP) in 1992, agri-environment schemes have been supported by the EU within the framework of the second pillar of CAP. In these programmes, farmers were rewarded for environmental services. The predominantly action-oriented programmes imply particular disadvantages; they tend to lack economic efficiency and to fail with regard to the conservation and improvement of biodiversity (Kleijn & Sutherland, 2003; Wilhelm, 1999). This situation was the starting point for the development of an outcome-based payment scheme. We focus on the process of defining ecological goods - in particular with regard to grassland - as the results of ecological services, which are to be remunerated by means of this innovative payment system

    Ultrafine Aerosol Particle Sizer Based on Piezoresistive Microcantilever Resonators with Integrated Air-Flow Channel

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    To monitor airborne nano-sized particles (NPs), a single-chip differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS) based on resonant micro cantilevers in defined micro-fluidic channels (µFCs) is introduced. A size bin of the positive-charged fraction of particles herein is separated from the air stream by aligning their trajectories onto the cantilever under the action of a perpendicular electrostatic field of variable strength. We use previously described µFCs and piezoresistive micro cantilevers (PMCs) of 16 ng mass fabricated using micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) technology, which offer a limit of detection of captured particle mass of 0.26 pg and a minimum detectable particulate mass concentration in air of 0.75 µg/m3. Mobility sizing in 4 bins of a nebulized carbon aerosol NPs is demonstrated based on finite element modelling (FEM) combined with a-priori knowledge of particle charge state. Good agreement of better than 14% of mass concentration is observed in a chamber test for the novel MEMS-DMPS vs. a simultaneously operated standard fast mobility particle sizer (FMPS) as reference instrument. Refreshing of polluted cantilevers is feasible without de-mounting the sensor chip from its package by multiply purging them alternately in acetone steam and clean air

    Synchrotron study of poly[[di-μ-aqua­(μ-2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ato)di­potassium] dihydrate]

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    The title compound, {[K2(C12H6N2O4)(H2O)2]·2H2O}n, forms a three-dimensional coordination polymer in the solid state. The asymmetric unit consists of one K+ ion, half of a 2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ate ligand, one coordinated water mol­ecule and one solvent water mol­ecule. The K+ ion is 7-coordinated by the oxygen atoms of two water mol­ecules and by five oxygen atoms of four carboxyl­ate groups, one of which is chelating. The extended structure can be described as a binodal network in which each K+ is a six-connected node, bonding to four carboxyl­ate groups and two bridging water mol­ecules, and the 2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ate linkers are eight-connected nodes, with each carboxyl­ate group bridging four metal centers. Overall, this arrangement generates a complex network with point symbol {34.412.512}{}2. Both of the bridging water mol­ecules participate as donors in hydrogen-bonding inter­actions; one to solvent water mol­ecules and a second to an oxygen atom of a carboxyl­ate group

    Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) Infected Cell Protein 0 (ICP0) Targets of Ubiquitination during Productive Infection of Primary Adult Sensory Neurons

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    Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) enters sensory neurons with the potential for productive or latent infection. For either outcome, HSV-1 must curtail the intrinsic immune response, regulate viral gene expression, and remove host proteins that could restrict viral processes. Infected cell protein 0 (ICP0), a virus-encoded E3 ubiquitin ligase, supports these processes by mediating the transfer of ubiquitin to target proteins to change their location, alter their function, or induce their degradation. To identify ubiquitination targets of ICP0 during productive infection in sensory neurons, we immunoprecipitated ubiquitinated proteins from primary adult sensory neurons infected with HSV-1 KOS (wild-type), HSV-1 n212 (expressing truncated, defective ICP0), and uninfected controls using anti-ubiquitin antibody FK2 (recognizing K29, K48, K63 and monoubiquitinated proteins), followed by LC-MS/MS and comparative analyses. We identified 40 unique proteins ubiquitinated by ICP0 and 17 ubiquitinated by both ICP0 and host mechanisms, of which High Mobility Group Protein I/Y (HMG I/Y) and TAR DNA Binding Protein 43 (TDP43) were selected for further analysis. We show that ICP0 ubiquitinates HMG I/Y and TDP43, altering protein expression at specific time points during productive HSV-1 infection, demonstrating that ICP0 manipulates the sensory neuronal environment in a time-dependent manner to regulate infection outcome in neurons

    The Crystal Structure of 5-Aminouracil and the Ambiguity of Alternative Polymorphs

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    The nucleobase derivative 5-aminouracil (AUr, C4H5N3O2) is of interest for its biological activity, yet the solid state structure of this compound has remained elusive owing to its propensity to crystallize as aggregates of microcrystalline particles. Here we report the first single-crystal structure of AUr determined from synchrotron x-ray diffraction data. An early crystal structure prediction effort, which assumed that AUr was rigid in the isolated molecule optimized conformation, provided several poor matches to the simulated PXRD pattern. Revisiting these crystal structures, by periodic electronic level modelling (PBE-TS optimization) gave more realistic relative lattice energies, but a good match to the experimental powder pattern required using the experimental cell parameters. PXRD and Raman spectroscopy suggest that phase impurities may be present in the bulk crystallization product, though the identity of alternative polymorphs could not be confirmed on the basis of the data available
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