7,106 research outputs found

    Trap models with slowly decorrelating observables

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    We study the correlation and response dynamics of trap models of glassy dynamics, considering observables that only partially decorrelate with every jump. This is inspired by recent work on a microscopic realization of such models, which found strikingly simple linear out-of-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in the limit of slow decorrelation. For the Barrat-Mezard model with its entropic barriers we obtain exact results at zero temperature TT for arbitrary decorrelation factor κ\kappa. These are then extended to nonzero TT, where the qualitative scaling behaviour and all scaling exponents can still be found analytically. Unexpectedly, the choice of transition rates (Glauber versus Metropolis) affects not just prefactors but also some exponents. In the limit of slow decorrelation even complete scaling functions are accessible in closed form. The results show that slowly decorrelating observables detect persistently slow out-of-equilibrium dynamics, as opposed to intermittent behaviour punctuated by excursions into fast, effectively equilibrated states.Comment: 29 pages, IOP styl

    Rotating Globular Clusters

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    Internal rotation is considered to play a major role in the dynamics of some globular clusters. However, in only few cases it has been studied by quantitative application of realistic and physically justified global models. Here we present a dynamical analysis of the photometry and three-dimensional kinematics of omega Cen, 47 Tuc, and M15, by means of a recently introduced family of self-consistent axisymmetric rotating models. The three clusters, characterized by different relaxation conditions, show evidence of differential rotation and deviations from sphericity. The combination of line-of-sight velocities and proper motions allows us to determine their internal dynamics, predict their morphology, and estimate their dynamical distance. The well-relaxed cluster 47 Tuc is very well interpreted by our model; internal rotation is found to explain the observed morphology. For M15, we provide a global model in good agreement with the data, including the central behavior of the rotation profile and the shape of the ellipticity profile. For the partially relaxed cluster omega Cen, the selected model reproduces the complex three-dimensional kinematics; in particular the observed anisotropy profile, characterized by a transition from isotropy, to weakly-radial anisotropy, and then to tangential anisotropy in the outer parts. The discrepancy found for the steep central gradient in the observed line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile and for the ellipticity profile is ascribed to the condition of only partial relaxation of this cluster and the interplay between rotation and radial anisotropy.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Studies of Accretion Flows. II. Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Disks with Self-Gravity

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    Spectral methods are well suited for solving hydrodynamic problems in which the self-gravity of the flow needs to be considered. Because Poisson's equation is linear, the numerical solution for the gravitational potential for each individual mode of the density can be pre-computed, thus reducing substantially the computational cost of the method. In this second paper, we describe two different approaches to computing the gravitational field of a two-dimensional flow with pseudo-spectral methods. For situations in which the density profile is independent of the third coordinate (i.e., an infinite cylinder), we use a standard Poisson solver in spectral space. On the other hand, for situations in which the density profile is a delta function along the third coordinate (i.e., an infinitesimally thin disk), or any other function known a priori, we perform a direct integration of Poisson's equation using a Green's functions approach. We devise a number of test problems to verify the implementations of these two methods. Finally, we use our method to study the stability of polytropic, self-gravitating disks. We find that, when the polytropic index Gamma is <= 4/3, Toomre's criterion correctly describes the stability of the disk. However, when Gamma > 4/3 and for large values of the polytropic constant K, the numerical solutions are always stable, even when the linear criterion predicts the contrary. We show that, in the latter case, the minimum wavelength of the unstable modes is larger than the extent of the unstable region and hence the local linear analysis is inapplicable.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. To appear in the ApJ. High resolution plots and animations of the simulations are available at http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~chan/research/astro-ph/0512448/index.htm

    Experimental and theoretical study of shuttle lee-side heat transfer rates

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    The experimental program which was conducted in the Calspan 96-inch hypersonic shock tunnel to investigate what effect the windward surface temperature had on the heat transfer to the leeward surface of the space shuttle orbiter is discussed. Heat-transfer distributions, surface-pressure distributions, and schlieren photographs were obtained for an 0.01-scale model of the 139 configuration space shuttle orbiter at angles-of-attack of 30 and 40 deg. Similar data were obtained for an 0.01 scale wingless model of the 139 configuration at angles-of-attack of 30 and 90 deg. Data were obtained for Mach numbers from Reynolds numbers, and surface temperatures and compared with theoretical results

    The Kovacs effect in model glasses

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    We discuss the `memory effect' discovered in the 60's by Kovacs in temperature shift experiments on glassy polymers, where the volume (or energy) displays a non monotonous time behaviour. This effect is generic and is observed on a variety of different glassy systems (including granular materials). The aim of this paper is to discuss whether some microscopic information can be extracted from a quantitative analysis of the `Kovacs hump'. We study analytically two families of theoretical models: domain growth and traps, for which detailed predictions of the shape of the hump can be obtained. Qualitatively, the Kovacs effect reflects the heterogeneity of the system: its description requires to deal not only with averages but with a full probability distribution (of domain sizes or of relaxation times). We end by some suggestions for a quantitative analysis of experimental results.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; revised versio

    On the Adam-Gibbs-Wolynes scenario for the viscosity increase in glasses

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    We reformulate the interpretation of the mean-field glass transition scenario for finite dimensional systems, proposed by Wolynes and collaborators. This allows us to establish clearly a temperature dependent length xi* above which the mean-field glass transition picture has to be modified. We argue in favor of the mosaic state introduced by Wolynes and collaborators, which leads to the Adam-Gibbs relation between the viscosity and configurational entropy of glass forming liquids. Our argument is a mixture of thermodynamics and kinetics, partly inspired by the Random Energy Model: small clusters of particles are thermodynamically frozen in low energy states, whereas large clusters are kinetically frozen by large activation energies. The relevant relaxation time is that of the smallest `liquid' clusters. Some physical consequences are discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Linear and non linear response in the aging regime of the 1D trap model

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    We investigate the behaviour of the response function in the one dimensional trap model using scaling arguments that we confirm by numerical simulations. We study the average position of the random walk at time tw+t given that a small bias h is applied at time tw. Several scaling regimes are found, depending on the relative values of t, tw and h. Comparison with the diffusive motion in the absence of bias allows us to show that the fluctuation dissipation relation is, in this case, valid even in the aging regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 references adde

    Kinase-independent function of RIP1, critical for mature T-cell survival and proliferation.

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    The death receptor, Fas, triggers apoptotic death and is essential for maintaining homeostasis in the peripheral lymphoid organs. RIP1 was originally cloned when searching for Fas-binding proteins and was later shown to associate also with the signaling complex of TNFR1. Although Fas exclusively induces apoptosis, TNFR1 primarily activates the pro-survival/pro-inflammatory NF-κB pathway. Mutations in Fas lead to lymphoproliferative (lpr) diseases, and deletion of TNFR1 results in defective innate immune responses. However, the function of RIP1 in the adult lymphoid system has not been well understood, primarily owing to perinatal lethality in mice lacking the entire RIP1 protein in germ cells. This current study investigated the requirement for RIP1 in the T lineage using viable RIP1 mutant mice containing a conditional and kinase-dead RIP1 allele. Disabling the kinase activity of RIP1 had no obvious impact on the T-cell compartment. However, T-cell-specific deletion of RIP1 led to a severe T-lymphopenic condition, owing to a dramatically reduced mature T-cell pool in the periphery. Interestingly, the immature T-cell compartment in the thymus appeared intact. Further analysis showed that mature RIP1(-/-) T cells were severely defective in antigen receptor-induced proliferative responses. Moreover, the RIP1(-/-) T cells displayed greatly increased death and contained elevated caspase activities, an indication of apoptosis. In total, these results revealed a novel, kinase-independent function of RIP1, which is essential for not only promoting TCR-induced proliferative responses but also in blocking apoptosis in mature T cells