535 research outputs found

    Eco-Zip: Climate-Proofing an International Logistic Hub

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    One of the most significant challenges in urban design today is the adaptation of industrial and logistical areas to climate change. These vast hubs are sites with a high degree of vulnerability concerning management of stormwater and heat waves. However, local planning struggles to develop appropriate tools for these essential structures. The lack of tools disregards climate influence on the future economy and the quality and safety of workplaces. Moreover, intervening in such large areas can increase green and blue systems. The research described in this article reflects on their possible evolution in a climate change mitigation and adaptation scenario from a global perspective, helping to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (8; 9; 11; 13; 15). The study intends to propose the redefinition of the settlement scheme as an adaptation tool. This strategy takes the Industrial Zone of Padova as a test site, and it is developed to reduce risks related to extreme climate events by favouring the action of green infrastructures and, at the same time, exploiting the social and economic opportunities that may emerge from this urban transformation

    Italy Is Fragile: Soil Consumption and Climate Change Combined Effects on Territorial Heritage Maintenance

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    The article looks for relations between growth of expanding cities, number of catastrophes and reduction of inhabitants in inland regions. The study explores these aspects through cartographic readings aimed at highlighting the relationship between soil consumption, the abandonment of peripheral areas, and environmental risks due to floods, landslides and earthquakes. The research analyzes the whole of Italy as a case study between 1990 and 2019 to get an accurate interpretation of the relations between these phenomena. The conclusions alert us to the need to redirect Italy\u2019s development and its resilience projects. The study outlines the need of a re-living plan for Italian inner areas. It would be the only security process really capable of taking care of the territory

    New Urban Languages: Rethinking Urban Ideology in Post-Ideological Times

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    In the last week of June 2014, the Second International Conference New Urban Languages took place in Madrid.While the first conference under this topic, held in Milan in 2013, chose “Reimaging the City after the Knowledge-based Turn” as its motto, the conference in Madrid, “Rethinking Urban Ideology in Post-Ideological Times”, was aimed at reimagining present and future cities through the lense of urban ideologies. Therefore, the two main questions presented during the Conference were: Why do we need to talk about urban ideology now? and What can be understood as urban ideology, what is urban ideology

    Post-earthquake Repositioning in a High-Value Heritage Context

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    This paper examines how a town affected by a catastrophe can be restored by repositioning. We describe how we locally applied a method for building back better with participation. To do it, we merged some already known techniques. We learned three lessons. First, the methodology that we deployed can support a nonconflictive recovery process. Second, the building\u2019s physical forms for the reconstruction according to the preferences of residents must be deeply investigated before proposing a model. Third, a post-disaster recovery plan has several problems in application, and where possible a pre-disaster recovery plan is preferable

    Rethinking planning hierarchy considering climate change as global catastrophe

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    This article proposes overcoming the distinction between the effects of climate change and the effects linked to classical disaster hazards by considering Climate Change as global catastrophe. The theoretical approach to combining the two models has until now greatly emphasized the need for further research, but with poor results. Starting from a new conception of climate change as a catastrophe in progress, the paper proposes a revision of local planning hierarchy in order to give a primary role to risk assessment in every sector of local development

    La città di soglia, uno strumento per unificare l’analisi delle esperienze di rigenerazione urbana.

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    L’esperienza italiana di disastro urbano è notevole: sono frequenti gli eventi che inter- rompono la quotidianità d’una città. Questa situazione, che ha stimolato efficaci riflessioni in ambito di Protezione Civile e di Psicologia dell’Emergenza, non riesce a sortire effetti simili dal punto di vista urbanistico. Dopo decenni d’attesa ci si chiede se il problema non sia anche linguistico-cognitivo: a diffe- renza dei sopraccitati ambiti, l’urbanistica non ha sviluppato un termine per definire lo status della città colpita. Si propone l’introduzione del lemma città di soglia per riconoscere ogni re- altà urbana la cui continuità dello sviluppo sia stata interrotta, in cui sia necessario intervenire per stimolare una ripresa di normali relazioni e scambi. Si propone inoltre di adottare un metodo ermeneutico, che ricerchi questo status attraverso un’analisi del fatto urbano specifico, anziché il classico modello cronologico, inca- pace di rappresentare la specificità del luogo e delle relazioni

    An hermeneutic representation of Beograd after Yugoslavia’s wars. Applying Walter Benjamin's hermeneutic today

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    Our age is situated at the summit of three different trends: an exorbitant increase of the relevance of the city; the capillary diffusion of an almost infinite quantity of images and information; the difficulty of manage urban spaces with a complex and integrated vision. How can these three elements became a potentiality for urban planners in reading and planning a city? Between 1920 and 1939 W. Benjamin analyzed the Paris of half XIX century in it’s images and texts, retracing it’s face in the traces whom lets in Bibliothèque Nationale. Today, using internet, we can accede to an enormous quantity of first hand materials. Is it possible to use Benjamin’s method to gather a constellation of sense that can represent the identity, or the identities, of a space? The aim of this paper is to apply the hermeneutic method to find Beograd’s face after the Yugoslavia’s wars (1992-2002), deepening in particular four categories: the images; the relation with the wares; the biographies; the topographical representation. Is it possible to see a figure? Can this image be useful to understand and orientate the processes and the develop of this city

    Forma urbana, vulnerabilidad e incertidumbre : la complejidad de la forma urbana en relación con la catástrofe

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    Culture is inseparably linked to uncertainty, and thus uncertainty in territories and cities can be observed through the assumption and subsequent response to it, the perception of the probability of a future event, even more than the effective answer to it, so that it is possible to define an hypothesis about the possible approach to the vulnerability of an spatial system through reading the form. By analyzing territories of high objective vulnerability and its cultural insertion in space (Japan, Chile, Indonesia), and by putting into practice a hermeneutic method of how the elements that determine urban form and urban landscape and the set of relationships between them and how they internalize this approach to uncertainty, it is possible to point out how the complexity of urban forms is linked in a singular way to territories of higher uncertainty, and how urban form reproduces its own adaptation to the behavior of the system under catastrophe, it is possible to confirm not only the possibility but the utility of the analysis of vulnerability through the analysis of the urban form.Postprint (published version

    Per una concezione immanente della catastrofe : verso un’ermeneutica dell’emergenza

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    Il paper vuole spostare l’approccio di gestione del rischio da un modello di amministrazione del costruito e soccorso dei civili verso un modello di governo partecipato della salvaguardia delle relazioni e del capitale sociale. A partire da una lettura dell’emergenza come la manifestazione violenta di caratteri propri di uno spazio urbano, e, per questo, riconoscibili anticipatamente, approfondiremo la questione della rimozione del rischio. Attraverso la descrizione dei casi di Bijlmermeer, L’Aquila e New Orleans, vedremo i limiti di un’ideologia del pianificatore come fondatore e salvatore. Sosterremo la necessità di passare da una visione tecnica e professionale a una visione ermeneutica e collettiva della rappresentazione urbana del rischio. Riconosceremo nella tradizione del pensiero ermeneutico un efficace strumento per la mobilitazione dei soggetti chiamati in causa da un evento, chiamandoli a descrivere anticipatamente rischi e potenzialità del loro territorio, preparando così il sistema a rispondere autonomamente. La tesi sostenuta dal paper è che un approccio processuale e laboratoriale alla pianificazione dell’emergenza a livello urbano, che parta da una rappresentazione ermeneutica e collettiva dei rischi e delle risorse, porterebbe notevoli effetti in termini di costruzione di una reale cultura del rischio, aumentando sensibilmente il livello di resilienza di un sistema territoriale.Postprint (author's final draft

    Endothelial properties of third-trimester amniotic fluid stem cells cultured in hypoxia

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    open12siopenSchiavo, Andrea Alex; Franzin, Chiara; Albiero, Mattia; Piccoli, Martina; Spiro, Giovanna; Bertin, Enrica; Urbani, Luca; Visentin, Silvia; Cosmi, Erich; Fadini, Gian Paolo; De Coppi, Paolo; Pozzobon, MichelaSchiavo, ANDREA ALEX; Franzin, Chiara; Albiero, Mattia; Piccoli, Martina; Spiro, Giovanna; Bertin, Enrica; Urbani, Luca; Visentin, Silvia; Cosmi, Erich; Fadini, GIAN PAOLO; DE COPPI, Paolo; Pozzobon, Michel
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