159 research outputs found

    The state of theory in three premier advertising journals : a research note

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    Despite its importance, little is known about the prevalence of theory in the literature on advertising research. Utilising a content analysis of the three premier advertising journals over an 11-year period, it is found that only 17% of articles have made explicit use of theory. Psychology is the discipline from which the greatest number of articles drew their theoretical frameworks, followed by sociology and economics – indeed, theories from marketing and advertising are in the minority. Limitations are noted and implications of the results are discussed.peer-reviewe

    Les formes de la pratique religieuse au Japon : persistance et changement

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    Japan has a number of religious tradition, popular and learned, which have enriched each other over centuries. This forms a religious syncretism with a double axis, buddhist and shintoist. The particularity of this syncretism is that it results more from an accumulation and addition of new elements in view of assimilation that from an attempt of synthesis leading to a new interpretation of the primary sources

    Production et utilisation d’apocryphes à caractùre religieux dans le Japon du xxe siùcle

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    L’article prĂ©sente, Ă  travers l’exemple de plusieurs mouvements religieux qui sont apparus depuis l’époque Meiji (1868-1912), le rĂŽle qu’ont jouĂ© les rĂ©cits apocryphes dans les revendications identitaires et les visions du monde que ces nouvelles religions ont proposĂ©es Ă  leurs disciples, Ă  un moment oĂč l’État japonais combattait les croyances et pratiques religieuses traditionnelles considĂ©rĂ©es comme autant de barriĂšres Ă  l’« ouverture Ă  la civilisation » (bunmei kaika). Face Ă  ces religions d’essence millĂ©nariste, l’État oppose une spiritualitĂ© nouvelle centrĂ©e autour de la figure de l’Empereur, reprĂ©sentant sur terre de la divinitĂ© ancestrale Amaterasu Ômikami. Les Ă©crits apocryphes alimentent de fait une tension permanente entre la crĂ©ation de rĂ©cits d’origine incompatibles avec les mythes nationaux, et un ultra nationalisme qui invente une histoire falsifiĂ©e et donne au Japon impĂ©rial un droit Ă  gouverner le monde. Ils posent, plus largement, le problĂšme d’un nationalisme culturel qui perdure parmi les nouvelles religions japonaises d’aujourd’hui, dont certaines jouent de ces « traditions inventĂ©es » pour revendiquer un universalisme conquĂ©rant.By exploring the case of several religious movements that appeared during the Meiji era (1868-1912), the article introduces the role played by apocryphal writings in shaping the claims about identity and world view that these new religions fostered among their disciples at a time when the Japanese state opposed traditional religious creeds and practices, considering them obstacles to “an opening to civilization” (bunmei kaika). Facing these intrinsically millenarian religions, the State propounded a new spirituality focused on the figure of the Emperor, who embodied the ancestral divinity Amaterasu Ômikami on earth. Apocryphal writings in fact generated a permanent tension between the creation of origin narratives incompatible with national myths and a radical nationalism which produced a distorted version of history that gave Imperial Japan the right to rule the world. More generally, this poses the problem of a cultural nationalism among today’s Japanese religions, some of which call on these “invented traditions” in order to promote universal conquest

    Bernard Frank, Amour, colĂšre, couleur. Essais sur le bouddhisme au Japon

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    Bernard Frank, Amour, colĂšre, couleur. Essais sur le bouddhisme au Japon

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    Les nouvelles voies spirituelles au Japon : état des lieux et mutations de la religiosité

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    À partir de la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© des annĂ©es soixante-dix, l’émergence de formes nouvelles de croyances et de pratiques religieuses dans la sociĂ©tĂ© japonaise, a relativisĂ© la distinction communĂ©ment admise entre « religions historiques », « nouvelles religions » et « croyances populaires ». La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  offrir un Ă©tat des lieux de ces religiositĂ©s, et Ă  dresser le tableau en « fondu-enchaĂźné » d’un univers religieux Ă  l’intĂ©rieur duquel le syncrĂ©tisme shinto-bouddhique s’est trouvĂ© enrichi de rĂ©fĂ©rences qui s’appuient sur des traditions jusqu’ici peu explicitĂ©es, voire Ă©trangĂšres au fonds religieux national.Ces mouvements spirituels marquants ne doivent cependant pas faire oublier le constant processus de rĂ©interprĂ©tation et de revitalisation du religieux traditionnel qui continue d’alimenter la mutation religieuse actuelle, et qui rend le cas japonais digne d’intĂ©rĂȘt. C’est cette double orientation que les auteurs ont essayĂ© de formaliser.From the second half of the seventies, new manifestations of religious beliefs and practices in contemporary Japanese society have relativized the commonly used distinction between “historical religions”, “new religions” and “popular beliefs”. The present article aims at offering a picture of these religiosities and at drawing up an inventory of a religious universe in which shinto-buddhist syncretism has been enriched by new elements, until recently not clarified or even foreign to the national religious background. However, these new spirituals movements must not refrain us to remember the constant process of reinterpretation and reinvention of traditional religiosity that continues to feed the actual religious changes, and that makes the Japanese case worthy to study. This is this twofold orientation that the authors of the article have tried to formalize.A partir de la segunda mitad de los años 70, la apariciĂłn de nuevas formas de creencias y de prĂĄcticas religiosas en la sociedad japonesa obligĂ© a relativizar la distinciĂłn comĂșn que se admite entre ‘religiones histĂłricas’, ‘nuevas religiones’ y ‘creencias populares’. El presente estudio intenta ofrecer un panorama de estas religio-sidades y construir un cuadro de tipo ‘fundido-enlace’ de un universo religioso en el seno del cual el sincretismo shinto-bĂ»dico se vio enriquecido por referencias surgidas de tradiciones que estaban hasta la fecha poco explicitadas o eran extranjeras al fondo religioso nacional. Estos movimientos espirituales significativos no deben por lo tanto hacer olvidar el proceso constante de reinterpretaciĂłn y de revitalizaciĂŽn del religioso tradicional, que sigue alimentando la mutaciĂłn religioso actual, y que hace del caso japonĂ©s un caso de mucho interĂ©s. Los autores trataron de formalizarlo en esta doble orientaciĂłn

    L’univers du pùlerinage des malades à Lourdes (Rurudo shîbyîsha junrei no sekai)

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    L’univers du pĂšlerinage des malades Ă  Lourdes, tirĂ© de la thĂšse de l’auteure, a obtenu l’annĂ©e de sa parution (2006), le prix franco-japonais Shibusawa-Claudel. BoursiĂšre du gouvernement japonais en France de 1991 Ă  1995, l’auteure a soutenu en 1993 un DEA d’Histoire et Civilisations Ă  l’École des hautes Ă©tudes en sciences sociales, intitulé : « La place des malades au sanctuaire de Lourdes : 1874-1977 » dirigĂ© par AndrĂ© Godin et Philippe Boutry. Ce mĂ©moire annonçait dĂ©jĂ  les prĂ©misses de l’o..

    Cushing's Syndrome and Fetal Features Resurgence in Adrenal Cortex–Specific Prkar1a Knockout Mice

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    Carney complex (CNC) is an inherited neoplasia syndrome with endocrine overactivity. Its most frequent endocrine manifestation is primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), a bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia causing pituitary-independent Cushing's syndrome. Inactivating mutations in PRKAR1A, a gene encoding the type 1 α-regulatory subunit (R1α) of the cAMP–dependent protein kinase (PKA) have been found in 80% of CNC patients with Cushing's syndrome. To demonstrate the implication of R1α loss in the initiation and development of PPNAD, we generated mice lacking Prkar1a specifically in the adrenal cortex (AdKO). AdKO mice develop pituitary-independent Cushing's syndrome with increased PKA activity. This leads to autonomous steroidogenic genes expression and deregulated adreno-cortical cells differentiation, increased proliferation and resistance to apoptosis. Unexpectedly, R1α loss results in improper maintenance and centrifugal expansion of cortisol-producing fetal adrenocortical cells with concomitant regression of adult cortex. Our data provide the first in vivo evidence that loss of R1α is sufficient to induce autonomous adrenal hyper-activity and bilateral hyperplasia, both observed in human PPNAD. Furthermore, this model demonstrates that deregulated PKA activity favors the emergence of a new cell population potentially arising from the fetal adrenal, giving new insight into the mechanisms leading to PPNAD
