110 research outputs found

    Donor characteristics and the allocation of aid to climate mitigation finance

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    We make use of a panel dataset of 22 donor countries from 1998 to 2009 to examine the links between donor characteristics and the share of overseas development assistance allocated to climate mitigation finance. We find that donors with a larger green domestic budget tend to allocate a smaller portion of overseas aid to mitigation finance (possibly as a result of a competing interest between spending on domestic environmental projects and international climate projects). The opposite holds for donor countries with better institutions (governance) that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol. We also find important discrepancies when comparing the effects of donor characteristics on committed versus disbursed mitigation finance (as a share of aid). For the latter, only commitment to the Kyoto Protocol appears to be of high statistical significance

    Understanding Democracy and Development Traps Using a Data-Driven Approach

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    Methods from machine learning and data science are becoming increasingly important in the social sciences, providing powerful new ways of identifying statistical relationships in large data sets. However, these relationships do not necessarily offer an understanding of the processes underlying the data. To address this problem, we have developed a method for fitting nonlinear dynamical systems models to data related to social change. Here, we use this method to investigate how countries become trapped at low levels of socioeconomic development. We identify two types of traps. The first is a democracy trap, where countries with low levels of economic growth and/or citizen education fail to develop democracy. The second trap is in terms of cultural values, where countries with low levels of democracy and/or life expectancy fail to develop emancipative values. We show that many key developing countries, including India and Egypt, lie near the border of these development traps, and we investigate the time taken for these nations to transition toward higher democracy and socioeconomic well-being

    Multi-Layered Films Containing a Biomimetic Stimuli-Responsive Recombinant Protein

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    Electrostatic self-assembly was used to fabricate new smart multi-layer coatings, using a recombinant elastin-like polymer (ELP) and chitosan as the counterion macromolecule. The ELP was bioproduced, purified and its purity and expected molecular weight were assessed. Aggregate size measurements, obtained by light scattering of dissolved ELP, were performed as a function of temperature and pH to assess the smart properties of the polymer. The build-up of multi-layered films containing ELP and chitosan, using a layer-by-layer methodology, was followed by quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. Atomic force microscopy analysis permitted to demonstrate that the topography of the multi-layered films could respond to temperature. This work opens new possibilities for the use of ELPs in the fabrication of biodegradable smart coatings and films, offering new platforms in biotechnology and in the biomedical area

    Detection of codon 12 K- ras mutations in non-neoplastic mucosa from bronchial carina in patients with lung adenocarcinomas

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    K- ras activation by point mutation in codon 12 has been reported in lung adenocarcinomas in various models of experimental lung tumours induced by chemical carcinogens. The hypothesis of the presence of cells containing K- ras mutation in non neoplastic bronchial carina, the main site of impaction of airborne contaminants, was investigated by evaluating concurrent lung tumour and non-neoplastic proximal bronchial carinae from 19 patients with lung adenocarcinomas. The restriction fragment length polymorphism enriched PCR method used can detect one mutant allele among 103normal alleles. A mutation was detected in 42% of lung adenocarcinoma samples. No mutation was detected in either tumour or bronchial carinae in nine patients (47%). K- ras mutation was detected in the lung tumour but not in bronchial carinae in four patients (21%), in both the lung tumour and bronchial carinae in four other patients (21%). In two patients (11%), K- ras mutation was detected in at least one bronchial carina, but not in the lung tumour. Mutations of codon 12, confirmed by sequencing analysis of ten samples, were G to T transversion, mostly TGT and GTT in bronchial carinae and lung tumours. Our data show that activated K- ras by point mutation can be present in non-neoplastic bronchial carina mucosa even when no mutation is detected in tumour samples. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Nodular Worm Infection in Wild Chimpanzees in Western Uganda: A Risk for Human Health?

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    This study focused on Oeosophagostomum sp., and more especially on O. bifurcum, as a parasite that can be lethal to humans and is widespread among humans and monkeys in endemic regions, but has not yet been documented in apes. Its epidemiology and the role played by non-human primates in its transmission are still poorly understood. O. stephanostomum was the only species diagnosed so far in chimpanzees. Until recently, O. bifurcum was assumed to have a high zoonotic potential, but recent findings tend to demonstrate that O. bifurcum of non-human primates and humans might be genetically distinct. As the closest relative to human beings, and a species living in spatial proximity to humans in the field site studied, Pan troglodytes is thus an interesting host to investigate. Recently, a role for chimpanzees in the emergence of HIV and malaria in humans has been documented. In the framework of our long-term health monitoring of wild chimpanzees from Kibale National Park in Western Uganda, we analysed 311 samples of faeces. Coproscopy revealed that high-ranking males are more infected than other individuals. These chimpanzees are also the more frequent crop-raiders. Results from PCR assays conducted on larvae and dried faeces also revealed that O. stephanostomum as well as O. bifurcum are infecting chimpanzees, both species co-existing in the same individuals. Because contacts between humans and great apes are increasing with ecotourism and forest fragmentation in areas of high population density, this paper emphasizes that the presence of potential zoonotic parasites should be viewed as a major concern for public health. Investigations of the parasite status of people living around the park or working inside as well as sympatric non-human primates should be planned, and further research might reveal this as a promising aspect of efforts to reinforce measures against crop-raiding

    Fragile finance: The revenue models of oppositional news outlets in repressive regimes

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    For journalists promoting the free flow of information in repressive or restrictive media environments, the issue of financial sustainability is complex. Both media in exile (out-of-country news outlets feeding independent information into the country of origin) and news outlets in restrictive news environments (in-country providing counter-information) exist in flawed market situations and often rely on grant funding. This is the first academic study of the revenue streams of these media, providing scarce empirical data and a typology of funding structures of these media. This article examines three main revenue categories: grant funding, earned income and donations. The major factors influencing revenue streams compared to online media startups in open markets are discussed. The article finds significant barriers to revenue creation and identifies the need for alternative approaches, particularly partnerships, to promote economic resilience for media under threat

    Accouplement, période d'incubation et premiers stades larvaires de Brachyptera braueri et de Perlodes microcephalus (Plecoptera)

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    Le mâle de Brachyptera braueri introduit d'abord son épiprocte dans le vagin. Après une longue phase de stimulation, il dépose un spermatophore externe. Chez les Brachyptera, il existe une corrélation interspécifique entre la longueur des filaments de l'épiprocte et du flagelle du paraprocte droit des mâles et la longueur du canal du réceptacle séminal des femelles. Les oeufs de B. braueri éclosent au bout de trois à sept semaines. Ceux de Perlodes microcephalus éclosent soit deux à cinq mois après la ponte, soit un an après. La chétotaxie des premiers stades larvaires des deux espèces est décrite et figurée en détail. Les transformations évolutives du stade I et de l'adulte montrent un curieux parallélisme, à la fois pour les cerques des Nemouroidea et les pièces buccales des Subulipalpia

    Régimes alimentaires et pièces buccales de quelques Perlodidae et Perlidae des Pyrénées [Plecoptera]

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    La part prise par les aliments végétaux décroît dans la série Arcynopteryx -Isoperla - Périodes - Perla et Dinocras. Des différences morphologiques sont liées à cette évolution. Les régimes alimentaires des Isoperla, Perla et Dinocras varient au cours de la vie larvaire. Les relations entre la taille du prédateur et celle des proies sont plus nettes pour les Baetis que pour les Chironomides. Pour les Chironomides, elles sont de plus en plus marquées dans la série Arcynopteryx - Isoperla - Perlidae
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