1,978 research outputs found

    The Value of Discretion

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    [Excerpt] In Shakespeare’s Henry IV, the lazy and lecherous Sir John Falstaff is attacked during battle, falls to the ground, and feigns his death. Falstaff attempts to justify his act of cowardice by explaining: “The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have sav’d my life.” By exercising his “discretion” to fake his death, Falstaff rationalizes that he is free to live to fight another day. There is little to be lauded in Falstaff’s distorted worldview. Yet, employers may find something illuminating in Falstaff’s value of “discretion.” Employers can forego paying minimum wages and overtime compensation if their employees qualify under one of many exemptions provided for under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or its state counterparts. The most commonly invoked of these exemptions — the administrative exemption — requires that employees exercise “discretion and independent judgment” in the performance of their primary job duties

    Revista española de pedagogía

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras claves también en españolEl objetivo del trabajo es ofrecer una reflexión acerca de la necesidad de re-pensar la profesionalidad de los docentes y del itinerario formativo, a la luz los cambios y transformaciones del siglo XXI (crisis, en sentido etimológico). En efecto, se identifican una serie de cambios, de transformaciones, que afectan directamente a la comprensión del docente, del enseñante. Entre otros: la transformación del trabajo vinculada a los procesos de la globalización económica y la transformación de los entornos de aprendizaje imbuidos en las TICs (Tecnología de la Educación y la Información); el aumento de la población, la transformación demográfica con trascendencia geopolítica; y por último, y como confluencia de las dos anteriores, el aumento de los flujos migratorios. El trabajo trata de reconceptualizar la formación de los profesores y de la imagen como. Se proponen y se explican algunas categorías que ayudan a la actualización de la docencia, tales como: la autoridad (como prestigio o autoridad moral, ejemplo, y no tanto como mero ejercicio del poder), la personalización de la enseñanza, la trascendencia de la comunidad de origen (a la sociedad) y por último, la alternancia entre escuela y sociedad, trabajo y estudio.ES

    The LifeV library: engineering mathematics beyond the proof of concept

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    LifeV is a library for the finite element (FE) solution of partial differential equations in one, two, and three dimensions. It is written in C++ and designed to run on diverse parallel architectures, including cloud and high performance computing facilities. In spite of its academic research nature, meaning a library for the development and testing of new methods, one distinguishing feature of LifeV is its use on real world problems and it is intended to provide a tool for many engineering applications. It has been actually used in computational hemodynamics, including cardiac mechanics and fluid-structure interaction problems, in porous media, ice sheets dynamics for both forward and inverse problems. In this paper we give a short overview of the features of LifeV and its coding paradigms on simple problems. The main focus is on the parallel environment which is mainly driven by domain decomposition methods and based on external libraries such as MPI, the Trilinos project, HDF5 and ParMetis. Dedicated to the memory of Fausto Saleri.Comment: Review of the LifeV Finite Element librar

    Per una prospettiva comparata dell'emigrazione nazifascista dopo la seconda guerra mondiale

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    How to define the nazifascist migration after WW2: ratline for few war criminals or mass migration

    18F-FDG PET/CT demonstrated renal and hepatic cyst infection in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Infection of renal or hepatic cyst is a serious complication of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and early diagnosis is crucial for the correct management. We report a case of 64-year-old male with ADPKD, who required renal transplantation some years before, with recent recurrent episodes of fever and abdominal pain, who underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT twice at 18 months intervals, after not conclusive conventional imaging studies (CT, ultrasonography). 18F-FDG PET/CT has proven to be a useful method for the diagnosis of renal and hepatic cyst infection in a patient with ADPKD and for the subse­quent management

    Incidental thyroid Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP) uptake in a patient affected by polynodular goiter at bone scintigraphy

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    Incidental extraosseous uptake seen on Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP) bone scan is not unusual. We discuss here an incidental thyroid uptake in a 55-year-old female patient affected by breast cancer treated by total mastectomy, who underwent total body bone scintigraphy as a staging study. In the positron emission tomography era, traditional nuclear medicine imaging still has an important role in the diagnostic field, and incidental findings may be very useful in patient management, revealing unknown diseases and allowing correct therapeutic decisions

    Derrotados ou emigrantes? Memórias de fascistas italianos na Argentina e no Brasil Pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial

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    Ao término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos fascistas emigraram para a Argentina e ao Brasil. O presente artigo analisa diferentes memórias dos que emigraram buscando entender como esses elaboraram o seu passado político nos dois novos países; conclui-se que alguns dos novos imigrantes começaram a fazer parte de associações italianas de mútuo socorro e se empenharam em reforçar as instituições que possuíam identidades com grupos de conacionais, principalmente as escolas, em Buenos Aires e São Paulo; outros preferiram uma relação mais nostálgica com ex-companheiros emigrantes no interior de associações de Veteranos de Guerra; uma minoria, enfim, preferiu esquecer completamente o que se passou