19 research outputs found

    Preliminary investigations into the effect of feeding mannan oligosaccharide(MOS) on the genotoxic effect of T-2 toxin in rabbits measured by comet assay

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    T-2 toxin is a secondary fungal metabolite produced by Fusarium species. Several in vitro and in vivo studies described genotoxic potential of T-2 toxin, which is generally accepted to be caused by oxidative stress. There are some data showing that colonic probiotic bacteria can remove mycotoxins via physical binding. Mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) are widely used animal feed to improve gastrointestinal health. Because of their interaction with microbes, the aim of our study was to determine the possible protective effect of MOS in T-2 toxicosis. Sucking rabbits were randomly assigned into two experimental groups, the control (C, n = 20) and the prebiotic (P, n = 20) group. In group P the feed of the does was completed with MOS. The young rabbits were allowed to consume the feed of the does from about the 17th days of age. The rabbits were weaned on the 35th day. At 7 weeks of age both groups (C and P) were divided into two (n = 10 in each), and half of the C and P rabbits were fed with the same diet as before, but contaminated with 2 mg/kg feed T-2 toxin (groups CT and PT). The animals were fed the toxin containing diet for the duration of 21 days. At the end of the 10th week blood samples were collected from 6 animals from group C, CT and PT. Mononuclear cells obtained from the rabbits were tested in comet assay to detect the genotoxic effect of T-2. All control samples (C) were negative in the test, i.e. all cells were scored as ‘0’. T-2 toxin in 2 mg/kg feed concentration had genotoxic effect on the rabbits’ lymphocytes, as could be concluded from the comet values. MOS supplementation in the feed had significant protective effect against T-2 as seen by the lower comet score frequencies compared to T-2 treated animals. These results demonstrate that MOS may reduce risk associated with the uptake of mycotoxins probably by their binding capacity or antioxidative properties


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    T-2 toxin is the most acutely toxic trichothecene mycotoxin: it inhibits protein, DNA and RNA synthesis. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the rate of DNA damage caused by T-2 toxin in porcine mononuclear cells in increasing concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 μmol) and after two different incubation periods (24 and 42 h). The lowest concentration caused DNA damage and about 50% of the treated cells could be categorised as having 1 to 4 scores in comet assay. In parallel with the increase of T-2 toxin concentration, the frequency of intact lymphocytes decreased from 50.2% (0.1 μM) to 36.3% (1.0 μM) in the first 24 h. In case of score 3, the highest concentration of T-2 toxin resulted in a 5-fold change, as compared to the lowest dose. Cells with score 4 were found only after exposure to 1.0 μM T-2 toxin. The exposure time did not have a significant effect on the results, while concentration did (P < 0.0001). However, a significant interaction between concentration and time as fixed factors (P < 0.0001) was found. When these were combined as a single factor, the results showed a significant toxin treatment effect on the results. It was concluded that a time- and dose-dependent DNA damaging effect of T-2 toxin could be demonstrated using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy pigs by comet assay

    Hepatitis C-vírus-fertőzés és hepatocarcinogenesis = Hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Absztrakt: A hepatitis C-vírus (HCV) megközelítőleg 4 millió új fertőzést okoz évente, és 399 000 beteg hal meg a fertőzés következtében kialakuló szövődmények, cirrhosis és hepatocellularis carcinoma (HCC) miatt. Idült HCV-fertőzésben a mikrokörnyezeti változások, a fertőzés kiváltotta idült gyulladás, az oxidatív stressz és az endoplazmás reticulum stressz genetikai, epigenetikai változásokon keresztül évtizedek alatt vezethetnek primer májrák kialakulásához. A HCV direkt hepatocarcinogen tulajdonsága ismert. Négy HCV-fehérje (core, NS3, NS4B, NS5A) transzformációs tulajdonsága bizonyított. A hatékony antivirális kezelés, a tartós vírusválasz elérése a HCV okozta máj-, valamint a nem májeredetű halálozást csökkenti. Az interferonalapú antivirális kezelés a HCC előfordulását csökkenti. A direkt ható antivirális szerek (DAA) előnye a nagyobb arányú tartós vírusválasz, a kevesebb mellékhatás, valamint a rövidebb terápiás időtartam. Az elmúlt néhány évben közlemények jelentek meg, amelyek a DAA-kezelések nem várt hatásairól számoltak be. A szerzők ismertetik a DAA-kezelésekben a HCC előfordulását vizsgáló tanulmányok eredményeit. A kérdés pontos eldöntésére további prospektív, multicentrikus vizsgálatok, hosszabb követési időszakok, a kontrollcsoportok pontos kiválasztása szükséges. A vírusellenes kezelés befejezése után is kiemelkedő jelentőségű a HCC-surveillance, amelyet a rendszeres (3–6–12 havonta végzett) hasi UH-vizsgálat jelent, még a sikeresen kezelt betegeknél is. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(22): 846–853. | Abstract: Hepatitis C virus infection causes approximately 4 million new infections worldwide, and 399 000 deaths due to its complications, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Microenvironmental changes, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress caused by HCV infection, via genetic and epigenetic changes can result in primary liver cancer during decades. The direct oncogenic property of HCV is wellknown. The transforming effect of four HCV proteins (core, NS3, NS4B, NS5A) has been proven. Effective antiviral therapy, sustained viral response decreases the HCV-related general and liver-related mortality. Interferon-based therapy reduces the risk of HCC development. Shorter therapy with direct acting antiviral agents (DAA) has higher efficacy, fewer side-effects. Publications have reported the unexpected effects of DAA. The authors review the articles focusing on the occurrence of HCC in connection with DAA therapies. There is a need for prospective, multicentric studies with longer follow-up to examine the risk of HCC formation. After antiviral therapy, HCC surveillance is of high importance which means abdominal ultrasound every 3–6–12 months in sustained viral response patients as well. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(22): 846–853

    Impact of aging on calcium influx and potassium channel characteristics of T lymphocytes

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    Adaptive immunity and T cell function are affected by aging. Calcium influx patterns, regulated by Kv1.3 and IKCa1 potassium channels, influence T cell activation. We aimed to compare calcium influx kinetics in CD8, Th1 and Th2 cells in human peripheral blood samples obtained from five different age groups (cord blood, 10-15 ys, 25-40 ys, 45-55 ys, 60-75 ys).We measured calcium influx using flow cytometry in samples treated with or without specific inhibitors of Kv1.3 and IKCa1 channels (MGTX and TRAM, respectively).Calcium influx was higher in Th1 cells of adults, however, its extent decreased again with aging. Importantly, these changes were not detected in Th2 cells, where the pattern of calcium influx kinetics is similar throughout all investigated age groups. MGTX had a more pronounced inhibitory effect on calcium influx in Th2 cells, while in Th1 cells the same was true for TRAM in the 25-40 ys and 45-55 ys groups. Calcium influx of CD8 cells were inhibited to a similar extent by both applied inhibitors in these groups, and had no effect in the elderly.Altered lymphocyte potassium channel inhibitory patterns, regulators of calcium influx kinetics, might contribute to the development of age-related changes of T cell function

    Significant changes in advanced lung cancer survival during the past decade in Hungary: impact of modern immunotherapy and the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ObjectiveThe approval of immunotherapy (I-O) for the treatment of late-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) opened new perspectives in improving survival outcomes. However, survival data have not yet been provided from the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aims of our study were to assess and compare survival outcomes of patients with advanced LC receiving systemic anticancer treatment (SACT) before and after the approval of immunotherapy in Hungary, and to examine the impact of pandemic on survival outcomes using data from the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) database.MethodsThis retrospective, longitudinal study included patients aged ≥20 years who were diagnosed with advanced stage lung cancer (LC) (ICD-10 C34) between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2021 and received SACT treatment without LC-related surgery. Survival rates were evaluated by year of diagnosis, sex, age, and LC histology.ResultsIn total, 35,416 patients were newly diagnosed with advanced LC and received SACT during the study period (mean age at diagnosis: 62.1–66.3 years). In patients with non-squamous cell carcinoma, 3-year survival was significantly higher among those diagnosed in 2019 vs. 2011–2012 (28.7% [95% CI: 26.4%–30.9%] vs. 14.45% [95% CI: 13.21%–15.69%], respectively). In patients with squamous cell carcinoma, 3-year survival rates were 22.3% (95% CI: 19.4%–25.2%) and 13.37% (95% CI: 11.8%–15.0%) in 2019 and 2011–2012, respectively, the change was statistically significant. Compared to 2011–2012, the hazard ratio of survival change for non-squamous cell carcinoma patients was 0.91, 0.82, and 0.62 in 2015–2016, 2017–2018, and 2019, respectively (p&lt;0.001 for all cases). In the squamous cell carcinoma group, corresponding hazard ratios were 0.93, 0.87, and 0.78, respectively (p&lt;0.001 for all cases). Survival improvements remained significant in both patient populations during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020–2021). No significant improvements were found in the survival of patients with small cell carcinoma. Platinum-based chemotherapy was the most common first-line treatment in all diagnostic periods, however, the proportion of patients receiving first- or second-line immunotherapy significantly increased during the study period.Conclusion3-year survival rates of NSCLC almost doubled among patients with non-squamous cell carcinoma and significantly improved at squamous cell carcinoma over the past decade in Hungary. Improvements could potentially be attributable by the introduction of immunotherapy and were not offset by the Covid-19 pandemic

    Opposite trends in incidence of breast cancer in young and old female cohorts in Hungary and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: a nationwide study between 2011–2020

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    BackgroundThis nationwide study examined breast cancer (BC) incidence and mortality rates in Hungary between 2011–2019, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incidence and mortality rates in 2020 using the databases of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Central Statistical Office (CSO) of Hungary.MethodsOur nationwide, retrospective study included patients who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer (International Codes of Diseases ICD)-10 C50) between Jan 1, 2011 and Dec 31, 2020. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates (ASRs) were calculated using European Standard Populations (ESP).Results7,729 to 8,233 new breast cancer cases were recorded in the NHIF database annually, and 3,550 to 4,909 all-cause deaths occurred within BC population per year during 2011-2019 period, while 2,096 to 2,223 breast cancer cause-specific death was recorded (CSO). Age-standardized incidence rates varied between 116.73 and 106.16/100,000 PYs, showing a mean annual change of -0.7% (95% CI: -1.21%–0.16%) and a total change of -5.41% (95% CI: -9.24 to -1.32). Age-standardized mortality rates varied between 26.65–24.97/100,000 PYs (mean annual change: -0.58%; 95% CI: -1.31–0.27%; p=0.101; total change: -5.98%; 95% CI: -13.36–2.66). Age-specific incidence rates significantly decreased between 2011 and 2019 in women aged 50–59, 60–69, 80–89, and ≥90 years (-8.22%, -14.28%, -9.14%, and -36.22%, respectively), while it increased in young females by 30.02% (95%CI 17,01%- 51,97%) during the same period. From 2019 to 2020 (in first COVID-19 pandemic year), breast cancer incidence nominally decreased by 12% (incidence rate ratio [RR]: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.69–1.13; 2020 vs. 2019), all-cause mortality nominally increased by 6% (RR: 1.06; 95% CI: 0.79–1.43) among breast cancer patients, and cause-specific mortality did not change (RR: 1.00; 95%CI: 0.86–1.15).ConclusionThe incidence of breast cancer significantly decreased in older age groups (≥50 years), oppositely increased among young females between 2011 and 2019, while cause-specific mortality in breast cancer patients showed a non-significant decrease. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a nominal, but not statistically significant, 12% decrease in breast cancer incidence, with no significant increase in cause-specific breast cancer mortality observed during 2020

    A tanulási zavar és az emocionális zavarok összefüggései

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    Dolgozatomban - ahogyan már a cím is sejteti - a tanulási zavarral küzdő gyermekek kapták a központi szerepet

    A kutya kommunikációja, mint motiváló erő

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    Kiskorom óta életem részét képezik a kutyák. Mindig is nagy érdeklődéssel fordultam feléjük, folyamatosan megfigyeltem őket és rengeteg időt töltöttem el társaságukban. Mióta pedig kutyakozmetikusként dolgozom, nemcsak hobbiként tudok velük foglalkozni, hanem hivatásként is. Egyik barátnőm mesélt nekem arról, hogy ő önkéntes felvezetőként tevékenykedik a SANSZ Alapítványnál. Abban a pillanatban tudtam, hogy a szakdolgozatomban a terápiás kutyákkal szeretnék foglalkozni. Ezen kívül azért is választottam ezt a témát, mert napjainkban egyre nagyobb figyelmet kapnak ezek a háziállatok. Az utóbbi években jelentősen megváltozott a funkciójuk. Háziasításukat követően birtokot őriztek, terelték a nyájat, vagy a gazdáikat segítették vadászat közben, manapság szinte családtagként, barátként vannak jelen az emberek mindennapi életében. Mindezen túl egyfajta gyógyító, fejlesztő erejét is elkezdték kamatoztatni. Így azt gondolom, hogy hozzám nagyon közel áll ez a téma, emellett aktualitása is számottevő. Hipotézisem, hogy a kutya az egyik legjobb motivációs eszköz a fejlődésre, a gyógyulásra, depresszióra, valamint a társadalomba való visszailleszkedésre, és segít megtalálni a kommunikációs „utat” két ember között. Továbbá szakdolgozatom hivatott bebizonyítani, hogy az egészségügy az állatasszisztált terápia módszerével gyorsabban képes ugyanazokat az eredményeket elérni, mint nélküle, valamint, hogy a levizsgázott kutyák segítségével ki lehet kerülni a drága és egészségre ártalmas gyógyszereket. Végezetül pedig igazolnom azt a feltevésemet is, hogy az ezzel foglalkozó szervezeteknek kimagaslóan fontos szerepe van a terápiás foglalkozások megszervezésében és az állatok levizsgáztatásában. Meglátásom szerint, ezt a munkát a magyar emberek többsége elismeri, megbecsüli és honorálja. Dolgozatomban kommunikációs szempontok alapján fogom körbejárni az állatasszisztált terápia módszerét. Igyekszem rávilágítani a kutya és az ember közötti interakció jelentőségére, akadályaira és eszközeire és bemutatom részletesen a segítő kutyákat, valamint azok képzését, vizsgáztatását és motiváló erejét. Kidomborítom azokat a tulajdonságokat, amitől az egyes kutyafajták megfelelővé vállnak ahhoz, hogy kiképezzék és alkalmazzák őket a terápiák során. Bemutatom azokat a debreceni szervezeteket, melyek már évek óta tevékenykednek ezen a területen. Empirikus kutatásom során terepmunkát végzek és interjúkat készítek a Segít A Négylábúak Szeretete (SANSZ) Alapítvány vezetőjével, Ármós Ibolyával, kuratóriumi tagjával, Lévainé Kápolnási Ibolyával, egyfajta menedzserével, Ármós Jánossal, önkéntes felvezetőjével Szakály Dorottyával, valamint habilitációs kutyakiképzőjével, Ullaga Andreával, akiknek ezúton is szeretném megköszönni, hogy a rendelkezésemre állnak. A szakdolgozatom utolsó részeiben pedig, megvizsgálom a kutyaterápia hatásait majd lehetséges jövőjét Magyarországon.BSc/BAkommunikáció- és médiatudományB