342 research outputs found

    Transitions between homophilic and heterophilic modes of cooperation

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    Cooperation is ubiquitous in biological and social systems. Previous studies revealed that a preference toward similar appearance promotes cooperation, a phenomenon called tag-mediated cooperation or communitarian cooperation. This effect is enhanced when a spatial structure is incorporated, because space allows agents sharing an identical tag to regroup to form locally cooperative clusters. In spatially distributed settings, one can also consider migration of organisms, which has a potential to further promote evolution of cooperation by facilitating spatial clustering. However, it has not yet been considered in spatial tag-mediated cooperation models. Here we show, using computer simulations of a spatial model of evolutionary games with organismal migration, that tag-based segregation and homophilic cooperation arise for a wide range of parameters. In the meantime, our results also show another evolutionarily stable outcome, where a high level of heterophilic cooperation is maintained in spatially well-mixed patterns. We found that these two different forms of tag-mediated cooperation appear alternately as the parameter for temptation to defect is increased.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International Conference

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    The 11th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2014 (DCAI 2014) is a forum to present applications of innovative techniques for studying and solving complex problems. The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians from both the academic and industrial sector is essential to facilitate the development of systems that can meet the ever-increasing demands of today’s society. The present edition brings together past experience, current work and promising future trends associated with distributed computing, artificial intelligence and their application in order to provide efficient solutions to real problems. This year’s technical program presents both high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research (Algeria, Brazil, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom), representing a truly “wide area network” of research activity. DCAI'14 Special Sessions have been a very useful tool in order to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest to the participating community. Special Sessions that emphasize on multi-disciplinary and transversal aspects, such as AI-driven methods for Multimodal Networks and Processes Modeling and Multi-Agents Macroeconomics have been especially encouraged and welcome. This symposium is organized by the Bioinformatics, Intelligent System and Educational Technology Research Group of the University of Salamanca. The present edition was held in Salamanca, Spain, from 4th to 6th June 2014

    Informaticawetenschappen in het leerplichtonderwijs

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    Dit standpunt bepleit en beargumenteert de noodzaak om elke jongere een opleiding informaticawetenschappen aan te bieden die toelaat om ’informaticavaardig’ te worden. Informaticavaardigheid gaat verder dan louter ‘digitale geletterdheid’, en houdt ook in dat de jongere in staat moet zijn ‘computationeel’ te denken. Computers zijn onmisbaar geworden, zowel in het professionele leven als in de privésfeer. Om de technologische evolutie te kunnen volgen is het van groot belang dat alle jongeren niet alleen de bestaande technologie leren gebruiken, maar ook de onderliggende werking leren begrijpen. Om de technologische evolutie te kunnen sturen, is het nodig dat voldoende jongeren in staat en gemotiveerd zijn om nieuwe technologie te creëren. Om deze doelstellingen te realiseren, dient het onderwijs van de informatica in het leerplichtonderwijs grondig hervormd te worden. In het basis- en secundair onderwijs dient een basisopleiding informaticawetenschappen opgenomen te worden, waarop in specifieke STEM richtingen voortgebouwd wordt. Een nieuw leerprogramma, goed opgeleide leraars en een goede informatica-infrastructuur zijn broodnodig. Ons leerplichtonderwijs is de belangrijkste actor om volgende generaties voor te bereiden op het leven, zowel professioneel als privé. De digitalisering van onze maatschappij kan haar voordelen alleen waarmaken als het onderwijs aangepast is aan deze digitale realiteit. Informatica- wetenschappen is een autonome wetenschap geworden met haar eigen manier van denken, en haar eigen basisbegrippen, te vergelijken met wiskunde, natuurkunde, en andere wetenschap- pen, die haar plaats in het onderwijs verdient. Het moet duidelijk zijn dat het hier niet gaat over het onderwijs van de traditionele vakken met de steun van informaticahulpmiddelen maar wel over de informaticawetenschappen zelf als vormend vak. Dit standpunt kwam tot stand binnen een werkgroep, opgericht door de KVAB en de Jonge Academie en samengesteld met leden uit diverse academische disciplines, onderwijsdeskundi- gen en actoren uit de bedrijfswereld

    Unlocking the potential of publicly available microarray data using inSilicoDb and inSilicoMerging R/Bioconductor packages

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    BACKGROUND: With an abundant amount of microarray gene expression data sets available through public repositories, new possibilities lie in combining multiple existing data sets. In this new context, analysis itself is no longer the problem, but retrieving and consistently integrating all this data before delivering it to the wide variety of existing analysis tools becomes the new bottleneck. RESULTS: We present the newly released inSilicoMerging R/Bioconductor package which, together with the earlier released inSilicoDb R/Bioconductor package, allows consistent retrieval, integration and analysis of publicly available microarray gene expression data sets. Inside the inSilicoMerging package a set of five visual and six quantitative validation measures are available as well. CONCLUSIONS: By providing (i) access to uniformly curated and preprocessed data, (ii) a collection of techniques to remove the batch effects between data sets from different sources, and (iii) several validation tools enabling the inspection of the integration process, these packages enable researchers to fully explore the potential of combining gene expression data for downstream analysis. The power of using both packages is demonstrated by programmatically retrieving and integrating gene expression studies from the InSilico DB repository [https://insilicodb.org/app/]

    Design Patterns for an Object-Oriented Computational Chemistry

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    DOI :10.1007/3-540-48304-7_53info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Le dernier fado de l'androïde

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    Haro sur la compétition

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