28,542 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Identification of Multinomial Choice Demand Models with Heterogeneous Consumers

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    We consider identification of nonparametric random utility models of multinomial choice using "micro data," i.e., observation of the characteristics and choices of individual consumers. Our model of preferences nests random coefficients discrete choice models widely used in practice with parametric functional form and distributional assumptions. However, the model is nonparametric and distribution free. It allows choice-specific unobservables, endogenous choice characteristics, unknown heteroskedasticity, and high-dimensional correlated taste shocks. Under standard "large support" and instrumental variables assumptions, we show identifiability of the random utility model. We demonstrate robustness of these results to relaxation of the large support condition and show that when it is replaced with a weaker "common choice probability" condition, the demand structure is still identified. We show that key maintained hypotheses are testable.Nonparametric identification, Discrete choice demand, Differentiated products

    Identification in a Class of Nonparametric Simultaneous Equations Models

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    We consider identification in a class of nonseparable nonparametric simultaneous equations models introduced by Matzkin (2008). These models combine standard exclusion restrictions with a requirement that each structural error enter through a "residual index" function. We provide constructive proofs of identification under several sets of conditions, demonstrating tradeoffs between restrictions on the support of the instruments, restrictions on the joint distribution of the structural errors, and restrictions on the form of the residual index function.Simultaneous equations, Nonseparable models, Nonparametric identification

    Identification of a Heterogeneous Generalized Regression Model with Group Effects

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    We consider identification in a "generalized regression model" (Han, 1987) for panel settings in which each observation can be associated with a "group" whose members are subject to a common unobserved shock. Common examples of groups include markets, schools or cities. The model is fully nonparametric and allows for the endogeneity of group-specific observables, which might include prices, policies, and/or treatments. The model features heterogeneous responses to observables and unobservables, and arbitrary heteroskedasticity. We provide sufficient conditions for full identification of the model, as well as weaker conditions sufficient for identification of the latent group effects and the distribution of outcomes conditional on covariates and the group effect.Nonparametric identification, Binary choice, Threshold crossing, Censored regression, Proportional hazard model

    The effect of ultradian and orbital cycles on plant growth

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    In a series of experiments using sugar beets, researchers investigated the effects of varying cycles lengths on growth (0.37 hr to 48 hr). Each cycle was equally divided into a light and dark period so that each treatment regardless of cycle length received the same amount of light over the 17 weeks of the experiment. Two growth parameters were used to evaluate the effects of cycle length, total fresh weight and sucrose content of the storage root. Both parameters showed very similar responses in that under long cycles (12 hr or greater) growth was normal, whereas plants growing under shorter cycle periods were progressively inhibited. Minimum growth occurred at a cycle period of 0.75 hr. The yield at the 0.75 hr cycle, where was at a minimum, for total fresh weight was only 51 percent compared to the 24 hr cycle. The yield of sucrose was even more reduced at 41 percent of the 24 hr cycle

    Measurements of Pilot Time Delay as Influenced by Controller Characteristics and Vehicles Time Delays

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    A study to measure and compare pilot time delay when using a space shuttle rotational hand controller and a more conventional control stick was conducted at NASA Ames Research Center's Dryden Flight Research Facility. The space shuttle controller has a palm pivot in the pitch axis. The more conventional controller used was a general-purpose engineering simulator stick that has a pivot length between that of a typical aircraft center stick and a sidestick. Measurements of the pilot's effective time delay were obtained through a first-order, closed-loop, compensatory tracking task in pitch. The tasks were implemented through a space shuttle cockpit simulator and a critical task tester device. The study consisted of 450 data runs with four test pilots and one nonpilot, and used three control stick configurations and two system delays. Results showed that the heavier conventional stick had the lowest pilot effective time delays associated with it, whereas the shuttle and light conventional sticks each had similar higher pilot time delay characteristics. It was also determined that each control stick showed an increase in pilot time delay when the total system delay was increased

    Joining techniques for fabrication of composite air-cooled turbine blades and vanes

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    Activated diffusion brazing studies of joining methods for composite air-cooled turbine blade and vane fabricatio

    Strong Evidence of Normal Heat Conduction in a one-Dimensional Quantum System

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    We investigate how the normal energy transport is realized in one-dimensional quantum systems using a quantum spin system. The direct investigation of local energy distribution under thermal gradient is made using the quantum master equation, and the mixing properties and the convergence of the Green-Kubo formula are investigated when the number of spin increases. We find that the autocorrelation function in the Green-Kubo formula decays as t1.5\sim t^{-1.5} to a finite value which vanishes rapidly with the increase of the system size. As a result, the Green-Kubo formula converges to a finite value in the thermodynamic limit. These facts strongly support the realization of Fourier heat law in a quantum system.Comment: 7 pages 6 figure

    A random matrix approach to decoherence

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    In order to analyze the effect of chaos or order on the rate of decoherence in a subsystem, we aim to distinguish effects of the two types of dynamics by choosing initial states as random product states from two factor spaces representing two subsystems. We introduce a random matrix model that permits to vary the coupling strength between the subsystems. The case of strong coupling is analyzed in detail, and we find no significant differences except for very low-dimensional spaces.Comment: 11 pages, 5 eps-figure