903 research outputs found

    Relations for classical communication capacity and entanglement capability of two-qubit operations

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    Bipartite operations underpin both classical communication and entanglement generation. Using a superposition of classical messages, we show that the capacity of a two-qubit operation for error-free entanglement-assisted bidirectional classical communication can not exceed twice the entanglement capability. In addition we show that any bipartite two-qubit operation can increase the communication that may be performed using an ensemble by twice the entanglement capability.Comment: 4 page

    Dynamical fluctuations in classical adiabatic processes: General description and their implications

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    Dynamical fluctuations in classical adiabatic processes are not considered by the conventional classical adiabatic theorem. In this work a general result is derived to describe the intrinsic dynamical fluctuations in classical adiabatic processes. Interesting implications of our general result are discussed via two subtopics, namely, an intriguing adiabatic geometric phase in a dynamical model with an adiabatically moving fixed-point solution, and the possible "pollution" to Hannay's angle or to other adiabatic phase objects for adiabatic processes involving non-fixed-point solutions.Comment: 19 pages, no figures, discussion significantly expanded, published versio

    Countering Quantum Noise with Supplementary Classical Information

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    We consider situations in which i) Alice wishes to send quantum information to Bob via a noisy quantum channel, ii) Alice has a classical description of the states she wishes to send and iii) Alice can make use of a finite amount of noiseless classical information. After setting up the problem in general, we focus attention on one specific scenario in which Alice sends a known qubit down a depolarizing channel along with a noiseless cbit. We describe a protocol which we conjecture is optimal and calculate the average fidelity obtained. A surprising amount of structure is revealed even for this simple case which suggests that relationships between quantum and classical information could in general be very intricate.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 2 figures Typo in reference 9 correcte

    Faithful remote state preparation using finite classical bits and a non-maximally entangled state

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    We present many ensembles of states that can be remotely prepared by using minimum classical bits from Alice to Bob and their previously shared entangled state and prove that we have found all the ensembles in two-dimensional case. Furthermore we show that any pure quantum state can be remotely and faithfully prepared by using finite classical bits from Alice to Bob and their previously shared nonmaximally entangled state though no faithful quantum teleportation protocols can be achieved by using a nonmaximally entangled state.Comment: 6 page

    On the Interpretation of Energy as the Rate of Quantum Computation

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    Over the last few decades, developments in the physical limits of computing and quantum computing have increasingly taught us that it can be helpful to think about physics itself in computational terms. For example, work over the last decade has shown that the energy of a quantum system limits the rate at which it can perform significant computational operations, and suggests that we might validly interpret energy as in fact being the speed at which a physical system is "computing," in some appropriate sense of the word. In this paper, we explore the precise nature of this connection. Elementary results in quantum theory show that the Hamiltonian energy of any quantum system corresponds exactly to the angular velocity of state-vector rotation (defined in a certain natural way) in Hilbert space, and also to the rate at which the state-vector's components (in any basis) sweep out area in the complex plane. The total angle traversed (or area swept out) corresponds to the action of the Hamiltonian operator along the trajectory, and we can also consider it to be a measure of the "amount of computational effort exerted" by the system, or effort for short. For any specific quantum or classical computational operation, we can (at least in principle) calculate its difficulty, defined as the minimum effort required to perform that operation on a worst-case input state, and this in turn determines the minimum time required for quantum systems to carry out that operation on worst-case input states of a given energy. As examples, we calculate the difficulty of some basic 1-bit and n-bit quantum and classical operations in an simple unconstrained scenario.Comment: Revised to address reviewer comments. Corrects an error relating to time-ordering, adds some additional references and discussion, shortened in a few places. Figures now incorporated into tex

    A note on the geometric phase in adiabatic approximation

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    The adiabatic theorem shows that the instantaneous eigenstate is a good approximation of the exact solution for a quantum system in adiabatic evolution. One may therefore expect that the geometric phase calculated by using the eigenstate should be also a good approximation of exact geometric phase. However, we find that the former phase may differ appreciably from the latter if the evolution time is large enough.Comment: 11 pages, no figure, modified and Journal-ref adde

    Measurement of coherent charge transfer in an adiabatic Cooper pair pump

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    We study adiabatic charge transfer in a superconducting Cooper pair pump, focusing on the influence of current measurement on coherence. We investigate the limit where the Josephson coupling energy EJE_J between the various parts of the system is small compared to the Coulomb charging energy ECE_C. In this case the charge transferred in a pumping cycle QP2eQ_P \sim 2e, the charge of one Cooper pair: the main contribution is due to incoherent Cooper pair tunneling. We are particularly interested in the quantum correction to QPQ_P, which is due to coherent tunneling of pairs across the pump and which depends on the superconducting phase difference ϕ0\phi_0 between the electrodes: 1QP/(2e)(EJ/EC)cosϕ01-Q_P/(2e) \sim (E_J/E_C) \cos \phi_0. A measurement of QPQ_P tends to destroy the phase coherence. We first study an arbitrary measuring circuit and then specific examples and show that coherent Cooper pair transfer can in principle be detected using an inductively shunted ammeter

    Decoherence as Decay of the Loschmidt Echo in a Lorentz Gas

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    Classical chaotic dynamics is characterized by the exponential sensitivity to initial conditions. Quantum mechanics, however, does not show this feature. We consider instead the sensitivity of quantum evolution to perturbations in the Hamiltonian. This is observed as an atenuation of the Loschmidt Echo, M(t)M(t), i.e. the amount of the original state (wave packet of width σ\sigma) which is recovered after a time reversed evolution, in presence of a classically weak perturbation. By considering a Lorentz gas of size LL, which for large LL is a model for an {\it unbounded} classically chaotic system, we find numerical evidence that, if the perturbation is within a certain range, M(t)M(t) decays exponentially with a rate 1/τϕ1/\tau_{\phi} determined by the Lyapunov exponent λ\lambda of the corresponding classical dynamics. This exponential decay extends much beyond the Eherenfest time tEt_{E} and saturates at a time tsλ1ln(N~)t_{s}\simeq \lambda^{-1}\ln (\widetilde{N}), where N~(L/σ)2\widetilde{N}\simeq (L/\sigma)^2 is the effective dimensionality of the Hilbert space. Since τϕ\tau _{\phi} quantifies the increasing uncontrollability of the quantum phase (decoherence) its characterization and control has fundamental interest.Comment: 3 ps figures, uses Revtex and epsfig. Major revision to the text, now including discussion and references on averaging and Ehrenfest time. Figures 2 and 3 content and order change

    Weak-Localization in Chaotic Versus Non-Chaotic Cavities: A Striking Difference in the Line Shape

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    We report experimental evidence that chaotic and non-chaotic scattering through ballistic cavities display distinct signatures in quantum transport. In the case of non-chaotic cavities, we observe a linear decrease in the average resistance with magnetic field which contrasts markedly with a Lorentzian behavior for a chaotic cavity. This difference in line-shape of the weak-localization peak is related to the differing distribution of areas enclosed by electron trajectories. In addition, periodic oscillations are observed which are probably associated with the Aharonov-Bohm effect through a periodic orbit within the cavities.Comment: 4 pages revtex + 4 figures on request; amc.hub.94.