82 research outputs found

    Pseudo-hypopion inverse avec polycorie congénitale

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    Patient de 34 ans, ayant une polycorie congénitale bilatérale (Flèches blanches), aphaque ODG (opéré à l'âge de 4 ans pour cataracte congénitale bilatérale sans implant), ayant bénéficié, suite à un décollement de rétine avec prolifération vitréo-rétinienne avancée et trou maculaire stade 4 de l'oeil droit d'une vitrectomie, pelage de membranes de PVR, ablation de la limitante interne, endolaser et tamponnement par huile de silicone. Les suites post-opératoires immédiates étaient simples. Un an après l'intervention, le patient a consulté pour BAV progressive de l'oeil droit. L'examen au biomicroscope a objectivé un pseudo-hypopion inverse (Flèches noires) correspondant au passage de l'huile de silicone émulsifiée en chambre antérieure et au niveau de l'angle irido-cornéen, associé à une hypertonie oculaire à 26 mmHg. Devant ce tableau clinique, on a realisé l'ablation de l'huile de silicone à deux voies en 23 gauges. Le contrôle per-opératoire du segment postérieur a montré une rétine réappliquée et le tonus oculaire s'est rapidement normalisé. L'ablation d'huile de silicone représente donc le geste thérapeutique indispensable devant cette complication du tamponnement interne par huile de silicone

    Multipoint Relay Selection based on Stability of Spatial Relation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Increasing stability is one of the main objectives in designing routing protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETS). Various research schemes have been addressed to this challenge and to support it. In fact, some papers have considered modifications to MPRs selection mechanism in OLSR. In this paper, the author proposes a new mechanism to elect stable and sustainable nodes relay between all nodes in MANETs. In this mechanism, a mobility function is used as the main selection criterion based on the calculation of the spatial relation of a node relative to its neighbor. This mechanism is applied in OLSR protocol to choose stable and supportable MPRs nodes. This mechanism significantly finds more stable MPRs and it promises QoS metrics such as lost packets and delay. Simulation results reveals a significant performance gains and it motivates further examinations to develop the mechanism in order to improve the routing protocol requirements. Performances are evaluated based on Random Waypoint model and network simulator ns3

    The Toxicity of Depleted Uranium

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    Depleted uranium (DU) is an emerging environmental pollutant that is introduced into the environment primarily by military activity. While depleted uranium is less radioactive than natural uranium, it still retains all the chemical toxicity associated with the original element. In large doses the kidney is the target organ for the acute chemical toxicity of this metal, producing potentially lethal tubular necrosis. In contrast, chronic low dose exposure to depleted uranium may not produce a clear and defined set of symptoms. Chronic low-dose, or subacute, exposure to depleted uranium alters the appearance of milestones in developing organisms. Adult animals that were exposed to depleted uranium during development display persistent alterations in behavior, even after cessation of depleted uranium exposure. Adult animals exposed to depleted uranium demonstrate altered behaviors and a variety of alterations to brain chemistry. Despite its reduced level of radioactivity evidence continues to accumulate that depleted uranium, if ingested, may pose a radiologic hazard. The current state of knowledge concerning DU is discussed

    Review of the water resources, pollution sources and wastewaters of the Moroccan textile industry

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    During the present review, we tried to set out the different types of water resources, including surface water are included water dams, lakes, rivers, wade’s, seas and oceans, and groundwater including type of water aquifers, wells and springs. The different sources of groundwater pollution were also mentioned, namely pollution from physical, chemical and biological, and pollution of nature accidental, domestic, urban, agricultural and industrial one hand, and wastewaters from industries textile finishing at the Morocco on the other, and the status of their treatment
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