14 research outputs found

    Combined Stiffness Identification of 6-DoF Industrial Robot

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    Bruk av vannmerke ved reproduksjon av gråtonebilder

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    NORSK: Ved kopiering av et bilde blir kvaliteten ofte betraktelig forringet. Denne oppgaven har sett på mulighetene for å forbedre kvaliteten på resultatbildet. Ideen var å opprette en sanntidsprofil under kopieringsfasen. Profilen benyttes for korrigering av de endringer som er påført bildet ved utskrift og innskanning. En av måtene å gjøre dette på er å legge inn informasjon i bildet før det skrives ut. Informasjonen forteller hvordan bildet egentlig skal se ut. Under kopiering leses informasjonen inn når bildet skannes og inngår så i sanntidsprofilen. Bildet korrigeres så i henhold til profilen før utskrift foretas. For å kunne bestemme hvilken type informasjon som bør tillegges bildet måtte de faktiske endringene ved utskrift og innskanning kartlegges. Studiet viste at intensiteten i bildet ble endret betraktelig. I tillegg endres geometrien i form av rotering og skalering. Med resultatene fra denne studien som bakgrunn ble det valgt å legge inn informasjon om intensitet i bildet. Videre ble det utviklet deler av en metode som simulerer de reelle endringene som ble funnet. Videre ble metoden benyttet til å legge inn informasjon før utskrift og finne igjen informasjonen etter innskanning. Metoden håndterer også de geometriske endringene som blir funnet slik at bildet blir rettet opp og får tilbake sin opprinnelige størrelse. Resultatet viser at det bør være mulig å benytte en slik sanntidsprofil for å forbedre resultatet ved kopiering av bilder

    Reproduction of grey scale images with use of watermarking

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    NORSK: Ved kopiering av et bilde blir kvaliteten ofte betraktelig forringet. Denne oppgaven har sett på mulighetene for å forbedre kvaliteten på resultatbildet. Ideen var å opprette en sanntidsprofil under kopieringsfasen. Profilen benyttes for korrigering av de endringer som er påført bildet ved utskrift og innskanning. En av måtene å gjøre dette på er å legge inn informasjon i bildet før det skrives ut. Informasjonen forteller hvordan bildet egentlig skal se ut. Under kopiering leses informasjonen inn når bildet skannes og inngår så i sanntidsprofilen. Bildet korrigeres så i henhold til profilen før utskrift foretas. For å kunne bestemme hvilken type informasjon som bør tillegges bildet måtte de faktiske endringene ved utskrift og innskanning kartlegges. Studiet viste at intensiteten i bildet ble endret betraktelig. I tillegg endres geometrien i form av rotering og skalering. Med resultatene fra denne studien som bakgrunn ble det valgt å legge inn informasjon om intensitet i bildet. Videre ble det utviklet deler av en metode som simulerer de reelle endringene som ble funnet. Videre ble metoden benyttet til å legge inn informasjon før utskrift og finne igjen informasjonen etter innskanning. Metoden håndterer også de geometriske endringene som blir funnet slik at bildet blir rettet opp og får tilbake sin opprinnelige størrelse. Resultatet viser at det bør være mulig å benytte en slik sanntidsprofil for å forbedre resultatet ved kopiering av bilder.ENGELSK: In the case of reproduction of an image the result is often depreciated. The goal of this project is to investigate methods for improving the quality of the resulting image. The idea was to establish a real time calibration profile during the copying procedure. This profile is intended to be used for error correction of the reproduction to improve the quality of the result. One way to do this is to embed some information about the image into the image. After scanning this information can be retrieved and used to improve the quality. What kind of information to be used must be decided. This is information about the original image. What distortions occur in the case of printing and scanning was essential to find out. The study found that there were considerable differences in the intensities before and after printing and scanning. There were also some geometric changes like rotation and scaling. A method was developed to embed the information about the intensity into the image. The method simulates the real printing and scanning process with changes in intensity and geometric distortions. The method also retrieves the information after scanning and handles the rotation and scaling. The result shows that there is a possibility to use a real time profile to improve the quality of the resulting image

    Automatic Path Planning for Door-Milling Application Using an Industrial Robot

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    Master's thesis Mechatronics MAS500 - University of Agder 2018This report covers automatic path planning for a 6 degree of freedom industrial robot used in a milling application. The kinematics are derived for the ABB IRB6600 robot used in this master thesis. Different sensors for determining the work-object pose in relation to the robot are evaluated, and a suggested vision system is presented and tested. When industrial robots are used in high precision contact applications, such as milling, the robot stiffness must be considered. Therefore, a joint stiffness analysis is conducted for the ABB IRB6600. The results from the stiffness analysis are, in addition to the milling force data, used to compensate for deflection when generating the robot path trajectory. The same data is also used to find favourable operation configurations for the robot. Important elements when using an industrial robot in a milling application are presented and evaluated to assure a good end-product. Finally, a method for automatic generation of robot path trajectory, extracted from a database, containing door data is presented. Here, the previously mentioned sensor system is used in addition to the path generation code to create a *.txt file, which can be read by RAPID code. The RAPID code is further executed by the robot to mill the desired features in the door

    Testing Via Internett Live

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    I dagens samfunn stilles det økende krav til effektivisering. Lærerne ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik bruker store ressurser for å lage og rette obligatoriske øvinger. Derfor ble det våren 2000 startet på et nettbasert system for testing av studenter, Testing Via Internet Live. Vi er den tredje prosjektgruppen som jobber med TVIL og det har nå blitt så robust og bra at det er ment tatt i bruk høsten 2002. Systemet har en lav brukerterskel og det er ment at studenter og lærere skal kunne ta det i bruk uten noen form for opplæring. Dette er en av styrkene til TVIL. Det er enkelt å opprette en test. Samtidig kan den mer erfarne lærer velge mellom de mange opsjonene og lage en spesialtilpasset test. De mange muligheter med systemet gjør testene like bra eller bedre enn skriftlige. Det lages i tillegg statistikk for hvert enkelt fag, test og spørsmål, noe som hjelper læreren til å bedre legge opp studieplanen. Studentene vil med dette systemet få en mye bedre mulighet til å sjekke sin egen progresjon med statustester som kan tilordnes et fag. De vil i tillegg få vite resultatet med en gang og kan sammenligne med nivået til de andre studentene vha statistikken som høer til hver test. Systemet er veldig enkelt å administrere, men superbruker har allikevel mange muligheter

    Predicting who fails to meet the physical activity guideline in pregnancy: a prospective study of objectively recorded physical activity in a population-based multi-ethnic cohort

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    Background A low physical activity (PA) level in pregnancy is associated with several adverse health outcomes. Early identification of pregnant women at risk of physical inactivity could inform strategies to promote PA, but no studies so far have presented attempts to develop prognostic models for low PA in pregnancy. Based on moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) objectively recorded in mid/late pregnancy, our objectives were to describe MVPA levels and compliance with the PA guideline (≥150 MVPA minutes/week), and to develop a prognostic model for non-compliance with the PA guideline. Methods From a multi-ethnic population-based cohort, we analysed data from 555 women with MVPA recorded in gestational week (GW) 28 with the monitor SenseWear™ Pro3 Armband. Predictor variables were collected in early pregnancy (GW 15). We organized the predictors within the domains health, culture, socioeconomic position, pregnancy, lifestyle, psychosocial factors, perceived preventive effect of PA and physical neighbourhood. The development of the prognostic model followed several steps, including univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses. Results Overall, 25 % complied with the PA guideline, but the proportion was lower in South Asians (14 %) and Middle Easterners (16 %) compared with Westerners (35 %). Among South Asians and Middle Easterners, 35 and 28 %, respectively, did not accumulate any MVPA minutes/week compared with 18 % among Westerners. The predictors retained in the prognostic model for PA guideline non-compliance were ethnic minority background, multiparity, high body fat percentage, and perception of few physically active friends. The prognostic model provided fair discrimination between women who did vs. did not comply with the PA guideline. Conclusion Overall, the proportion who complied with the PA guideline in GW 28 was low, and women with ethnic minority background, multiparity, high body fat percentage and few physically active friends had increased probability of non-compliance. The prognostic model showed fair performance in discriminating between women who did comply and those who did not comply with the PA guideline

    Predicting who fails to meet the physicalactivity guideline in pregnancy: aprospective study of objectively recordedphysical activity in a population-basedmulti-ethnic cohort

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    Background: A low physical activity (PA) level in pregnancy is associated with several adverse health outcomes. Early identification of pregnant women at risk of physical inactivity could inform strategies to promote PA, but no studies so far have presented attempts to develop prognostic models for low PA in pregnancy. Based on moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) objectively recorded in mid/late pregnancy, our objectives were to describe MVPA levels and compliance with the PA guideline (≥150 MVPA minutes/week), and to develop a prognostic model for non-compliance with the PA guideline. Methods: From a multi-ethnic population-based cohort, we analysed data from 555 women with MVPA recorded in gestational week (GW) 28 with the monitor SenseWear™ Pro3 Armband. Predictor variables were collected in early pregnancy (GW 15). We organized the predictors within the domains health, culture, socioeconomic position, pregnancy, lifestyle, psychosocial factors, perceived preventive effect of PA and physical neighbourhood. The development of the prognostic model followed several steps, including univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses. Results: Overall, 25 % complied with the PA guideline, but the proportion was lower in South Asians (14 %) and Middle Easterners (16 %) compared with Westerners (35 %). Among South Asians and Middle Easterners, 35 and 28 %, respectively, did not accumulate any MVPA minutes/week compared with 18 % among Westerners. The predictors retained in the prognostic model for PA guideline non-compliance were ethnic minority background, multiparity, high body fat percentage, and perception of few physically active friends. The prognostic model provided fair discrimination between women who did vs. did not comply with the PA guideline. Conclusion: Overall, the proportion who complied with the PA guideline in GW 28 was low, and women with ethnic minority background, multiparity, high body fat percentage and few physically active friends had increased probability of non-compliance. The prognostic model showed fair performance in discriminating between women who did comply and those who did not comply with the PA guideline