19 research outputs found

    Die Digitalisierung von Kulturgut im Geschäftsbereich des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg

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    Die Beiträge im zweiten Band der Schriftenreihe Kulturelles Erbe in der digitalen Welt der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek zeigen auf, wie in Deutschland mit seiner föderalen Ordnung die Vermittlung und letztlich Vernetzung des kulturellen Erbes über das Internet angegangen wird. In ihnen finden sich Informationen zum organisatorischen Aufbau und der Infrastruktur der Digitalisierung und zu Kooperationen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Beiträge setzen die politische Agenda ins Verhältnis zum tatsächlich Erreichten, beschreiben den Stand der Umsetzung, geben Auskunft über Digitalisierungsstellen, Projekte und deren Koordination, beschreiben die institutionellen Zuständigkeiten, erläutern Portale und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, enthalten Ausführungen zur Langzeitarchivierung: Und am Ende wird jeweils auch ein Ausblick gewagt. Beispiele für Konzepte außerhalb Deutschlands runden das Bild ab. Waren es im ersten Band Der Vergangenheit eine Zukunft Fragen nach öffentlicher Verantwortung, gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben und privatem Engagement, stehen nun die Strategien der Bundesländer für das kulturelle Erbe in der digitalen Welt im Vordergrund. Die Publikation liegt als Druck sowie frei verfügbar (Open Access) als EPUB, MOBI und PDF vor.The contributions in the second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" published by the German Digital Library show how in Germany, with its federal order, the mediation and ultimate networking of the cultural heritage is made via the Internet. The contributions provide information on the organizational structure and the infrastructure of digitization and on cooperation and political conditions. They show the political agenda in relation to the actual achievements. Teh status of the implementation is described. The articles provide information about digitization sites, projects and their coordination, describe institutional responsibilities, portals and cooperation with the German Digital Library, contain comments on long-term archiving. An outlook closes the considerations. Examples of concepts outside Germany complete the picture

    Föderale Vielfalt – Globale Vernetzung. Digitalisierung in den Ländern und der Welt

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    Die Beiträge im zweiten Band der Schriftenreihe Kulturelles Erbe in der digitalen Welt der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek zeigen auf, wie in Deutschland mit seiner föderalen Ordnung die Vermittlung und letztlich Vernetzung des kulturellen Erbes über das Internet angegangen wird. In ihnen finden sich Informationen zum organisatorischen Aufbau und der Infrastruktur der Digitalisierung und zu Kooperationen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Beiträge setzen die politische Agenda ins Verhältnis zum tatsächlich Erreichten, beschreiben den Stand der Umsetzung, geben Auskunft über Digitalisierungsstellen, Projekte und deren Koordination, beschreiben die institutionellen Zuständigkeiten, erläutern Portale und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, enthalten Ausführungen zur Langzeitarchivierung: Und am Ende wird jeweils auch ein Ausblick gewagt. Beispiele für Konzepte außerhalb Deutschlands runden das Bild ab. Waren es im ersten Band Der Vergangenheit eine Zukunft Fragen nach öffentlicher Verantwortung, gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben und privatem Engagement, stehen nun die Strategien der Bundesländer für das kulturelle Erbe in der digitalen Welt im Vordergrund. Die Publikation liegt als Druck sowie frei verfügbar (Open Access) als EPUB, MOBI und PDF vor.The contributions in the second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" published by the German Digital Library show how in Germany, with its federal order, the mediation and ultimate networking of the cultural heritage is made via the Internet. The contributions provide information on the organizational structure and the infrastructure of digitization and on cooperation and political conditions. They show the political agenda in relation to the actual achievements. Teh status of the implementation is described. The articles provide information about digitization sites, projects and their coordination, describe institutional responsibilities, portals and cooperation with the German Digital Library, contain comments on long-term archiving. An outlook closes the considerations. Examples of concepts outside Germany complete the picture

    Öffentlicher Raum und städtische Öffentlichkeit : eine Einführung in ihre planungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung

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    Adverse Drug Reactions in Children: Comparison of Reports Collected in a Pharmacovigilance Project Versus Spontaneously Collected ADR Reports

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and medication errors in children may result from a lack of appropriate drugs, dosages, and pharmaceutical forms. In addition, children may respond differently to drugs than adults. Reporting of ADRs in the pediatric population is therefore of importance in order to increase the amount of safety data. However, different methodological approaches are used to collect ADRs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to analyze whether there were differences in the ADRs collected in the KiDSafe project (845 ADR reports) compared with the spontaneous ADR reports sent to EudraVigilance (697 reports) in the same time period. The strengths and limitations of these two different approaches should be discussed. METHODS: The same inclusion criteria were applied for the systematically collected ADRs in the KiDSafe project and the spontaneous reports from EudraVigilance, and only reports of ADRs coded with hospitalization were considered. In both datasets, the number of reports (related to number of hospitals), their documentation quality (VigiGrade), causal relationship (World Health Organization-Uppsala Monitoring Centre [WHO-UMC] criteria), most frequently reported drugs and ADRs, demographical parameters of the patients, reported medical histories, and the seriousness of ADR reports were analyzed descriptively. The results of the two analyses were compared. RESULTS: There was considerable underreporting of ADRs via the spontaneous reports (0.4 reports per hospital; 697/1902) compared with 70.4 reports per hospital (845/12) in the systematically collected KiDSafe reports. Documentation quality assessment yielded similar results in both datasets. Among the 10 most frequently reported drugs, anticonvulsants such as levetiracetam (6.6%), valproic acid (5.6%), oxcarbazepine (3.6%), and lamotrigine (3.4%) were mainly reported in the KiDSafe reports, while in the EudraVigilance reports, mite allergen extract (4.4%) and allergens (3.6%) were preferentially reported. Seizures were the most frequently reported clinically specific ADRs in the KiDSafe reports, whereas anaphylactic reactions and urticaria were prominent in the spontaneous reports from EudraVigilance. Notably, the proportion of reports referring to medication errors and other medication safety related issues were more prominent in KiDSafe than in the spontaneous reports (27.8% vs. 12.6% and 46.0% vs. 29.0%, respectively). CONCLUSION: In general, reports from both data sources contributed to the identification of ADRs and dedicated issues related to drug therapy. However, these differed by nature and strength of the signal, likely due to the characteristics of the individual method. A combined approach could likely compensate for limitations inherent to the single approaches, but will most likely only be applied to dedicated pharmacovigilance topics or research objectives

    Coating with artificial matrices from collagen and sulfated hyaluronan influences the osseointegration of dental implants

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    Dental implants are an established therapy for oral rehabilitation. High success rates are achieved in healthy bone, however, these rates decrease in compromised host bone. Coating of dental implants with components of the extracellular matrix is a promising approach to enhance osseointegration in compromised peri-implant bone. Dental titanium implants were coated with an artificial extracellular matrix (aECM) consisting of collagen type I and either one of two regioselectively low sulfated hyaluronan (sHA) derivatives (coll/sHA1Δ6s and coll/sHA1) and compared to commercial pure titanium implants (control). After extraction of the premolar teeth, 36 implants were inserted into the maxilla of 6 miniature pigs (6 implants per maxilla). The healing periods were 4 and 8 weeks, respectively. After animal sacrifice, the samples were evaluated histomorphologically and histomorphometrically. All surface states led to a sufficient implant osseointegration after 4 and 8 weeks. Inflammatory or foreign body reactions could not be observed. After 4 weeks of healing, implants coated with coll/sHA1Δ6s showed the highest bone implant contact (BIC; coll/sHA1Δ6s: 45.4 %; coll/sHA1: 42.2 %; control: 42.3 %). After 8 weeks, a decrease of BIC could be observed for coll/sHA1Δ6s and controls (coll/sHA1Δ6s: 37.3 %; control: 31.7 %). For implants coated with coll/sHA1, the bone implant contact increased (coll/sHA1: 50.8 %). Statistically significant differences could not be observed. Within the limits of the current study, aECM coatings containing low sHA increase peri-implant bone formation around dental implants in maxillary bone compared to controls in the early healing period