180 research outputs found

    Ökologischer Land- und Gartenbau und ökologische Ernährung in Klöstern in Deutschland

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    The study has two aims. Firstly to get an insight whether convents are still engaged in farming, including an overview of farming practices they use and secondly to investigate how convents in Germany are upholding their tradition of research and innovations related to agriculture and nutrition. The study focuses on organic farming and organic food mainly to take the biblical call to preserve the creation into account

    Ökologischer Landbau in der Evangelischen und Katholischen Kirche in Deutschland – ein Überblick

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    To follow the responsibility to preserve the creation, both the Protestant and the Catholic Church committed to the principle of sustainability. This also leads to a raising interest in both organic farming on agricultural property of the Church and organic food in church institutions. The first aim of the study was to get an overview of the current state of organic farming in both churches by means of a literature review. The second aim was to get insights into experience, obstacles and achievements of the churches regarding organic farming. This also included information on successful cooperation and future developments in this area. To achieve this second goal, expert interviews were conducted

    Vanadium-rich Muscovite from Austria: Crystal Structure, Chemical Analysis, and Spectroscopic Investigations

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    The crystal structure of a green, transparent, vanadium-rich muscovite-2M_1 (V_2O_3 = 11.35 wt.%, one of the highest amounts reported to date in muscovite) with the optimized formula (K_(0.94)Na_(0.06))M2(Al_(1.20)V^(3+)_(0.61)Mg_(0.12)Cr^(3+)_(0.07))T1(Si^(1.54)Al_(0.46))T2(Si_(1.54)Al_(0.46))O_(10)(OH)_2 and space group C2/c, a 5.2255(6), b 9.0704(10), c 20.0321(21) Å, β 95.773(2)°, Z = 4 has been refined to R = 6.97% for 1070 unique reflections (MoKα). This muscovite, which occurs in small quartz veins in graphite schist from Weinberg mountain, near the village of Amstall, Lower Austria, is distinctly low in Cr (Cr_2O_3 ∼1.4 wt.%) and Mg (MgO ∼1.1 wt.%); Fe, Mn, and Ti are below detection limit. All octahedral cations occupy the M2 site, and the average octahedral bond (M2–O) distance is 1.953 Å. Structural distortions include α = 8.89° and Δz = 0.193 Å, resulting in an interlayer spacing of 3.35 Å. The optical absorption spectrum of this V-rich muscovite shows absorption features at 427 and 609 nm that define a transmission window centered at 523 nm. These absorption features are consistent with those expected for V^(3+) in mica, but the 609 nm band has a slightly longer wavelength than in low-V micas

    New aspects of electron transfer revealed by the crystal structure of a truncated bovine adrenodoxin, Adx(4–108)

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    AbstractBackground: Adrenodoxin (Adx) is a [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis in the adrenal gland mitochondrial matrix of mammals. Adx is a small soluble protein that transfers electrons from adrenodoxin reductase (AR) to different cytochrome P450 isoforms where they are consumed in hydroxylation reactions. A crystallographic study of Adx is expected to reveal the structural basis for an important electron transfer reaction mediated by a vertebrate [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin.Results: The crystal structure of a truncated bovine adrenodoxin, Adx(4–108), was determined at 1.85 å resolution and refined to a crystallographic R value of 0.195. The structure was determined using multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing techniques, making use of the iron atoms in the [2Fe–2S] cluster of the protein. The protein displays the compact (α+β) fold typical for [2Fe–2S] ferredoxins. The polypeptide chain is organized into a large core domain and a smaller interaction domain which comprises 35 residues, including all those previously determined to be involved in binding to AR and cytochrome P450. A small interdomain motion is observed as a structural difference between the two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. Charged residues of Adx(4–108) are clustered to yield a strikingly asymmetric electric potential of the protein molecule.Conclusions: The crystal structure of Adx(4–108) provides the first detailed description of a vertebrate [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin and serves to explain a large body of biochemical studies in terms of a three-dimensional structure. The structure suggests how a change in the redox state of the [2Fe–2S] cluster may be coupled to a domain motion of the protein. It seems likely that the clearly asymmetric charge distribution on the surface of Adx(4–108) and the resulting strong molecular dipole are involved in electrostatic steering of the interactions with AR and cytochrome P450

    Treatment of meningioma and glioma with protons and carbon ions

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    The rapid rise of particle therapy across the world necessitates evidence to justify its ever-increasing utilization. This narrative review summarizes the current status of these technologies on treatment of both meningiomas and gliomas, the most common benign and malignant primary brain tumors, respectively. Proton beam therapy (PBT) for meningiomas displays high rates of long-term local control, low rates of symptomatic deterioration, along with the potential for safe dose-escalation in select (but not necessarily routine) cases. PBT is also associated with low adverse events and maintenance of functional outcomes, which have implications for quality of life and cost-effectiveness measures going forward. Data on carbon ion radiation therapy (CIRT) are limited; existing series describe virtually no high-grade toxicities and high local control. Regarding the few available data on low-grade gliomas, PBT provides opportunities to dose-escalate while affording no increase of severe toxicities, along with maintaining appropriate quality of life. Although dose-escalation for low-grade disease has been less frequently performed than for glioblastoma, PBT and CIRT continue to be utilized for the latter, and also have potential for safer re-irradiation of high-grade gliomas. For both neoplasms, the impact of superior dosimetric profiles with endpoints such as neurocognitive decline and neurologic funcionality, are also discussed to the extent of requiring more data to support the utility of particle therapy. Caveats to these data are also described, such as the largely retrospective nature of the available studies, patient selection, and heterogeneity in patient population as well as treatment (including mixed photon/particle treatment). Nevertheless, multiple prospective trials (which may partially attenuate those concerns) are also discussed. In light of the low quantity and quality of available data, major questions remain regarding economic concerns as well

    Impact of delays in initiating postoperative chemoradiation while determining the MGMT promoter-methylation statuses of patients with primary glioblastoma

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    Background: The benefits of new innovations in glioblastoma therapies should not be curtailed as a result of delays in commencement of radiation therapy, caused by clinical circumstances as well as diagnostic procedures. This study evaluates whether delays in chemo-radiotherapy after surgery, while determining O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter status, affect the survival rates of patients with glioblastoma (GBM). Methods: Our sample comprised 50 GBM patients in a retrospective analysis of three prospective studies that focused on combined radiotherapy and required MGMT promoter-status testing as inclusion criteria. Results were compared with a reference group of 127 favourable GBM cases (Karnofsky performance-status scale ≥ 70), in which the patients underwent standard postoperative chemo-radiotherapy with temozolomide. Survival time was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and a multivariate analysis of the delays between surgical and radiotherapy procedures was performed using the Cox regression model. Results: The study group’s median overall survival time was 16.2 months (with a range of 2 to 56 months), versus the reference group’s survival time of 18.2 months (with a range of 1 to 92 months) (p = 0.64). The delay between surgery and radiotherapy was increased by 8 days in the study patients (p < 0.001), with a median delay of 35 days (range: 18–49 days) corresponding to the typical 27-day delay (range: 5–98 days) for those in the reference group. Univariate and multivariate analyses did not show any negative association between survival time and delaying radiation therapy to determine MGMT-promoter status; commencement of radiation therapy sooner than 24 days after surgery was the threshold for significantly decreased overall survival (p = 0.01) and progression-free (p = 0.03) survival. Conclusion: Delaying postoperative chemoradiation for GBM patients—carried out in order to determine MGMT-promoter status—did not have a negative impact on survival time. Indeed, the data of the present study shows that initiating radiation therapy sooner than 24 days after surgery has a negative impact on progression and survival

    Biodiversität – eine komplexe zeit-räumliche agrarökologische Herausforderung für den Ökolandbau

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    One year after the conventional farm started the conversion process in 2002, a long term farming system monitoring was established in the Eastern region of Austria. The goal was to evaluate the performance of organic arable farming and its biotopes (flowering stripes, hedges and tree rows), and specifically their impact on biodiversity. After nine years organic farming we note a considerable increase of biodiversity in the arable fields and accompanying biotopes. Indicators applied were soil fauna, breeding birds as well as weeds. Space-time aspects, rotation and management measures as well as crop specific characteristics were influencing the development of species diversity. The development of diversity however is limited due to the intense farming in the past and in the farm surroundings

    Vanadium-rich Muscovite from Austria: Crystal Structure, Chemical Analysis, and Spectroscopic Investigations

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    The crystal structure of a green, transparent, vanadium-rich muscovite-2M_1 (V_2O_3 = 11.35 wt.%, one of the highest amounts reported to date in muscovite) with the optimized formula (K_(0.94)Na_(0.06))M2(Al_(1.20)V^(3+)_(0.61)Mg_(0.12)Cr^(3+)_(0.07))T1(Si^(1.54)Al_(0.46))T2(Si_(1.54)Al_(0.46))O_(10)(OH)_2 and space group C2/c, a 5.2255(6), b 9.0704(10), c 20.0321(21) Å, β 95.773(2)°, Z = 4 has been refined to R = 6.97% for 1070 unique reflections (MoKα). This muscovite, which occurs in small quartz veins in graphite schist from Weinberg mountain, near the village of Amstall, Lower Austria, is distinctly low in Cr (Cr_2O_3 ∼1.4 wt.%) and Mg (MgO ∼1.1 wt.%); Fe, Mn, and Ti are below detection limit. All octahedral cations occupy the M2 site, and the average octahedral bond (M2–O) distance is 1.953 Å. Structural distortions include α = 8.89° and Δz = 0.193 Å, resulting in an interlayer spacing of 3.35 Å. The optical absorption spectrum of this V-rich muscovite shows absorption features at 427 and 609 nm that define a transmission window centered at 523 nm. These absorption features are consistent with those expected for V^(3+) in mica, but the 609 nm band has a slightly longer wavelength than in low-V micas

    Analysis of the machinery and intermediates of the 5hmC-mediated DNA demethylation pathway in aging on samples from the MARKAGE Study

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    Gradual changes in the DNA methylation landscape occur throughout aging virtually in all human tissues. A widespread reduction of 5-methylcytosine (5mC), associated with highly reproducible site-specific hypermethylation, characterizes the genome in aging. Therefore, an equilibrium seems to exist between general and directional deregulating events concerning DNA methylation controllers, which may underpin the age-related epigenetic changes. In this context, 5mC-hydroxylases (TET enzymes) are new potential players. In fact, TETs catalyze the stepwise oxidation of 5mC to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC), driving the DNA demethylation process based on thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG)-mediated DNA repair pathway. The present paper reports the expression of DNA hydroxymethylation components, the levels of 5hmC and of its derivatives in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of age-stratified donors recruited in several European countries in the context of the EU Project ‘MARK-AGE’. The results provide evidence for an age-related decline of TET1, TET3 and TDG gene expression along with a decrease of 5hmC and an accumulation of 5caC. These associations were independent of confounding variables, including recruitment center, gender and leukocyte composition. The observed impairment of 5hmC-mediated DNA demethylation pathway in blood cells may lead to aberrant transcriptional programs in the elderly

    Age-dependent expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in PBMCs from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study

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    Aging is associated with alterations in the content and patterns of DNA methylation virtually throughout the entire human lifespan. Reasons for these variations are not well understood. However, several lines of evidence suggest that the epigenetic instability in aging may be traced back to the alteration of the expression of DNA methyltransferases. Here, the association of the expression of DNA methyltransferases DNMT1 and DNMT3B with age has been analysed in the context of the MARK-AGE study, a large-scale cross-sectional study of the European general population. Using peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we assessed the variation of DNMT1 and DNMT3B gene expression in more than two thousand age-stratified women and men (35-75 years) recruited across eight European countries. Significant age-related changes were detected for both transcripts. The level of DNMT1 gradually dropped with aging but this was only observed up to the age of 64 years. By contrast, the expression of DNMT3B decreased linearly with increasing age and this association was particularly evident in females. We next attempted to trace the age-related changes of both transcripts to the influence of different variables that have an impact on changes of their expression in the population, including demographics, dietary and health habits, and clinical parameters. Our results indicate that age affects the expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B as an almost independent variable in respect of all other variables evaluated
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