15,385 research outputs found

    A study of three dimensional turbulent boundary layer separation and vortex flow control using the reduced Navier Stokes equations

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    A reduced Navier Stokes (RNS) initial value space marching solution technique was applied to vortex generator and separated flow problems and demonstrated good predictions of the engine face flow field. This RNS solution technique using FLARE approximations can adequately describe the topological and topographical structure flow separation associated with vortex liftoff, and this conclusion led to the concept of a subclass of separations which can be called vorticity separations: separations dominated by the transport of vorticity. Adequate near wall resolution of vorticity separations appears necessary for good predictions of these flows

    Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to the Study of Vortex Flow Control for the Management of Inlet Distortion

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    The present study demonstrates that the Reduced Navier-Stokes code RNS3D can be used very effectively to develop a vortex generator installation for the purpose of minimizing the engine face circumferential distortion by controlling the development of secondary flow. The computing times required are small enough that studies such as this are feasible within an analysis-design environment with all its constraints of time and costs. This research study also established the nature of the performance improvements that can be realized with vortex flow control, and suggests a set of aerodynamic properties (called observations) that can be used to arrive at a successful vortex generator installation design. The ultimate aim of this research is to manage inlet distortion by controlling secondary flow through an arrangements of vortex generators configurations tailored to the specific aerodynamic characteristics of the inlet duct. This study also indicated that scaling between flight and typical wind tunnel test conditions is possible only within a very narrow range of generator configurations close to an optimum installation. This paper also suggests a possible law that can be used to scale generator blade height for experimental testing, but further research in this area is needed before it can be effectively applied to practical problems. Lastly, this study indicated that vortex generator installation design for inlet ducts is more complex than simply satisfying the requirement of attached flow, it must satisfy the requirement of minimum engine face distortion

    Vortex generator design for aircraft inlet distortion as a numerical optimization problem

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    Aerodynamic compatibility of aircraft/inlet/engine systems is a difficult design problem for aircraft that must operate in many different flight regimes. Takeoff, subsonic cruise, supersonic cruise, transonic maneuvering, and high altitude loiter each place different constraints on inlet design. Vortex generators, small wing like sections mounted on the inside surfaces of the inlet duct, are used to control flow separation and engine face distortion. The design of vortex generator installations in an inlet is defined as a problem addressable by numerical optimization techniques. A performance parameter is suggested to account for both inlet distortion and total pressure loss at a series of design flight conditions. The resulting optimization problem is difficult since some of the design parameters take on integer values. If numerical procedures could be used to reduce multimillion dollar development test programs to a small set of verification tests, numerical optimization could have a significant impact on both cost and elapsed time to design new aircraft

    Internal computational fluid mechanics on supercomputers for aerospace propulsion systems

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    The accurate calculation of three-dimensional internal flowfields for application towards aerospace propulsion systems requires computational resources available only on supercomputers. A survey is presented of three-dimensional calculations of hypersonic, transonic, and subsonic internal flowfields conducted at the Lewis Research Center. A steady state Parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) solution of flow in a Mach 5.0, mixed compression inlet, a Navier-Stokes solution of flow in the vicinity of a terminal shock, and a PNS solution of flow in a diffusing S-bend with vortex generators are presented and discussed. All of these calculations were performed on either the NAS Cray-2 or the Lewis Research Center Cray XMP

    The Core Histone-binding Region of the Murine Cytomegalovirus 89K Immediate Early Protein

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    The gene regulatory immediate early protein, pp89, of murine cytomegalovirus interacts with both DNA-associated and isolated histones in vitro. We characterized the histone-binding region of pp89 and its cellular localization during cell division to examine the possible interaction between pp89 and chromatin. pp89 expressed constitutively in cell line BALB/c 3T3 IE1 does not interact with condensed chromatin. As observed in infected cells, pp89 is localized within the nucleus of cells during interphase but spreads throughout the cell plasma following degradation of the nuclear membrane during early mitosis. In late telophase, pp89 is reorganized within the nucleus. Analysis of pp89 deletion mutants and of fragments generated by cleavage at pH 2·5 revealed that the regions responsible for association with histone are located between amino acids 71 and 415, and are not identical with the domain that shows homology to histone H2B or the highly acidic carboxy-terminal region. A potential gene-activating role of the high affinity of pp89 for isolated histones and the low affinity for DNA-associated histones is discussed

    Structural organization, expression, and functional characterization of the murine cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene 3.

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    We have previously defined ie3 as a coding region located downstream of the ie1 gene which gives rise to a 2.75-kb immediate-early (IE) transcript. Here we describe the structural organization of the ie3 gene, the amino acid sequence of the gene product, and some of the functional properties of the protein. The 2.75-kb ie3 mRNA is generated by splicing and is composed of four exons. The first three exons, of 300, 111, and 191 nucleotides (nt), are shared with the ie1 mRNA and are spliced to exon 5, which is located downstream of the fourth exon used by the ie1 mRNA. Exon 5 starts 28 nt downstream of the 3' end of the ie1 mRNA and has a length of 1,701 nt. The IE3 protein contains 611 amino acids, the first 99 of which are shared with the ie1 product pp89. The IE3 protein expressed at IE times has a relative mobility of 88 kDa in gels, and a mobility shift to 90 kDa during the early phase is indicative of posttranslational modification. Sequence comparison reveals significant homology of the exon 5-encoded amino acid sequence with the respective sequence of UL 122, a component of the IE1-IE2 complex of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). This homology is also apparent at the functional level. The IE3 protein is a strong transcriptional activator of the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) e1 promoter and shows an autoregulatory function by repression of the MCMV ie1/ie3 promoter. The high degree of conservation between the MCMV ie3 and HCMV IE2 genes and their products with regard to gene structure, amino acid sequence, and protein functions suggests that these genes play a comparable role in the transcriptional control of the two cytomegaloviruses

    Characterization of the murine cytomegalovirus early transcription unit e1 that is induced by immediate-early proteins

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    The regulation of murine cytomegalovirus early (E) gene expression was studied in the cell line B25, which is stably transfected with the immediate-early ie1/ie3 gene complex. Infection of B25 cells in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide resulted in the expression of some E genes, whereas for the expression of other E genes prior protein synthesis was still mandatory, thus showing differences in the expression requirements of individual E genes. Transcription unit e1, a member of the E genes induced by immediate-early products of the ie1/ie3 gene complex, was characterized. It is located between map units 0.709 and 0.721 of the genome of murine cytomegalovirus strain Smith. A 2.6-kilobase RNA specified in this region is spliced from three exons of 912, 177, and 1,007 or 1,020 nucleotides, which are separated by introns of 93 and 326 nucleotides. The second AUG located in the first exon 119 nucleotides downstream of the 5' cap site is followed by an open reading frame of 990 nucleotides. The predicted polypeptide of 330 amino acids has a calculated molecular mass of 36.4 kilodaltons. Transfection with e1 revealed three antigenically related proteins of 36, 37, and 38 kilodaltons; these proteins probably represent differently modified forms of the predicted protein. These three proteins are phosphorylated and are associated with intranuclear inclusion bodies. A 33-kilodalton protein also derived from e1 was identified as a product of nonspliced transcripts. Comparison of amino acid sequences revealed homology between the murine cytomegalovirus transcription unit e1 and a human cytomegalovirus E transcription unit