
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to the Study of Vortex Flow Control for the Management of Inlet Distortion


The present study demonstrates that the Reduced Navier-Stokes code RNS3D can be used very effectively to develop a vortex generator installation for the purpose of minimizing the engine face circumferential distortion by controlling the development of secondary flow. The computing times required are small enough that studies such as this are feasible within an analysis-design environment with all its constraints of time and costs. This research study also established the nature of the performance improvements that can be realized with vortex flow control, and suggests a set of aerodynamic properties (called observations) that can be used to arrive at a successful vortex generator installation design. The ultimate aim of this research is to manage inlet distortion by controlling secondary flow through an arrangements of vortex generators configurations tailored to the specific aerodynamic characteristics of the inlet duct. This study also indicated that scaling between flight and typical wind tunnel test conditions is possible only within a very narrow range of generator configurations close to an optimum installation. This paper also suggests a possible law that can be used to scale generator blade height for experimental testing, but further research in this area is needed before it can be effectively applied to practical problems. Lastly, this study indicated that vortex generator installation design for inlet ducts is more complex than simply satisfying the requirement of attached flow, it must satisfy the requirement of minimum engine face distortion

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