118 research outputs found

    Технология крепления выработок для камерных систем разработки с закладкой

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    Монография посвящена вопросам обоснования рациональных параметров крепления нарезных выработок в зонах влияния очистных камер для конкретных геотехнических условий Южно-Белозерского месторождения. В результате теоретических, лабораторных и промышленных исследований предложены технологические решения для анкерного крепления нарезных выработок как в сторону висячего и лежачего боков от очистных камер. Для студентов, научно-педагогических и научно-технических сотрудников высших учебных заведений, научно-исследовательских институтов и проектных организаций, а также инженерно-технических работников горнорудных предприятий.Монографія присвячена питанням обґрунтування раціональних параметрів кріплення нарізних виробок у зонах впливу очисних камер для конкретних геотехнічних умов Південно-Білозерського родовища. В результаті теоретичних, лабораторних і промислових досліджень запропоновані технологічні рішення щодо анкерного кріплення нарізних виробок в масиві навколо первинних очисних камер. Для студентів, науково-педагогічних і науково-технічних співробітників вищих навчальних закладів, науково-дослідних інститутів та проектних організацій, а також інженерно-технічних робітників гірничорудних підприємств

    Повышение ресурса безопасной эксплуатации промысловых трубопроводов на основе применения неметаллических труб

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    Основным результатом исследовательской работы является выбор оптимального материала для промыслового трубопровода, который обеспечит защиту от коррозии, а также увеличит ресурс безопасной эксплуатации нефтегазопровода при минимальных затратах материальных ресурсов на строительство и эксплуатацию промыслового нефтегазопроводаThe main result of the research is the selection of the optimal material for the field pipeline, which will provide protection against corrosion, as well as increase the resource for safe operation of the oil and gas pipeline with minimal expenditure of material resources for the construction and operation of the field pipelin

    Characterisation and radioimmunotherapy of L19-SIP, an anti-angiogenic antibody against the extra domain B of fibronectin, in colorectal tumour models

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    Angiogenesis is a characteristic feature of tumours and other disorders. The human monoclonal antibody L19- SIP targets the extra domain B of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis expressed in a range of tumours. The aim of this study was to investigate whole body distribution, tumour localisation and the potential of radioimmunotherapy with the L19-small immunoprotein (SIP) in colorectal tumours. Two colorectal tumour models with highly different morphologies, the SW1222 and LS174T xenografts, were used in this study. Localisation and retention of the L19-SIP antibody at tumour vessels was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry and Cy3-labelled L19-SIP. Whole body biodistribution studies in both tumour models were carried out with 125I-labelled L19-SIP. Finally, 131I-labelled antibody was used to investigate the potential of radioimmunotherapy in SW1222 tumours. Using immunohistochemistry, we confirmed extra domain B expression in the tumour vasculature. Immunofluorescence demonstrated localisation and retention of injected Cy3-labelled L19-SIP at the abluminal side of tumour vessels. Biodistribution studies using a 125I-labelled antibody showed selective tumour uptake in both models. Higher recorded values for localisation were found in the SW1222 tumours than in the LS174T (7.9 vs 6.6 %ID g−1), with comparable blood clearance for both models. Based on these results, a radioimmunotherapy study was performed in the SW1222 xenograft using 131I-Labelled L19-SIP (55.5 MBq), which showed selective tumour uptake, tumour growth inhibition and improved survival. Radio- and fluorescence-labelled L19-SIP showed selective localisation and retention at vessels of two colorectal xenografts. Furthermore, 131I-L19-SIP shows potential as a novel treatment of colorectal tumours, and provides the foundation to investigate combined therapies in the same tumour models

    Molecular imaging of angiogenesis with SPECT

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    Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and position emission tomography (PET) are the two main imaging modalities in nuclear medicine. SPECT imaging is more widely available than PET imaging and the radionuclides used for SPECT are easier to prepare and usually have a longer half-life than those used for PET. In addition, SPECT is a less expensive technique than PET. Commonly used gamma emitters are: 99mTc (Emax 141 keV, T1/2 6.02 h), 123I (Emax 529 keV, T1/2 13.0 h) and 111In (Emax 245 keV, T1/2 67.2 h). Compared to clinical SPECT, PET has a higher spatial resolution and the possibility to more accurately estimate the in vivo concentration of a tracer. In preclinical imaging, the situation is quite different. The resolution of microSPECT cameras (<0.5 mm) is higher than that of microPET cameras (>1.5 mm). In this report, studies on new radiolabelled tracers for SPECT imaging of angiogenesis in tumours are reviewed

    Human monoclonal antibodies targeting carbonic anhydrase IX for the molecular imaging of hypoxic regions in solid tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Hypoxia, which is commonly observed in areas of primary tumours and of metastases, influences response to treatment. However, its characterisation has so far mainly been restricted to the ex vivo analysis of tumour sections using monoclonal antibodies specific to carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) or by pimonidazole staining, after the intravenous administration of this 2-nitroimidazole compound in experimental animal models.METHODS: In this study, we describe the generation of high-affinity human monoclonal antibodies (A3 and CC7) specific to human CA IX, using phage technology.RESULTS: These antibodies were able to stain CA IX ex vivo and to target the cognate antigen in vivo. In one of the two animal models of colorectal cancer studied (LS174T), CA IX imaging closely matched pimonidazole staining, with a preferential staining of tumour areas characterised by little vascularity and low perfusion. In contrast, in a second animal model (SW1222), distinct staining patterns were observed for pimonidazole and CA IX targeting. We observed a complementary pattern of tumour regions targeted in vivo by the clinical-stage vascular-targeting antibody L19 and the anti-CA IX antibody A3, indicating that a homogenous pattern of in vivo tumour targeting could be achieved by a combination of the two antibodies.CONCLUSION: The new human anti-CA IX antibodies are expected to be non-immunogenic in patients with cancer and may serve as broadly applicable reagents for the non-invasive imaging of hypoxia and for pharmacodelivery applications. British Journal of Cancer (2009) 101, 645-657. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605200 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 July 2009 (C) 2009 Cancer Research U