2,910 research outputs found

    Multidomain Network Based on Programmable Networks: Security Architecture

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    This paper proposes a generic security architecture designed for a multidomain and multiservice network based on programmable networks. The multiservice network allows users of an IP network to run programmable services using programmable nodes located in the architecture of the network. The programmable nodes execute codes to process active packets, which can carry user data and control information. The multiservice network model defined here considers the more pragmatic trends in programmable networks. In this scenario, new security risks that do not appear in traditional IP networks become visible. These new risks are as a result of the execution of code in the programmable nodes and the processing of the active packets. The proposed security architecture is based on symmetric cryptography in the critical process, combined with an efficient manner of distributing the symmetric keys. Another important contribution has been to scale the security architecture to a multidomain scenario in a single and efficient way.Publicad

    DoS protection for a Pragmatic Multiservice Network Based on Programmable Networks

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    Proceedings of First International IFIP TC6 Conference, AN 2006, Paris, France, September 27-29, 2006.We propose a scenario of a multiservice network, based on pragmatic ideas of programmable networks. Active routers are capable of processing both active and legacy packets. This scenario is vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack, which consists in inserting false legacy packets into active routers. We propose a mechanism for detecting the injection of fake legacy packets into active routers. This mechanism consists in exchanging accounting information on the traffic between neighboring active routers. The exchange of accounting information must be carried out in a secure way using secure active packets. The proposed mechanism is sensitive to the loss of packets. To deal with this problem some improvements in the mechanism has been proposed. An important issue is the procedure for discharging packets when an attack has been detected. We propose an easy and efficient mechanism that would be improved in future work.Publicad

    Providing Authentication & Authorization Mechanisms for Active Service Charging

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    Active network technology enables fast deployment of new network services tailored to the specific needs of end users, among others features. Nevertheless proper charging for these new added value services require suitable authentication and authorization mechanisms. In this article we describe a security architecture for SARA (Simple Active Router-Assistant) architecture, an active network platform deployed in the context of the IST-GCAP project. The proposed solution provides all the required security features, and it also grants proper scalability of the overall system, by using a distributed key-generation algorithm.Publicad

    ROSA: Realistic Open Security Architecture for active networks

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    Proceedings of IFIP-TC6 4th International Working Conference, IWAN 2002 Zurich, Switzerland, December 4–6, 2002.Active network technology enables fast deployment of new network services tailored to the specific needs of end users, among other features. Nevertheless, security is still a main concern when considering the industrial adoption of this technology. In this article we describe an open security architecture for active network platforms that follow the discrete approach. The proposed solution provides all the required security features, and it also grants proper scalability of the overall system, by using a distributed key-generation algorithm. The performance of the proposal is validated with experimental data obtained from a prototype implementation of the solution.Publicad

    Performance analysis of a security architecture for active networks in Java

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    Internacional Association of Science and Technology for Development - IASTED, Benalmadena, Spain: 8-10 Septiembre, 2003.Active network technology supports the deployment and execution on the fly of new active services, without interrupting the network operation. Active networks are composed of special nodes (named Active Router) that are able to execute active code to offer the active services. This technology introduces some security threats that must be solved using a security architecture. We have developed a security architecture (ROSA) for an active network platform (SARA). Java has been used as programming language in order to provide portability, but it imposes some performance limitations. This paper analyses the penalty of using Java and proposes some mechanisms to improve the performance of cryptographic implementations in Java.Publicad

    Hernán Cortés in Emilia Pardo Bazán's journalistic and literary work

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    Emilia Pardo Bazán al escribir Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas, y al publicar toda una serie de artículos en la prensa periódica de la época sobre el conquistador español, quería revalorar la imagen que España había tenido a lo largo de la historia. En concreto, doña Emilia quería contrarrestar la historiografía que había surgido a partir del siglo XVII en Europa, aquella que había difundido la leyenda negra, aprovechándose de todos los medios a su alcance para desprestigiar el papel de España durante la conquista y colonización de América. En este ensayo, se analizará no sólo la novela Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas, sino también una serie de artículos que aparecieron en diversas revistas, en los que Emilia Pardo Bazán trataba este tema.When Emilia Pardo Bazán wrote Hernán Cortés and his heroic deeds, she wanted to re-evaluate the image that Spain had throughout history. In other words, Bazán wanted to counteract the historiography that had emerged after the 17th century in Europe: The historiography that had spread the black legend that wanted to discredit the role of Spain during the American conquest and colonization. In this essay, I will analyze not only Hernán Cortés and his heroic deeds, but also a series of articles by Bazán dealing with the conquistador that appeared in different magazines.peerReviewe

    Significado científico del léxico médico en lengua catalana (s.XV)

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    Calidad periodística

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    Reseña GÓMEZ MOMPART, Josep Lluís; GUTIÉRREZ LOZANO, Juan Francisco y PALAU SAMPIO, Dolors (eds.) (2013). La calidad periodística. Teorías, investigaciones y sugerencias profesionales. València: PUV. Colección Aldea global.Review of: GÓMEZ MOMPART, Josep Lluís; GUTIÉRREZ LOZANO, Juan Francisco y PALAU SAMPIO, Dolors (eds.) (2013). La calidad periodística. Teorías, investigaciones y sugerencias profesionales. València: PUV. Colección Aldea global

    Documentary study of the intercultural sensitivity concept in the policies and social commurity practice

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo una redefinición del constructo «sensibilidad intercultural», en tanto es muy frecuente encontrar definiciones en el ámbito académico universitario, pero en la práctica que se realiza a nivel sociocomunitario, a través de la administración pública y/o ONGDs, la interpretación del constructo es diferente aunque complementaria. La muestra se ha constituido de documentos oficiales y públicos de los cuales se han establecido descriptores básicos y posteriormente se ha cuantificado mediante frecuencias su importancia en los mismos. La muestra se recogió durante el año 2011.Como principales resultados se han obtenido datos acerca de quiénes son sus principales beneficiarios, quiénes son sus principales responsables y cuáles son los principales objetivos a alcanzar y las tareas o acciones a realizar. Concluye con la propuesta de un nuevo concepto que favorece la intervención pedagógica en el ámbito social.The aim of this work is to redefine the concept of ‘intercultural sensitivity’. In academic circles definitions abound, but the interpretation of this construct when applied at the social community level – either by the public administration or NGDOs – is, although complementary, different. The sample used in this work consists of both official and public documents. First, basic descriptors were defined, then their relevance was quantified depending on their frequency of use. Sampling was performed throughout 2011. The results obtained relate to data on who the main beneficiaries are and on who those in charge of intercultural sensitivity programs are, and also what the key objectives for the future are and what actions need to be taken to achieve these aims. In addition a new concept favouring pedagogical intervention in the social area is also proposed