1,740 research outputs found

    Rebalancing Learning on Evolving Data Streams

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    Nowadays, every device connected to the Internet generates an ever-growing stream of data (formally, unbounded). Machine Learning on unbounded data streams is a grand challenge due to its resource constraints. In fact, standard machine learning techniques are not able to deal with data whose statistics is subject to gradual or sudden changes without any warning. Massive Online Analysis (MOA) is the collective name, as well as a software library, for new learners that are able to manage data streams. In this paper, we present a research study on streaming rebalancing. Indeed, data streams can be imbalanced as static data, but there is not a method to rebalance them incrementally, one element at a time. For this reason we propose a new streaming approach able to rebalance data streams online. Our new methodology is evaluated against some synthetically generated datasets using prequential evaluation in order to demonstrate that it outperforms the existing approaches

    Role of glycosphingolipid SSEA-3 and FGF2 in the stemness and lineage commitment of multilineage differentiating stress enduring (MUSE) cells

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    Multilineage differentiating Stress Enduring (MUSE) cells are endogenous, stress-resistant stem cells, expressing pluripotency master genes and able to differentiate in cells of the three embryonic sheets. Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen 3 (SSEA-3), a glycosphingolipid (GSL), is the marker for identifying MUSE cells and is used to isolate this population from mesenchymal stromal cells. GSLs modulate signal transduction by interacting with plasma membrane components. The growth factor FGF2, important for MUSE cells biology, may interact with GSLs. Specific cell surface markers represent an invaluable tool for stem cell isolation. Nonetheless their role, if any, in stem cell biology is poorly investigated. Functions of stem cells, however, depend on niche external cues, which reach cells through surface markers. We addressed the role of SSEA-3 in MUSE cell behaviour, trying to define whether SSEA-3 is just a marker or if it plays a functional role in this cell population by determining if it has any relationship with FGF2 activity

    Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in a Patient Affected by Systemic Sclerosis

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    The currently recommended treatment for patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is pegilated interferon α (IFN α) plus ribavirin. Despite the numerous benefits of this therapy, there is an increasing concern regarding his tolerance. Among the most common side effects, interferon may trigger the onset or exacerbation of autoimmune diseases. When chronic hepatitis C coexists with an autoimmune disorder, it is not clear whether using interferon is better than avoiding it. We evaluated the disease state of a 55-year old female affected by sistemic sclerosis (SSc), during and after therapy with IFNα pegilated plus ribavirin for chronic HCV infection. We were worried about the potential worsening of the autoimmune disease during the therapy, but we were confident that we would give our patient a short course of peginterferon and ribavirin. A mild, asymptomatic worsening of lung SSc was observed during IFN administration, without life threatening symptoms. After 24 months follow up we observed the maintenance of the virological response and a good control of the rheumatological disease. Thus, in liver disease at high risk of progression and concomitant SSc, the antiviral therapy with IFNα is a feasible approach

    Molecular and Physiological Effects of Browning Agents on White Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Two different types of adipose depots can be observed in mammals: white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT). The primary role of WAT is to deposit surplus energy in the form of triglycerides, along with many metabolic and hormonal activities; as thermogenic tissue, BAT has the distinct characteristic of using energy and glucose consumption as a strategy to maintain the core body temperature. Under specific stimuli—such as exercise, cold exposure, and drug treatment—white adipocytes can utilize their extraordinary flexibility to transdifferentiate into brown-like cells, called beige adipocytes, thereby acquiring new morphological and physiological characteristics. For this reason, the process is identified as the ‘browning of WAT’. We evaluated the ability of some drugs, including GW501516, sildenafil, and rosiglitazone, to induce the browning process of adult white adipocytes obtained from differentiated mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). In addition, we broadened our investigation by evaluating the potential browning capacity of IRISIN, a myokine that is stimulated by muscular exercises. Our data indicate that IRISIN was effective in promoting the browning of white adipocytes, which acquire increased expression of UCP1, increased mitochondrial mass, and modification in metabolism, as suggested by an increase of mitochondrial oxygen consumption, primarily in presence of glucose as a nutrient. These promising browning agents represent an appealing focus in the therapeutic approaches to counteracting metabolic diseases and their associated obesity

    Muse stem cells can be isolated from stromal compartment of mouse bone marrow, adipose tissue, and ear connective tissue: A comparative study of their in vitro properties

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    The cells present in the stromal compartment of many tissues are a heterogeneous population containing stem cells, progenitor cells, fibroblasts, and other stromal cells. A SSEA3(+) cell subpopulation isolated from human stromal compartments showed stem cell properties. These cells, known as multilineage-differentiating stress-enduring (MUSE) cells, are capable of resisting stress and possess an excellent ability to repair DNA damage. We isolated MUSE cells from different mouse stromal compartments, such as those present in bone marrow, subcutaneous white adipose tissue, and ear connective tissue. These cells showed overlapping in vitro biological properties. The mouse MUSE cells were positive for stemness markers such as SOX2, OCT3/4, and NANOG. They also expressed TERT, the catalytic telomerase subunit. The mouse MUSE cells showed spontaneous commitment to differentiation in meso/ecto/endodermal derivatives. The demonstration that mul-tilineage stem cells can be isolated from an animal model, such as the mouse, could offer a valid alternative to the use of other stem cells for disease studies and envisage of cellular therapies

    Evaluation of Browning Agents on the White Adipogenesis of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A Contribution to Fighting Obesity

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    Brown-like adipocytes can be induced in white fat depots by a different environmental or drug stimuli, known as "browning" or "beiging". These brite adipocytes express thermogenin UCP1 protein and show different metabolic advantages, such as the ability to acquire a thermogenic phenotype corresponding to standard brown adipocytes that counteracts obesity. In this research, we evaluated the effects of several browning agents during white adipocyte differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Our in vitro findings identified two compounds that may warrant further in vivo investigation as possible anti-obesity drugs. We found that rosiglitazone and sildenafil are the most promising drug candidates for a browning treatment of obesity. These drugs are already available on the market for treating diabetes and erectile dysfunction, respectively. Thus, their off-label use may be contemplated, but it must be emphasized that some severe side effects are associated with use of these drugs

    Timely Supplementation of Hydrogels Containing Sulfated or Unsulfated Chondroitin and Hyaluronic Acid Affects Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Commitment Toward Chondrogenic Differentiation

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are currently used for cartilage cell therapy because of their well proven capacity to differentiate in chondrocytes. The advantage of MSC-based therapy is the possibility of producing a high number of chondrocytes for implants. The transplant procedure, however, has some limitations, since MSCs may produce non-functional chondrocytes. This limit has been challenged by cultivating MSC in media with hydrogels containing hyaluronic acid (HA), extractive chondroitin sulfate (CS), or bio-fermentative unsulphated chondroitin (BC) alone or in combination. Nevertheless, a clear study of the effect of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on chondrocyte differentiation is still lacking, especially for the newly obtained unsulfated chondroitin of biotechnological origin. Are these GAGs playing a role in the commitment of stem cells to chondrocyte progenitors and in the differentiation of progenitors to mature chondrocytes? Alternatively, do they have a role only in one of these biological processes? We evaluated the role of HA, CS, and – above all – BC in cell commitment and chondrocyte differentiation of MSCs by supplementing these GAGs in different phases of in vitro cultivation. Our data provided evidence that a combination of HA and CS or of HA and BC supplemented during the terminal in vitro differentiation and not during cell commitment of MSCs improved chondrocytes differentiation without the presence of fibrosis (reduced expression of Type I collagen). This result suggests that a careful evaluation of extracellular cues for chondrocyte differentiation is fundamental to obtaining a proper maturation process

    Lithium and its effects: does dose matter?

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    Background: Decades of clinical research have demonstrated the efficacy of lithium in treating acute episodes (both manic and depressive), as well as in preventing recurrences of bipolar disorder (BD). Specific to lithium is its antisuicidal effect, which appears to extend beyond its mood-stabilizing properties. Lithium's clinical effectiveness is, to some extent, counterbalanced by its safety and tolerability profile. Indeed, monitoring of lithium levels is required by its narrow therapeutic index. There is consensus that adequate serum levels should be above 0.6 mEq/L to achieve clinical effectiveness. However, few data support the choice of this threshold, and increasing evidence suggests that lithium might have clinical and molecular effects at much lower concentrations. Content: This narrative review is aimed at: (1) reviewing and critically interpreting the clinical evidence supporting the use of the 0.6 mEq/L threshold, (2) reporting a narrative synthesis of the evidence supporting the notion that lithium might be effective in much lower doses. Among these are epidemiological studies of lithium in water, evidence on the antisuicidal, anti-aggressive, and neuroprotective effects, including efficacy in preventing cognitive impairment progression, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), of lithium; and (3) revieweing biological data supporting clinically viable uses of lithium at low levels with the delineation of a mechanistic hypothesis surrounding its purported mechanism of action. The study selection was based on the authors' preference, reflecting the varied and extensive expertise on the review subject, further enriched with an extensive pearl-growing strategy for relevant reviews and book sections. Conclusions: Clinical and molecular effects of lithium are numerous, and its effects also appear to have a certain degree of specificity related to the dose administered. In sum, the clinical effects of lithium are maximal for mood stabilisation at concentrations higher than 0.6 mEq/l. However, lower levels may be sufficient for preventing depressive recurrences in older populations of patients, and microdoses could be effective in decreasing suicide risk, especially in patients with BD. Conversely, lithium's ability to counteract cognitive decline appears to be exerted at subtherapeutic doses, possibly corresponding to its molecular neuroprotective effects. Indeed, lithium may reduce inflammation and induce neuroprotection even at doses several folds lower than those commonly used in clinical settings. Nevertheless, findings surrounding its purported mechanism of action are missing, and more research is needed to investigate the molecular targets of low-dose lithium adequately

    Pharmacokinetic Markers of Clinical Outcomes in Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review

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    The term severe mental illness (SMI) encompasses those psychiatric disorders exerting the highest clinical burden and socio-economic impact on the affected individuals and their communities. Pharmacogenomic (PGx) approaches hold great promise in personalizing treatment selection and clinical outcomes, possibly reducing the burden of SMI. Here, we sought to review the literature in the field, focusing on PGx testing and particularly on pharmacokinetic markers. We performed a systematic review on PUBMED/Medline, Web of Science, and Scopus. The last search was performed on the 17 September 2022, and further augmented with a comprehensive pearl-growing strategy. In total, 1979 records were screened, and after duplicate removal, 587 unique records were screened by at least 2 independent reviewers. Ultimately, forty-two articles were included in the qualitative analysis, eleven randomized controlled trials and thirty-one nonrandomized studies. The observed lack of standardization in PGx tests, population selection, and tested outcomes limit the overall interpretation of the available evidence. A growing body of evidence suggests that PGx testing might be cost-effective in specific settings and may modestly improve clinical outcomes. More efforts need to be directed toward improving PGx standardization, knowledge for all stakeholders, and clinical practice guidelines for screening recommendations