996 research outputs found

    La sfida di IRIDE

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    Perioperative latex allergy.

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    The prevalence of latex allergy varies greatly depending on the population studied and the methods used to detect sensitization. Subjects considered to be at high risk for latex allergy are rubber industry workers, children with spina bifida and urological abnormalities, children undergoing multiple surgical procedures and with urinary catheterization, health care workers and people with food allergy (latex fruit syndrome). In this paper we report a review of latex proteins, the symptoms of latex allergy, diagnosis and management in subjects with latex allergy

    Enriched environment reduces glioma growth through immune and non-immune mechanisms in mice

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    Mice exposed to standard (SE) or enriched environment (EE) were transplanted with murine or human glioma cells and differences in tumour development were evaluated. We report that EE exposure affects: (i) tumour size, increasing mice survival; (ii) glioma establishment, proliferation and invasion; (iii) microglia/macrophage (M/Mφ) activation; (iv) natural killer (NK) cell infiltration and activation; and (v) cerebral levels of IL-15 and BDNF. Direct infusion of IL-15 or BDNF in the brain of mice transplanted with glioma significantly reduces tumour growth. We demonstrate that brain infusion of IL-15 increases the frequency of NK cell infiltrating the tumour and that NK cell depletion reduces the efficacy of EE and IL-15 on tumour size and of EE on mice survival. BDNF infusion reduces M/Mφ infiltration and CD68 immunoreactivity in tumour mass and reduces glioma migration inhibiting the small G protein RhoA through the truncated TrkB.T1 receptor. These results suggest alternative approaches for glioma treatment

    Altered Modulation of Silent Period in Tongue Motor Cortex of Persistent Developmental Stuttering in Relation to Stuttering Severity

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    Motor balance in developmental stuttering (DS) was investigated with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), with the aim to define novel neural markers of persistent DS in adulthood. Eleven DS adult males were evaluated with TMS on tongue primary motor cortex, compared to 15 matched fluent speakers, in a "state" condition (i.e. stutterers vs. fluent speakers, no overt stuttering). Motor and silent period thresholds (SPT), recruitment curves, and silent period durations were acquired by recording tongue motor evoked potentials. Tongue silent period duration was increased in DS, especially in the left hemisphere (P<0.05; Hedge's g or Cohen's dunbiased = 1.054, i.e. large effect size), suggesting a "state" condition of higher intracortical inhibition in left motor cortex networks. Differences in motor thresholds (different excitatory/inhibitory ratios in DS) were evident, as well as significant differences in SPT. In fluent speakers, the left hemisphere may be marginally more excitable than the right one in motor thresholds at lower muscular activation, while active motor thresholds and SPT were higher in the left hemisphere of DS with respect to the right one, resulting also in a positive correlation with stuttering severity. Pre-TMS electromyography data gave overlapping evidence. Findings suggest the existence of a complex intracortical balance in DS tongue primary motor cortex, with a particular interplay between excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms, also in neural substrates related to silent periods. Findings are discussed with respect to functional and structural impairments in stuttering, and are also proposed as novel neural markers of a stuttering "state" in persistent DS, helping to define more focused treatments (e.g. neuro-modulation)

    Association between a genetic variant of type-1 cannabinoid receptor and inflammatory neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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    Genetic ablation of type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1Rs) exacerbates the neurodegenerative damage of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the rodent model of multiple sclerosis (MS). To address the role on CB1Rs in the pathophysiology of human MS, we first investigated the impact of AAT trinucleotide short tandem repeat polymorphism of CNR1 gene on CB1R cell expression, and secondly on the inflammatory neurodegeneration process responsible for irreversible disability in MS patients. We found that MS patients with long AAT repeats within the CNR1 gene (≥12 in both alleles) had more pronounced neuronal degeneration in response to inflammatory white matter damage both in the optic nerve and in the cortex. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), in fact, showed more severe alterations of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and of the macular volume (MV) after an episode of optic neuritis in MS patients carrying the long AAT genotype of CNR1. MS patients with long AAT repeats also had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of increased gray matter damage in response to inflammatory lesions of the white matter, especially in areas with a major role in cognition. In parallel, visual abilities evaluated at the low contrast acuity test, and cognitive performances were negatively influenced by the long AAT CNR1 genotype in our sample of MS patients. Our results demonstrate the biological relevance of the (AAT)n CNR1 repeats in the inflammatory neurodegenerative damage of MS

    Rapporto Attività di Progetto Attività scientifiche per i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazione Riunione di Avanzamento n.2

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    Rapporto presentato alla Riunione di Avanzamento n.2, relativo alle attività tecnico/scientifiche svolte nel periodo 01/02/2020-15/11/2020 nell'ambito del contratto ASI-INAF 2019-21-HH.0 riguardante i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazion

    Rapporto Attività di Progetto Attività scientifiche per i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazione Riunione di Avanzamento n.1

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    Rapporto presentato alla Riunione di Avanzamento n.1, relativo alle attività tecnico/scientifiche svolte nel periodo 14/11/2019-31/01/2020 nell'ambito del contratto ASI-INAF 2019-21-HH.0, riguardante i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazion

    Rapporto Attività di Progetto Attività scientifiche per i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazione Riunione di Avanzamento n.3

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    Rapporto presentato alla Riunione di Avanzamento n.3, relativo alle attività tecnico/scientifiche svolte nel periodo 16/11/2020-28/02/2021 nell'ambito del contratto ASI-INAF 2019-21-HH.0 riguardante i radar di Mars Express e di Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Fase E2 Continuazion

    Disc Regeneration Using MSC Transplanted via the Endplate Route

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    IntroductionStem cell based intervertebral disc (IVD) regeneration is quickly moving toward clinical applications.1 However, many aspects need to be investigated to routinely translate this therapy..

    Reproducible Disc Degeneration Scale in a Large Animal Model

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    IntroductionTo study the efficacy of novel regenerative strategies is necessary to develop new models that do not implement annulus fibrosus (AF) damage. We hypothesize an ideal preclinical model t..
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