67 research outputs found
Avaliação "in vitro" do selamento apical dos canais radiculares em função de diferentes técnicas de obturação
The purpose of this study was to compare the apical sealing of root canals obturated with different techniques. One hundred-six human mandibular incisors were submitted to instrumentation by means of the step-back technique. After instrumentation, one hundred teeth received an impermeable coating on the external surfaces of the crown and root (except for the area nearby the apical foramen). Afterwards, they were divided in five groups containing twenty elements each, according to the obturation technique employed: 1. lateral condensation with Kerr file; 2. continuous wave of condensation technique with System B; 3. thermoplasticized injectable gutta-percha technique with the Ultrafil system; 4. mechanically thermoplasticized gutta-percha with the JS Quick-Fill system and 5. thermoplasticized gutta-percha associated to a master cone with the Microseal system. The six remaining teeth were employed as negative and positive controls. After obturation, the access cavities were sealed and the teeth were immersed in aqueous 2% methylene blue dye for 72 hours at 37ºC. After that, the teeth were longitudinally sectioned and the apical microleakage was evaluated in a stereomicroscope. The Microseal system presented the best apical sealing ability, followed by System B, JS Quick-Fill, Ultrafil and the lateral condensation technique. The statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that: 1. the Microseal system presented an apical sealing similar to System B and better than the other groups; 2. System B presented better apical sealing than the lateral condensation technique, being similar to the other groups; and 3. the lateral condensation, Ultrafil and JS Quick-Fill groups demonstrated similar sealing ability.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o selamento apical de canais radiculares obturados por diferentes técnicas. Cento e seis incisivos inferiores humanos tiveram seus canais instrumentados através da técnica escalonada regressiva. Após a instrumentação, cem dentes foram impermeabilizados, exceto nas proximidades do forame apical, e divididos em cinco grupos de vinte elementos cada, de acordo com a técnica de obturação utilizada: 1. condensação lateral ativa realizada com lima tipo Kerr; 2. Onda Contínua de Condensação realizada com o System B; 3. guta-percha termoplastificada injetável realizada com o sistema Ultrafil; 4. guta-percha termoplastificada mecanicamente realizada com o sistema JS Quick-Fill; 5. guta-percha termoplastificada associada a um cone principal realizada com o sistema Microseal. Os seis dentes restantes foram utilizados como controles positivo e negativo. Após a obturação, os dentes foram imersos em solução aquosa de azul de metileno a 2%, durante setenta e duas horas, a 37ºC. A seguir, os dentes foram seccionados longitudinalmente e a infiltração apical avaliada em um estereomicroscópio. O sistema Microseal apresentou a melhor capacidade de selamento apical, seguido pelo System B, JS Quick-Fill, Ultrafil e pela técnica da condensação lateral. A análise estatística dos resultados demonstrou que: 1. o sistema Microseal apresentou selamento apical semelhante ao do System B e melhor que dos demais grupos; 2. o System B apresentou selamento apical melhor que o da técnica da Condensação Lateral e semelhante ao dos demais grupos; 3. os grupos da Condensação Lateral, Ultrafil e JS Quick-Fill, apresentaram capacidade de selamento semelhante
Lysanda paste: a new option for root-end filling
This study aimed to compare the apical sealing of root-end fillings performed with Lysanda (zinc oxide-eugenol paste) with radiopacifiers (iodoform or zinc oxide) and calcium hydroxide. Root-end cavities were prepared and filled with different materials, as follows: Group I - Lysanda paste with iodoform; Group II - Lysanda paste with iodoform and calcium hydroxide; Group III - Lysanda paste with iodoform and zinc oxide; Group IV - Lysanda paste with zinc oxide; Group V - mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). After filling, the teeth were immersed in 2% methylene blue for analysis of marginal leakage. It was observed that marginal leakage occurred in all groups. Lysanda paste with iodoform showed the lowest leakage, with no statistically significant difference compared to the other groups. All materials can be considered as good options for root-end filling
Avaliação morfométrica e microscópica do efeito do nitrato de gálio usado como curativo intracanal em dentes de ratos reimplantados tardiamente
The purpose of this study was to test a gallium nitrate solution, a resorption inhibitor, employed as a root canal dressing in teeth submitted to late replantation. Thirty maxillary right central incisors of rats were avulsed and kept dry for thirty minutes. The teeth were instrumented and the root surfaces were treated with 1% hypochlorite solution followed by application of 2% sodium fluoride. Thereafter, the teeth were divided into two groups according to the root canal dressing: Group I, solution of gallium nitrate; and Group II, calcium hydroxide paste. The teeth were then replanted in their respective sockets. The animals were killed at 15, 30 and 60 days after replantation and the samples were processed for morphometric and microscopic analysis. The results demonstrated that the gallium nitrate solution and the calcium hydroxide paste limited the root resorption, yet they did not impair its occurrence. It may be concluded that gallium nitrate solution and calcium hydroxide paste demonstrated similar performance.Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a solução de nitrato de gálio, um inibidor da reabsorção, como curativo intracanal para dentes reimplantados tardiamente. Trinta incisivos centrais superiores direitos de ratos foram avulsionados e mantidos a seco por trinta minutos. Todos os dentes tiveram os canais radiculares instrumentados e a superfície radicular tratada com hipoclorito de sódio a 1%, seguido de fluoreto de sódio a 2%. Após isso, os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a medicação intracanal: no grupo I, foi usada solução de nitrato de gálio e grupo II, pasta de hidróxido de cálcio. Todos os dentes foram, então, reimplantados em seus respectivos alvéolos. Passados 15, 30 e 60 dias do reimplante, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças obtidas, processadas em laboratório para análise microscópica e morfométrica. Os resultados mostraram que a solução de nitrato de gálio e a pasta de hidróxido de cálcio limitaram a reabsorção radicular, mas não impediram a sua ocorrência. Conclui-se que ambos os medicamentos têm ação semelhante
Sealing ability, marginal adaptation and their correlation using three root-end filling materials as apical plugs
OBJECTIVE: This study used dye leakage assay and scanning electron microscopy to evaluate, respectively, the sealing ability and marginal adaptation of three root-end filling materials used as apical plugs, as well as the possible correlation between these properties. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-eight single-rooted human teeth were prepared to simulate an open apex. The teeth were allocated to three experimental groups (n = 30), which received a 5-mm thick apical plug of (1) gray MTA AngelusTM, (2) CPM TM and (3) MBPc, and two controls groups (n = 4). After immersion in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 48 h, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally and analyzed by Image Tool 3.0 software. The marginal adaptation between apical plugs and the root canal walls were analyzed by SEM. RESULTS: MBPc had significantly less (p<0.05) apical leakage than the other materials. Regarding marginal adaptation, CPM TM showed the best numerical results, though without statistical significance from the other materials (p<0.05). There was no correlation between the two properties. CONCLUSIONS: When used as apical plugs, the tested root-end filling materials had similar marginal adaptation to the dentin walls, but MBPc had the best sealing ability, as demonstrated by the least apical leakage from all tested materials
A quantitative analysis of rotary, ultrasonic and manual techniques to treat proximally flattened root canals
OBJECTIVE: The efficiency of rotary, manual and ultrasonic root canal instrumentation techniques was investigated in proximally flattened root canals. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty human mandibular left and right central incisors, lateral incisors and premolars were used. The pulp tissue was removed and the root canals were filled with red die. Teeth were instrumented using three techniques: (i) K3 and ProTaper rotary systems; (ii) ultrasonic crown-down technique; and (iii) progressive manual technique. Roots were bisected longitudinally in a buccolingual direction. The instrumented canal walls were digitally captured and the images obtained were analyzed using the Sigma Scan software. Canal walls were evaluated for total canal wall area versus non-instrumented area on which dye remained. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found between the instrumentation techniques studied (
Radiographic analysis of root canal fillings: influence of two sealers on the perception of voids
The aim of this ex vivo was to investigate if two radiopaque root canal sealers with different formulations would influence the radiographic perception of root canal fillings. The root canals of 48 extracted maxillary canines were prepared and randomly assigned to 3 groups of 16 specimens each. In each group, the root canals were filled by lateral condensation of gutta-percha and one of the tested sealers: Endométhasone, Sealer 26, or a non-radiopaque sealer. A through-and-through void was simulated in half of the specimens from each group (n=8). The buccolingual radiographic images obtained were randomly interpreted for voids existence by a radiologist and an endodontist. The differences in sensitivity and specificity between groups and examiners were compared using, respectively, Fisher's Exact and McNemar tests at 5% significance level. Both radiopaque sealers caused a significant decrease in sensitivity at the coronal part of fillings. The use of Endométhasone increased specificity values for both coronal and apical portions of the root canal fillings. In conclusion, the tested sealers influenced the radiographic perceptions of laterally condensed root canal fillings in a different way.O propósito deste estudo ex vivo foi investigar se dois cimentos obturadores de fórmulas diferentes influenciariam a percepção radiográfica de obturações de canais radiculares. Os canais radiculares de 48 caninos superiores extraídos foram preparados e divididos em 3 grupos. Em cada grupo os canais foram preenchidos através da condensação lateral da guta-percha e de um dos cimentos testados (Endométhasone, Sealer 26 e cimento não-radiopaco), e um defeito de ponta a ponta foi simulado em metade dos espécimes de cada grupo (n=8). As imagens radiográficas vestíbulo-linguais obtidas foram aleatoriamente interpretadas quanto à existência de defeitos por um radiologista e um endodontista. As diferenças em sensibilidade e especificidade entre os grupos e examinadores foram comparadas respectivamente usando-se os testes Exato de Fisher e McNemar ajustados ao nível de significância de 5%. Ambos os cimentos radiopacos ocasionaram uma redução significativa da sensibilidade na parte cervical das obturações. O uso do Endométhasone aumentou os valores de especificidade para as porções cervical e apical das obturações dos canais radiculares. Concluiu-se que os cimentos testados influenciaram de maneira distinta a percepção radiográfica de obturações endodônticas executadas com condensação lateral
Evaluation of the effects of processing delays and protective plastic cases on image quality of a photostimulable phosphor plate system
This ex vivo study evaluated the quality of digital radiographic images obtained with the photostimulable phosphor plate system (Digora) according to the processing delay and maintenance of optical plates in either opaque (supplied with the system) or transparent protective plastic cases during this period. Five radiographs were obtained from the mandibular molar region of a dry human mandible using optical plates. These plates were placed in the protective plastic cases before obtaining the radiographs and were processed immediately or after processing delays of 5, 60 and 120 min, when the case was removed. The results revealed a reduction in image quality when processing was delay 120 min compared to the other times. The opaque case provided better protection to the sensor than the transparent case. In conclusion, a 120-min processing delay for the Digora system caused a reduction in image quality, yet without interfering with the quality of diagnosis. The opaque case supplied by the system's manufacturer provided better protection to the optical plate than the transparent case
Healing of root perforations treated with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement
Avaliou-se o reparo de perfurações em dentes de cães, tratadas com ProRoot MTA, MTA Angelus e cimento Portland branco. As perfurações foram feitas na região de furca de premolares, superiores e inferiores, com broca STP 58 sob refrigeração com soro fisiólogico. Os animais foram mortos após 90 dias e os dentes foram preparados para análise microscópica pela coloração da hematoxilina e eosina. Os três materiais propiciaram o selamento da perfuração com tecido mineralizado e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis demostrou não haver diferença estatística entre eles.Fourteen root perforations were performed for microscopic evaluation of the repair of interradicular tissue in dogs' teeth. These perforations were accomplished at low-speed with a STP 58 bur at the cervical third of the mesial root toward the furcation under irrigation with saline solution, followed by immediate sealing with ProRoot MTA, MTA-Angelus and white Portland cement. The dogs were killed after 90 days, revealing good results. The Kruskal-Wallis test did not demonstrate any statistically significant difference. It was concluded that the three materials showed good sealing in mineralized tissue, with complete closure, and they were free of inflammation in most teeth
Comparison of radiographic measurements obtained with conventional an indirect digital imaging during endontic treatment
The aims of this study were to evaluate the quality of indirect digitized radiographic images taken during endodontic procedures and to compare the measurements recorded with this technique to those obtained from conventional radiographs. Two-hundred conventional periapical radiographs taken at the undergraduate Endodontics Clinic of the Dental School of Bauru were digitized. The conventional and indirect digitized images were compared by three examiners as to the quality and accuracy of the measurements recorded during endodontic treatment, in canal length determination, gutta-percha adaptation, lateral condensation and final obturation. The conventional radiographs were observed on a film viewer, surrounded by a dark card, and measured with magnifying glass and a millimeter ruler; the indirect digitized images were evaluated on the Digora® for Windows software, with free utilization of the bright/contrast tool. Unlike the conventional radiographic images, all indirect digitized images were considered as having a high quality. The distance between the filling material and the root apex was 0.117 mm larger, on average, for the Digora® system (
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