14 research outputs found

    Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise

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    We study the thermal conductivity of the one dimensional Toda lattice perturbed by a stochastic dynamics preserving energy and momentum. The strength of the stochastic noise is controlled by a parameter Îł\gamma. We show that heat transport is anomalous, and that the thermal conductivity diverges with the length nn of the chain according to Îș(n)∌nα\kappa(n) \sim n^\alpha, with 0<α≀1/20 < \alpha \leq 1/2. In particular, the ballistic heat conduction of the unperturbed Toda chain is destroyed. Besides, the exponent α\alpha of the divergence depends on Îł\gamma

    Simulations of Transport in Hard Particle Systems

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    We thank G. Gallavotti, J.L. Lebowitz and J. del Pozo for illuminating discussions. Financial support from Spanish Ministry MINECO Project FIS2017-84256-P is also acknowledged. We are also grateful for the computational resources and assistance provided by PROTEUS, the supercomputing center of the Institute Carlos I for Theoretical and Computational Physics at the University of Granada, Spain