19,595 research outputs found

    Chiral extrapolation of nucleon magnetic form factors

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    The extrapolation of nucleon magnetic form factors calculated within lattice QCD is investigated within a framework based upon heavy baryon chiral effective-field theory. All one-loop graphs are considered at arbitrary momentum transfer and all octet and decuplet baryons are included in the intermediate states. Finite range regularisation is applied to improve the convergence in the quark-mass expansion. At each value of the momentum transfer (Q2Q^2), a separate extrapolation to the physical pion mass is carried out as a function of mπm_\pi alone. Because of the large values of Q2Q^2 involved, the role of the pion form factor in the standard pion-loop integrals is also investigated. The resulting values of the form factors at the physical pion mass are compared with experimental data as a function of Q2Q^2 and demonstrate the utility and accuracy of the chiral extrapolation methods presented herein.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    On the pion cloud of the nucleon

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    We evaluate the two--pion contribution to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors by use of dispersion analysis and chiral perturbation theory. After subtraction of the rho--meson component, we calculate the distributions of charge and magnetization in coordinate space, which can be interpreted as the effects of the pion cloud. We find that the charge distribution of this pion cloud effect peaks at distances of about 0.3 fm. Furthermore, we calculate the contribution of the pion cloud to the isovector charges and radii of the nucleon.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 3 ps figures, minor change

    Enhanced chiral logarithms in partially quenched QCD

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    I discuss the properties of pions in ``partially quenched'' theories, i.e. those in which the valence and sea quark masses, mVm_V and mSm_S, are different. I point out that for lattice fermions which retain some chiral symmetry on the lattice, e.g. staggered fermions, the leading order prediction of the chiral expansion is that the mass of the pion depends only on mVm_V, and is independent of mSm_S. This surprising result is shown to receive corrections from loop effects which are of relative size mSlnmVm_S \ln m_V, and which thus diverge when the valence quark mass vanishes. Using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory, I calculate the full one-loop correction to the mass and decay constant of pions composed of two non-degenerate quarks, and suggest various combinations for which the prediction is independent of the unknown coefficients of the analytic terms in the chiral Lagrangian. These results can also be tested with Wilson fermions if one uses a non-perturbative definition of the quark mass.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, uses psfig. Typos in eqs (18)-(20) corrected (alpha_4 is replaced by alpha_4/2

    Physical Nucleon Properties from Lattice QCD

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    We demonstrate that the extremely accurate lattice QCD data for the mass of the nucleon recently obtained by CP-PACS, combined with modern chiral extrapolation techniques, leads to a value for the mass of the physical nucleon which has a systematic error of less than one percent.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Extinction and dust/gas ratio in LMC molecular clouds

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    Aims. The goal of this paper is to measure the dust content and distribution in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by comparing extinction maps produced in the near-infrared wavelengths and the spatial distribution of the neutral and molecular gas, as traced by Hi and CO observations. Methods. In order to derive an extinction map of the LMC, we have developed a new method to measure the color excess of dark clouds, using the 2MASS all-sky survey. Classical methods to measure the color excess (including the NICE method) tend to underestimate the true color excess if the clouds are significantly contaminated by unreddened foreground stars, as is the case in the LMC. We propose a new method that uses the color of the X percentile reddest stars and which is robust against such contamination. Using this method, it is possible to infer the positions of dark clouds with respect to the star distribution by comparing the observed color excess as a function of the percentile used and that predicted by a model. Results. On the basis of the resulting extinction map, we perform a correlation analysis for a set of dark molecular clouds. Assuming similar infrared absorption properties for the dust in the neutral and molecular phases, we derive the absorption-to-column density ratio AV/NH and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor X_(CO). We show that AV/NH increases from the outskirts of the LMC towards the 30 Dor star-forming region. This can be explained either by a systematic increase of the dust abundance, or by the presence of an additional gas component not traced by Hi or CO, but strongly correlated to the Hi distribution. If dust abundance is allowed to vary, the derived X_(CO) factors for the selected regions are several times lower than those derived from a virial analysis of the CO data. This could indicate that molecular clouds in the LMC are not gravitationally bound, or that they are bounded by substantial external pressure. However, the X_(CO) values derived from absorption can be reconciled with the virial results assuming a constant value for the dust abundance and the existence of an additional, unseen gas component. These results are in agreement with those derived for the LMC from diffuse far-infrared emission

    Chiral Prediction for the πN\pi N Scattering Length aa^- to Order O(Mπ4){\cal O}(M_\pi^4)

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    We evaluate the S-wave pion--nucleon scattering length aa^- in the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory up--to--and--including terms of order Mπ4M_\pi^4. We show that the order Mπ4M_\pi^4 piece of the isovector amplitude at threshold, TthrT^-_{\rm thr}, vanishes exactly. We predict for the isovector scattering length, 0.088Mπ+1a0.096Mπ+10.088 \, M_{\pi^+}^{-1} \le a^- \le 0.096 \, M_{\pi^+}^{-1}.Comment: 5 pp, LaTeX file, 2 figures (appended as separate compressed tar file, amin.uu

    A Fast Algorithm for Simulating the Chordal Schramm-Loewner Evolution

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    The Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) can be simulated by dividing the time interval into N subintervals and approximating the random conformal map of the SLE by the composition of N random, but relatively simple, conformal maps. In the usual implementation the time required to compute a single point on the SLE curve is O(N). We give an algorithm for which the time to compute a single point is O(N^p) with p<1. Simulations with kappa=8/3 and kappa=6 both give a value of p of approximately 0.4.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Version 2 revisions: added a paragraph to introduction, added 5 references and corrected a few typo

    Capture rate and neutron helicity asymmetry for ordinary muon capture on hydrogen

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    Applying heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory to ordinary muon capture (OMC) on a proton, we calculate the capture rate and neutron helicity asymmetry up to next-to-next-to-leading order. For the singlet hyperfine state, we obtain the capture rate Gamma_0 = 695 sec^{-1} while, for the triplet hyperfine state, we obtain the capture rate Gamma_1 = 11.9 sec^{-1} and the neutron asymmetry alpha_1 = 0.93. If the existing formalism is used to relate these atomic capture rates to Gamma_{liq}, the OMC rate in liquid hydrogen, then Gamma_{liq} corresponding to our improved values of Gamma_0 and Gamma_1 is found to be significantly larger than the experimental value, primarily due to the updated larger value of g_A. We argue that this apparent difficulity may be correlated to the specious anomaly recently reported for mu^- + p to n + nu_mu + gamma, and we suggest a possibility to remove these two "problems" simply and simultaneously by reexamining the molecular physics input that underlies the conventional analysis of Gamma_{liq}.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    The Strangeness Radius and Magnetic Moment of the Nucleon Revisited

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    We update Jaffe's estimate of the strange isoscalar radius and magnetic moment of the nucleon. We make use of a recent dispersion--theoretical fit to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors and an improved description of symmetry breaking in the vector nonet. We find μs=0.24±0.03\mu_s = -0.24 \pm 0.03~n.m. and rs2=0.21±0.03r_s^2 = 0.21 \pm 0.03~fm2^2. The strange formfactor F2s(t)F_2^s (t) follows a dipole with a cut--off mass of 1.46~GeV, F2s(t)=μs(1t/2.14GeV2)2F_2^s (t)= \mu_s (1-t/2.14 \, {\rm GeV}^2 )^{-2}. These numbers should be considered as upper limits on the strange vector current matrix--elements in the nucleon.Comment: 8 pp, LaTeX, uses epsf, 1 figure in separate fil

    Damage spreading and coupling in Markov chains

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    In this paper, we relate the coupling of Markov chains, at the basis of perfect sampling methods, with damage spreading, which captures the chaotic nature of stochastic dynamics. For two-dimensional spin glasses and hard spheres we point out that the obstacle to the application of perfect-sampling schemes is posed by damage spreading rather than by the survey problem of the entire configuration space. We find dynamical damage-spreading transitions deeply inside the paramagnetic and liquid phases, and show that critical values of the transition temperatures and densities depend on the coupling scheme. We discuss our findings in the light of a classic proof that for arbitrary Monte Carlo algorithms damage spreading can be avoided through non-Markovian coupling schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure