44 research outputs found

    Power laws statistics of cliff failures, scaling and percolation

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    The size of large cliff failures may be described in several ways, for instance considering the horizontal eroded area at the cliff top and the maximum local retreat of the coastline. Field studies suggest that, for large failures, the frequencies of these two quantities decrease as power laws of the respective magnitudes, defining two different decay exponents. Moreover, the horizontal area increases as a power law of the maximum local retreat, identifying a third exponent. Such observation suggests that the geometry of cliff failures are statistically similar for different magnitudes. Power laws are familiar in the physics of critical systems. The corresponding exponents satisfy precise relations and are proven to be universal features, common to very different systems. Following the approach typical of statistical physics, we propose a "scaling hypothesis" resulting in a relation between the three above exponents: there is a precise, mathematical relation between the distributions of magnitudes of erosion events and their geometry. Beyond its theoretical value, such relation could be useful for the validation of field catalogs analysis. Pushing the statistical physics approach further, we develop a numerical model of marine erosion that reproduces the observed failure statistics. Despite the minimality of the model, the exponents resulting from extensive numerical simulations fairly agree with those measured on the field. These results suggest that the mathematical theory of percolation, which lies behind our simple model, can possibly be used as a guide to decipher the physics of rocky coast erosion and could provide precise predictions to the statistics of cliff collapses.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. To appear in Earth Surface Processes and Lanforms (Rocky Coast special issue

    Chemical etching of a disordered solid: from experiments to field theory

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    We present a two-dimensional theoretical model for the slow chemical corrosion of a thin film of a disordered solid by suitable etching solutions. This model explain different experimental results showing that the corrosion stops spontaneously in a situation in which the concentration of the etchant is still finite while the corrosion surface develops clear fractal features. We show that these properties are strictly related to the percolation theory, and in particular to its behavior around the critical point. This task is accomplished both by a direct analysis in terms of a self-organized version of the Gradient Percolation model and by field theoretical arguments.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Field theory of self-organized fractal etching

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    We propose a phenomenological field theoretical approach to the chemical etching of a disordered-solid. The theory is based on a recently proposed dynamical etching model. Through the introduction of a set of Langevin equations for the model evolution, we are able to map the problem into a field theory related to isotropic percolation. To the best of the authors knowledge, it constitutes the first application of field theory to a problem of chemical dynamics. By using this mapping, many of the etching process critical properties are seen to be describable in terms of the percolation renormalization group fixed point. The emerging field theory has the peculiarity of being ``{\it self-organized}'', in the sense that without any parameter fine-tuning, the system develops fractal properties up to certain scale controlled solely by the volume, VV, of the etching solution. In the limit V→∞V \to \infty the upper cut-off goes to infinity and the system becomes scale invariant. We present also a finite size scaling analysis and discuss the relation of this particular etching mechanism with Gradient Percolation. Finally, the possibility of considering this mechanism as a new generic path to self-organized criticality is analyzed, with the characteristics of being closely related to a real physical system and therefore more directly accessible to experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Optimal branching asymmetry of hydrodynamic pulsatile trees

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    Most of the studies on optimal transport are done for steady state regime conditions. Yet, there exists numerous examples in living systems where supply tree networks have to deliver products in a limited time due to the pulsatile character of the flow. This is the case for mammals respiration for which air has to reach the gas exchange units before the start of expiration. We report here that introducing a systematic branching asymmetry allows to reduce the average delivery time of the products. It simultaneously increases its robustness against the unevitable variability of sizes related to morphogenesis. We then apply this approach to the human tracheobronchial tree. We show that in this case all extremities are supplied with fresh air, provided that the asymmetry is smaller than a critical threshold which happens to fit with the asymmetry measured in the human lung. This could indicate that the structure is adjusted at the maximum asymmetry level that allows to feed all terminal units with fresh air.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The fractal nature of a diffusion front and the relation to percolation

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    International audienceUsing a two dimensional simulation, a diffusion front is shown to have a fractal geometry in a range increasing with the diffusion length. The number of particles on the front, and the width measuring its spread, follow power laws as a function of the diffusion length. The associated exponents and the fractal dimension can be expressed as simple functions of the critical exponents of the two dimensional percolation problem

    Diffusion-Reorganized Aggregates: Attractors in Diffusion Processes?

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    A process based on particle evaporation, diffusion and redeposition is applied iteratively to a two-dimensional object of arbitrary shape. The evolution spontaneously transforms the object morphology, converging to branched structures. Independently of initial geometry, the structures found after long time present fractal geometry with a fractal dimension around 1.75. The final morphology, which constantly evolves in time, can be considered as the dynamic attractor of this evaporation-diffusion-redeposition operator. The ensemble of these fractal shapes can be considered to be the {\em dynamical equilibrium} geometry of a diffusion controlled self-transformation process.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    How winding is the coast of Britain ? Conformal invariance of rocky shorelines

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    We show that rocky shorelines with fractal dimension 4/3 are conformally invariant curves by measuring the statistics of their winding angles from global high-resolution data. Such coastlines are thus statistically equivalent to the outer boundary of the random walk and of percolation clusters. A simple model of coastal erosion gives an explanation for these results. Conformal invariance allows also to predict the highly intermittent spatial distribution of the flux of pollutant diffusing ashore

    Artificial boundaries and formulations for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Applications to air and blood flows.

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    International audienceWe deal with numerical simulations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in truncated domain. In this context, the formulation of these equations has to be selected carefully in order to guarantee that their associated artificial boundary conditions are relevant for the considered problem. In this paper, we review some of the formulations proposed in the literature, and their associated boundary conditions. Some numerical results linked to each formulation are also presented. We compare different schemes, giving successful computations as well as problematic ones, in order to better understand the difference between these schemes and their behaviours dealing with systems involving Neumann boundary conditions. We also review two stabilization methods which aim at suppressing the instabilities linked to these natural boundary conditions