606 research outputs found

    Towards a dynamic rule-based business process

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    IJWGS is now included in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), starting from volume 4, 2008. The first impact factor, which will be for 2010, is expected to be published in mid 201

    Plasmonic Antennas Hybridized with Dielectric Waveguides

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    For the purpose of using plasmonics in an integrated scheme where single emitters can be probed efficiently, we experimentally and theoretically study the scattering properties of single nano-rod gold antennas as well as antenna arrays placed on one-dimensional dielectric silicon nitride waveguides. Using real space and Fourier microscopy correlated with waveguide transmission measurements, we quantify the spectral properties, absolute strength and directivity of scattering. The scattering processes can be well understood in the framework of the physics of dipolar objects placed on a planar layered environment with a waveguiding layer. We use the single plasmonic structures on top of the waveguide as dipolar building blocks for new types of antennas where the waveguide enhances the coupling between antenna elements. We report on waveguide hybridized Yagi-Uda antennas which show directionality in out-coupling of guided modes as well as directionality for in-coupling into the waveguide of localized excitations positioned at the feed element. These measurements together with simulations demonstrate that this system is ideal as a platform for plasmon quantum optics schemes as well as for fluorescence lab-on-chip applications

    Towards an Efficient Context-Aware System: Problems and Suggestions to Reduce Energy Consumption in Mobile Devices

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    Looking for optimizing the battery consumption is an open issue, and we think it is feasible if we analyze the battery consumption behavior of a typical context-aware application to reduce context-aware operations at runtime. This analysis is based on different context sensors configurations. Actually existing context-aware approaches are mainly based on collecting and sending context data to external components, without taking into account how expensive are these operations in terms of energy consumption. As a first result of our work in progress, we are proposing a way for reducing the context data publishing. We have designed a testing battery consumption architecture supported by Nokia Energy Profiler tool to verify consumption in different scenarios


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    In technology management field, Web-based technologies are becoming very popular within different kind of business domains. Actually, Web-based solutions are facing big challenges mainly related to proper and secure user’s identity management and role delegation operations. The value of improving user’s authentication and management flexibility across multiple organizations has been lately an important concern in order to provide business advantage. Verkkopalkka is a Web-based solution developed within Aditro Oy to process payslips generated from different systems and organizations. These organizations are granted with Verkkopalkka accounts and different kind of privileges to log into the system and perform user operations. Once Verkkopalkka started to grow in complexity and amount of users, limitations and disadvantages related to user’s identity management demanded a better and more flexible solution to handle user’s authorization and delegation operations. The new Verkkopalkka solution required a big investment in terms of budget and resources that was distributed in different areas. Creating technology and business advantage is meant to introduce a more competitive product into the market. The integration of technologies that create more business value to Aditro Oy through a better and improved Verkkopalkka application, are based on a well-defined technology strategy as a set of decisions intended to confer advantage from different angles, reduce costs and potentially increase revenue. The main scope of this thesis is analysing the total cost of ownership against the return on investment related to the modernization and improvement of Verkkopalkka application through the integration of a reliable identity management technology, such as Ubisecure. This analysis has been validated within a well-defined sensitivity analysis that considers variations of total cost of ownership and benefit, as well as, worst and best case scenarios.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Primary Frequency Response Reserve Products for Inverter-Based Resources

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    Primary frequency control in power systems is being challenged by the large-scale integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) because they do not typically respond to frequency fluctuations. This paper suggests introducing new reserve products into the electricity market that provide incentive for IBRs to contribute to primary frequency control in ways that take advantage of their fast-acting capabilities. In addition to a Primary Frequency Response (PFR) reserve product, which accommodates standard droop control, we suggest introducing a Fast Frequency Response (FFR) reserve product, a reserve product for Virtual Inertia (VI), which is also known as synthetic inertia, and an inertia product. We adopt a reserve requirement that guarantees sufficient primary frequency response reserve to adequately arrest frequency decline in response to a large generator outage within a certain margin. We place this reserve requirement into a real-time co-optimization problem, derive prices for each product and analyze the incentives provided to IBRs


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    Procesos investigativos de corte geográfico

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    A formalização dedekindiana da aritmética

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Blumenau. Licenciatura em MatemáticaEste trabalho teve como objetivo compreender como o matemático alemão Richard Dedekind construiu uma formalização para os números reais e os números naturais na segunda metade do século XIX. Nesse sentido, ele possui um caráter historiográfico, baseado na leitura e análise dos ensaios publicados por Dedekind sobre o tema. Outras obras de história e filosofia da matemática foram também investigadas para esclarecer o contexto histórico e filosófico por trás dessas publicações, a recepção e repercussão delas, e um pouco da biografia desse matemático. Desse modo, constatou-se que Dedekind utilizou-se de conceitos da então emergente teoria dos conjuntos para fundamentar suas definições. Os trabalhos dele se constituíram então em modelos exemplares da prática que surgia na época de utilizar os conjuntos como base para conceitos matemáticos em geral. Para explicitar isso, buscou-se apresentar e discutir os principais pontos, definições e teoremas que aparecem nos ensaios, visando garantir uma visão geral das obras. Com toda essa análise pôde-se concluir que, apesar de seus trabalhos sobre os fundamentos da aritmética não serem tão famosos ou reconhecidos atualmente, as ideias de Dedekind sobre o tema foram muito ingeniosas e influentes nos desenvolvimentos posteriores da matemática.This work aims to understand how the german mathematician Richard Dedekind developed his formalization of the real and natural numbers in the second half of the 19th century. Therefore, it has a historiographical theme, being based on the reading and analysis of the essays published by Dedekind about this subject. Other texts about history and philosophy of mathematics were also studied in order to clarify the philosophical and historical contexts behind these publications, their reception and repercussions, and a little bit about the mathematician’s life. Thus, it was found that Dedekind used concepts from the then emerging set theory as a foundation for his definitions. His works were, therefore, exemplary models of the practice that was being developed back then of using sets as basis for mathematical concepts in general. In order to make this explicit, it was sought to present and discuss the primary points, definitions and theorems that appeared in the essays, thereby aiming to give an overview of these works. With these analyses it was concluded that, despite his works on the foundations of arithmetic not being as famous or well recognized nowadays, Dedekind’s ideas about the subject were very ingenious and influent in the later development of mathematics

    Geografía humana de Colombia

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    La cartilla presenta la organización a través de regio- nes culturales que se han propuesto, así como un breve análi- sis del crecimiento demográfico en las ciudades colombianas, resultado de los procesos de industrialización, crecimiento económico, violencia sociopolítica, entre otros