220 research outputs found

    Multiple Paths to Self-Sufficiency: A Phenomenological Study of South Florida Refugees’ Lived Experience

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    The United States resettles more refugees within its borders than any other country. The federal government and its partners measure success by determining if the refugee has achieved self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is achieved when a refugee becomes employed shortly after arrival. With a resettlement program that is almost forty years-old and unprecedented budget cuts, refugees themselves can aid in redefining the goals of the program. Using the theories of Human Needs and Social Identity to analyze the data, the aim of this study was to address the following questions: “What is the lived experience of refugees seeking self-sufficiency?” and “How do refugees resettled in South Florida define self-sufficiency?” The goal was to capture the refugee perspective through the voice of those who lived the experience and now work in resettlement. Participants included nine refugees who offered a unique understanding of the successes and failures of this approach. Utilizing the qualitative tradition of Transcendental Phenomenology, the research found that among refugees, self-sufficiency has varying meanings. These findings signal that programming should create multiple paths to self-sufficiency, which would allow refugees different avenues to preserve their prior career, thus part of their identity; feel that they contribute to their new home from inception; as well as begin the process of integration. The implication of this impacts program design and will contribute to the field of conflict resolution. The results provide insight on a population that is impacting American society, particularly at a time where the discussion on immigration and border security is prevalent

    The Evolution Of Anti-Slavery Laws In The United States

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    In this new century, the United States of America is still struggling to end slavery within its borders


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    This study aims to analyze the financial performance of the Bengkulu City government with a degree of fiscal decentralization approach and to determine the effect of the PAD component on the Bengkulu City Government Financial Performance. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of time series data and processed by multiple linear regression analysis tools (multiple regression). The empirical results of this study indicate that based on the calculation of the degree of fiscal decentralization ratio, the financial capacity of Bengkulu City is still at a very low capability level which is founded a very large difference between government spending and regional opinion. So it appears that Bengkulu  Government still relies on assistance from the Central Government and is not yet independent. This can be an underline for local government to improve their ability being more independent and capable

    A cryptanalytic attack on the LUC cryptosystem using continued fractions

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    The LUC cryptosystem is a modification of the RSA cryptosystem based on Lucas sequences. In this paper we extend the Verheul - van Tilborg and Dujella variants of the Wiener attack on RSA to the LUC cryptosystem. We describe an algorithm for finding a secret key dd of the form d=rqm+1pmsqmd = r q_{m+1} pm s q_m, for some mgeq−1mgeq -1 and nonnegative integers rr and ss, using continued fractions. We derive bounds for rr and ss using results on Diophantine approximations

    Phosphoinositide 3kinase Îł controls LPSinduced myocardial depression via sequential cAMP and iNOS signaling

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die AufklĂ€rung der spezifischen Rolle der lipidkinase-abhĂ€ngigen und –unabhĂ€ngigen Funktionen von PI3KÎł bei SIRS-induzierter SIMD. Bei PI3KÎł-Wildtyp (wt), Knockout (PI3KÎł-/-), und Kinase-dead (PI3KÎłKD/KD) MĂ€use wurde eine LPS- induzierte SIRS induziert und deren Überleben, die Auswirkungen auf das kardiale autonome Nervensystem (ANS) und die linksventrikulĂ€re (LV) kontraktile Funktion ermittelt. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden an primĂ€ren adulten Kardiomyozyten mechanistische Untersuchungen zu PI3KÎł-abhĂ€ngigen Auswirkungen auf die myokardiale KontraktilitĂ€t und die inflammatorische Antwort durchgefĂŒhrt

    Faktorizacija pomoću eliptičkih krivulja

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    Cytokine gene transfer by adenoviral vectors as a novel therapeutic option for hepatitis B virus infection

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a hepatotropic, non-cytopathic DNA virus that causes acute and chronic necroinflammatory liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. It has been shown that HBV DNA replication is suppressed by interferon (IFN) a/b, IFNg and other cytokines. The aim of my thesis was to establish a liver directed gene transfer and to characterize the effect of local expression of interferon on HBV replication. Two sets of adenoviral vectors were established: the first using the CMV promoter (PCMV) (AdmIFNg and AdmIFNb) and the second using a bidirectional tetracycline (tet)-regulated promoter(Pbi-1) (Adbiluc vectors) to locally express mouse interferon (mIFN) a, b and g. In mouse hepatocyte cultures, a 5- to 10-fold decrease of intracellular HBV DNA was observed following infection with AdmIFNb or AdmIFNg. The antiviral effect was enhanced in HBV transgenic mice where 95% of intrahepatic and serum HBV DNA disappeared 2 weeks after intravenous injection. However, the effect was transient and HBV replication was restored. This was partially due to a down regulation of the CMV promoter. Using the Adbiluc vectors, expression of the reverse tet-transactivator (rtTA) under liver specific promoters (e.g. in transgenic mice or with a second vector) ensured tissue specificity of gene expression. Co-expression of luciferase with the bidirectional promoter Pbi-1 allowed monitoring. Simultaneous, strong expression of both genes dependent on the dose of tetracycline in vitro and tight regulation in living mice were shown. However, in one direction, gene expression was slightly leaky. This was exploited to avoid separate expression of the tet-transactivator: rtTA was cloned under control of Pbi-1 to establish a tet-regulated one-vector system. Using the Adbiluc-IFN vectors, rapid induction of cytokine expression in the livers of transduced mice was fatal, but moderate expression was well tolerated. Due to these difficulties in the first experiments in mouse models for chronic and acute HBV infection, the antiviral effect of regulated IFN-expression could not yet be demonstrated. Taken together, local expression of cytokines was successfully established following adenoviral gene transfer and an antiviral effect was demonstrated. A set of novel adenoviral vector allowing tet-regulated and monitored cytokine expression will allow characterizing the antiviral pathways. This approach can also be used to develop gene therapy of chronic HBV and hepatitis C virus infection and other diseases like malaria or liver cancer

    A cryptanalytic attack on the LUC cryptosystem using continued fractions

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    The LUC cryptosystem is a modification of the RSA cryptosystem based on Lucas sequences. In this paper we extend the Verheul - van Tilborg and Dujella variants of the Wiener attack on RSA to the LUC cryptosystem. We describe an algorithm for finding a secret key dd of the form d=rqm+1pmsqmd = r q_{m+1} pm s q_m, for some mgeq−1mgeq -1 and nonnegative integers rr and ss, using continued fractions. We derive bounds for rr and ss using results on Diophantine approximations

    Étude de la performance agronomique du haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) var. DPC-40 sous l’effet de trois fertilisants: engrais chimique, fumier de bovin et leur combinaison

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    This article is taken from the research work in agronomy presented at the faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of the Central Public University (UPC) consisting in studying the agronomic performance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) var. DPC-40 under the effect of three fertilizers: chemical fertilizer 12-12-20, cattle manure and their combination during the winter period 2019-2020. In this experiment, we adopted a complete random block Device with 3 repetitions and 4 treatments. Fertilizer is the factor studied. An analysis of variance was performed on the parameters and the means were compared by the Tukey test using Infostat software version 2018.The results showed that fertilizers significantly influence the grain yield of the bean. Indeed, the control plot gave a yield of 0.94 t.ha-1 lower than those of fertilized plots. Then, with the manure alone, the yield obtained is  1.39 t.ha-1 higher than that of the control but lower than those of the other plots fertilized by the combination (1.66 tha-1) and the chemical fertilizer alone (1.76 tha-1).The complete fertilizer and the combination give the best yields. Based on this experience, for a sustainable management of soil fertility, the combination (fertilizer + manure) is highly recommended. However, repetition of the experiment in time and space is necessary to validate these results. Keywords : Fertilization, Common bean, yield/Agronomic performance, FertilizerCet article est tirĂ© du travail de recherche en agronomie prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation de l’UniversitĂ© Publique du centre (UPC) consistant Ă  Ă©tudier la performance agronomique du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) var. DPC-40 sous l’effet de trois fertilisants : (engrais complet 12-12- 20), le fumier de bovin, leur combinaison durant la pĂ©riode hivernale 2019-2020. Dans le cadre de cette expĂ©rience, on a adoptĂ© un dispositif en blocs complĂštement alĂ©atoires (DBCA) Ă  3 rĂ©pĂ©titions et 4 traitements. Le fertilisant est le facteur Ă©tudiĂ©. On a rĂ©alisĂ© une analyse de variance sur les paramĂštres et les moyennes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es par le test Tukey Ă  l’aide du logiciel Infostat version 2018. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les fertilisants influencent significativement le rendement en grain du haricot. En effet, le tĂ©moin a donnĂ© un rendement de 0,94 tha-1 infĂ©rieur Ă  ceux des parcelles fertilisĂ©es. Puis, avec le fumier seul, le rendement obtenu est de 1,39 t. ha-1 supĂ©rieur Ă  celui du tĂ©moin, mais infĂ©rieur Ă  ceux des autres parcelles fertilisĂ©es par la combinaison (1,66 tha-1) et l’engrais complet seul (1,76 tha-1). L’engrais complet et la combinaison donnent les meilleurs rendements. Se basant sur cette expĂ©rience, pour une gestion durable de la fertilitĂ© des sols, la combinaison (engrais +fumier) est fortement recommandĂ©e. Toutefois, la rĂ©pĂ©tition de l’essai dans le temps et dans l’espace est nĂ©cessaire pour valider ces rĂ©sultats.  Cet article est tirĂ© du travail de recherche en agronomie prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation de l’UniversitĂ© Publique du centre (UPC) consistant Ă  Ă©tudier la performance agronomique du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) var. DPC-40 sous l’effet de trois fertilisants : (engrais complet 12-12- 20), le fumier de bovin, leur combinaison durant la pĂ©riode hivernale 2019-2020. Dans le cadre de cette expĂ©rience, on a adoptĂ© un dispositif en blocs complĂštement alĂ©atoires (DBCA) Ă  3 rĂ©pĂ©titions et 4 traitements. Le fertilisant est le facteur Ă©tudiĂ©. On a rĂ©alisĂ© une analyse de variance sur les paramĂštres et les moyennes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es par le test Tukey Ă  l’aide du logiciel Infostat version 2018. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les fertilisants influencent significativement le rendement en grain du haricot. En effet, le tĂ©moin a donnĂ© un rendement de 0,94 tha-1 infĂ©rieur Ă  ceux des parcelles fertilisĂ©es. Puis, avec le fumier seul, le rendement obtenu est de 1,39 t. ha-1 supĂ©rieur Ă  celui du tĂ©moin, mais infĂ©rieur Ă  ceux des autres parcelles fertilisĂ©es par la combinaison (1,66 tha-1) et l’engrais complet seul (1,76 tha-1). L’engrais complet et la combinaison donnent les meilleurs rendements. Se basant sur cette expĂ©rience, pour une gestion durable de la fertilitĂ© des sols, la combinaison (engrais +fumier) est fortement recommandĂ©e. Toutefois, la rĂ©pĂ©tition de l’essai dans le temps et dans l’espace est nĂ©cessaire pour valider ces rĂ©sultats
