8 research outputs found

    A túlsúlyos emberek implicit elutasítása gyerekkorban = Children’s implicit rejection of overweight people

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    Az elhízás pszichológiai aspektusai nem választhatók el a túlsúlyos emberekkel szemben kialakított sztereotípiáktól és a nők társadalmi helyzetétől. Mind a tudományos, mind a köznapi megközelítésekre jellemző, hogy az elhízásért elsősorban az egyént és nem a környezeti tényezőket teszik felelőssé. A túlsúlyos embert a társadalom erőteljesen stigmatizálja és diszkriminálja, bár az elutasítás rendszerint indirekt formát ölt, és már gyerekkorban tetten érhető. Kvalitatív vizsgálatunk arra irányult, hogy felmérje e társadalmi összetevők hatásait a serdülőkor előtt álló lányok elhízással, a túlsúlyos emberekkel és a soványságideállal kapcsolatos attitűdjeiben. Nyolc fókuszcsoport-interjúban 51, 9—11 éves gyerek vett részt Budapesten és környékén. Az interjúk szociálpszichológiai tartalomelemzése több szinten, a „grounded theory” elve szerint és a sztereotipizálás hatásainak elméleti kerete mentén zajlott. Eredményeink a túlsúlyossággal szembeni egyöntetű, negatív attitűdökről árulkodnak, amelyek kifejeződése kommunikációs tabuba ütközik, így az elutasítás ténye implicit marad. A gyerekek morális dilemmát élnek át, mivel az elutasítás tapasztalata szembekerül a saját magukról fenntartott pozitív, toleráns én képével. Következésképp a túlsúlyhoz kapcsolódó attribúció kérdése meghatározó szerepet kap az elfogadás—elutasítás dinamikájában. A beszélgetéseket a soványság normatív jellege, vagyis a sovány mint jelző nélküli állapot gondolata is áthatja. Mivel azonban mindez implicit módon és nem nyíltan kommunikálva fogalmazódik meg, a túlsúlyos gyerekek fenyegetett helyzete fokozottan tetten érhető, hiszen az implicit vagy averzív elutasítást az elutasító nem, csupán az elutasított érzékeli. A túlsúly problémája megnevezhetetlen, mégis áthatja a csoportdinamikát. Kutatásunk eredményei arra engednek következtetni, hogy a serdülőkor előtt álló lányokban kiemelten fontos lenne tudatosítani az (A) egészséges táplálkozással, az egészséges életmóddal, vagyis az elhízás megelőzésével és kezelésével kapcsolatos és a (B) külső megjelenésre vonatkozó társadalmi elvárások, sztereotípiák és kirekesztő attitűdök közötti különbséget. | The psychological aspects of being overweight are inseparable from obesity stereotypes and women’s social roles. Both scientific and lay discourses ascribe individual responsibility to obesity rather than external factors. An overweight person is strongly stigmatized and discriminated against; however, the rejection tends to take an implicit form. Not only obesity, but the rejection connected to it can be identified in childhood as well. Our qualitative research aimed at discovering how the exposure to weight stereotypes are reflected in pre-adolescent girls’ attitudes toward weight gain, overweight people and the norm of slimness. Eight focus group interviews were conducted with the participation of 51, 9- to 11-year-old pre-adolescent girls in and around Budapest, Hungary. Content analysis of the interview transcripts took place on different levels, within the framework of “grounded theory” and following the social psychological theories on the effects of stereotyping. Our results point to a unanimously shared negative attitude toward obesity, which are obstructed by communication taboos and therefore expressed implicitly. Participating children encountered a moral dilemma over the experience of rejection and their own positive, tolerant self-image. Therefore, attributional judgments connected to overweight determine the dynamic of rejection and acceptance. The conversations also made it clear that being slim is the widely accepted norm, it is the unmarked position. However, as these commonly shared ideas were not explicitly communicated, they put a further threat on the position of children with overweight, as the others expressing implicit or aversive rejection remain oblivious of their own behavior, while the victims of rejection are fully aware of it. The problem of overweight is indescribable, but governs group dynamics. Based on our findings we therefore argue, that pre-adolescent girls should become aware of the difference between healthy nutrition/healthy life-style, thus preventing obesity and the normative expectations of the ideal look and the discrimination connected to it

    Effect of Polarized Light Treatment on Milk Production and Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows

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    Treatment with linearly polarized light (LPL) is a widely used and recognized therapeutic method in human medicine for healing wounds, ulcers and a variety of other dermatological problems. Polarized light mobilizes the inadequately functioning defence mechanisms of the human body. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of LPL treatment on the udder of milking cows. Before the start of treatment, there was no significant difference between cows to be treated with LPL and the control cows in mean somatic cell counts (SCC) of milk samples taken separately by udder quarter and in the mean milk yield. The LPL treatment lasted for 20 min and was performed twice a day over a period of one month. Before treatment, the mean SCC of milk was 3.47 × 105 ± 910 in the group to be treated and 4.07 × 105 ± 920 in the control group. In a six-week period immediately after treatment, the mean SCC of the treated and the control group was 1.32 × 105 ± 825 and 2.63 × 105 ± 825, indicating a significant difference in favour of the treated group. Before the LPL treatment, the milk yield of cows in the group to be treated was 25.77 ± 1.2 kg/ day, while that of the control cows was 27.30 ± 1.4 kg/day. In a six-week period after treatment, the milk yield of cows in the treated and control groups was 28.83 ± 1.5 kg/day and 25.48 ± 1.4 kg/day, respectively. There is a significant difference between these values in favour of the treated group. The results show that a regular LPL treatment of the udder of cows can significantly reduce the SCC of milk and significantly increase the milk yield. The treatment can be applied during lactation without interfering with the milking regime

    Loci Memoriae Hungaricae

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    Pál S. Varga: Introduction - 7 ; 1. Theoretical Approaches - 21 ; Aleida Assmann: The Transformative Power of Memory - 22 ; Jan Assmann: Communicative and Cultural - 36 ; Pim den Boer: Lieux de Mémoire in Comparative Perspective - 44 ; 2.Discussion/Diskussion - 51 ; Pál S. Varga: Kollektives Gedächtnis und Geschichtswissenschaften (Diskussionseröffnung) - 52 ; Harald D. Gröller: Diskussionsbeitrag bez. des Eröffnungsreferats von Pál S. Varga - 59 ; Csaba Gy. Kiss: Diskussionsbeitrag zum Eröffnungsreferat von Pál S. Varga - 64 ; Ferenc Velkey: Gedächtnis und Geschichte. Kommentare zur Diskussionseröffnung von Pál S. Varga - 67 ; Péter György: Memory Fallen Apart: the Case of Two Cemeteries - 72 ; Aleida Assmann: Response to Péter György, “Memory Fallen Apart: the Case of Two Cemeteries” - 78 ; Tamás Bényei: Remembering from Outside: A Response to Péter György’s Essay - 81 ; 3. Ungarische Erinnerungsorte im zentraleuropäischen Kontext - 89 ; István Bitskey: Ein religiöser Erinnerungsort in Mitteleuropa: Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava), das „Klein-Rom“ (Eine Fallstudie) - 90 ; Márta Fata: Erinnerungsort Bauernkrieg? Müntzer und Dózsa in der Geschichtspolitik der DDR und der Volksrepublik Ungarn im Vergleich - 101 ; 4. The Socio-Psychological Approach - 115 ; Ákos Münnich, István Hidegkuti: Structural Characteristics of Sites of National Memory - 11

    Accuracy of sun localization in the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation for north determination: a planetarium experiment

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    It is a widely discussed hypothesis that Viking seafarers might have been able to locate the position of the occluded sun by means of dichroic or birefringent crystals, the mysterious sunstones, with which they could analyze skylight polarization. Although the atmospheric optical prerequisites and certain aspects of the efficiency of this sky-polarimetric Viking navigation have been investigated, the accuracy of the main steps of this method has not been quantitatively examined. To fill in this gap, we present here the results of a planetarium experiment in which we measured the azimuth and elevation errors of localization of the invisible sun. In the planetarium sun locali- zation was performed in two selected celestial points on the basis of the alignments of two small sections of two celestial great circles passing through the sun. In the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation the navigator needed to determine the intersection of two such celestial circles. We found that the position of the sun (solar elevation θS, solar azimuth φS) was estimated with an average error of 0.6° ≤ Δθ ≤ 8.8° and −3.9° ≤ Δφ ≤ 2.0°. We also calculated the compass direction error when the estimated sun position is used for orienting with a Viking sun-compass. The northern direction (ωNorth) was determined with an error of −3.34° ≤ ΔωNorth ≤ 6.29°. The inaccuracy of the second step of this navigation method was high (ΔωNorth −16.3°) when the solar elevation was 5° ≤ θS ≤ 25°, and the two selected celestial points were far from the sun (at angular distances 95° ≤ γ1, γ2 ≤ 115°) and each other (125° ≤ δ ≤ 145°). Considering only this second step, the sky-polarimetric navigation could be more accurate in the mid-summer period (June and July), when in the daytime the sun is high above the horizon for long periods. In the spring (and autumn) equinoctial period, alternative methods (using a twilight board, for example) might be more appropriate. Since Viking navigators surely also committed further errors in the first and third steps, the orientation errors presented here under- estimate the net error of the whole sky-polarimetric navigation

    The Chemistry of 2-Aminocycloalkanecarboxylic Acids

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