65 research outputs found

    Gamma-spectrometric determination of 232U in uranium-bearing materials

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    The 232U content of various uranium-bearing items was measured using low-background gamma spectrometry. The method is independent of the measurement geometry, sample form and chemical composition. Since 232U is an artificially produced isotope, it carries information about previous irradiation of the material, which is relevant for nuclear forensics, nuclear safeguards and for nuclear reactor operations. A correlation between the 232U content and 235U enrichment of the investigated samples has been established, which is consistent with theoretical predictions. It is also shown how the correlation of the mass ratio 232U/235U vs. 235U content can be used to distinguish materials contaminated with reprocessed uranium from materials made of reprocessed uranium

    Economic development of regions during reforming the constitutional and legal model of power delineation in Russian Federation

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    According to the Russian Federation Constitution, all constituent entities have equal rights. However, equal rights are not synonymous with equality. Equal rights mean legal equality only; in other meanings, they differ significantly from each other. However, if the territorial, demographic and some other differences of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are the result of objective reasons, and in general do not affect the quality of life of the Russians living there, then the economic differences have more serious consequences. The article makes and attempt to examine the possibilities of economic independence increase in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors state that the currently existing model of power delimitation is based on the consolidation of the main powers of the federal authorities, while the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are mainly entrusted with financially-intensive powers, which are not always provided with the necessary resources. This matter allows the federal center to accumulate significant financial resources with their subsequent distribution across regions, often in accordance with subjective and non-transparent criteria. In addition, the authors propose the measures to change this situation, in particular, an assessment of power implementation effectiveness at a specific level of power; the ensured provision of the constituent entity powers of the Russian Federation with the necessary resources; use of the system of minimum state social standards

    Feasibility study of contaminants analysis in uranium-containing materials by libs spectroscopy

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    Uranium-containing samples are in the focus of analytical research for various reasons, for example with regards to nuclear safeguarding, quality management or nuclear forensic science. In our present contribution, we overview the challenges related to the analysis of contaminants in uranium-containing samples and the potential solution for overcoming them

    Nuclear-analytical and mineralogical principles and techniques for prediction and investigation of the native-pure rare isotope occurrence

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    Combining nuclear microanalytical, mineralogical, crystallochemical and geochemical approaches, the authors analyze a possibility of natural occurrence of enriched or even pure and superpure rare isotopes that can be extracted from ores. Methods of and results from the investigations of these isotope anomalies are presented.На основі поєднання ядерно-фізичних, мінералогічних, кристалохімічних і геохімічних підходів проаналізовано можливість накопичення в природі в суттєво збагаченому і навіть в чистому та надчистому стані деяких звичайно рідкісних ізотопів, що можуть бути відокремлені з руд. Розглянуто методи і результати вивчення таких ізотопних аномалій.Путём сочетания ядерно-физических, минералогических, кристаллохимических и геохимических подхо- дов проанализирована возможность накопления в природе в существенно обогащённом или даже в чистом и сверхчистом виде некоторых обычно редких изотопов, которые могут быть выделены из руд. Рассмотрены методы и результаты исследования подобных изотопных аномалий

    Development and Validation of Fast and Accurate Simulation Tools of full Gamma Spectra from Shielded and Unshielded Uranium Samples

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    g-Spectrometry is a basic and widely applied method in nuclear security and nuclear safeguards areas. For addressing the growing needs in education and training, in research and development as well as in practical g-spectrometry in these areas, MonteCarlo based web-accessible g-spectrum modelling tools have been developed for the European Commission¿s Nucleonica portal at www.nucleonica.net. A recent validation study has demonstrated a good performance of the implemented simulation approach for modelling realistic g-spectra from shielded and unshielded point-like sources. In the present work this approach has been further tested with the use of a 0.2 kg voluminous 4.46 wt% enriched uranium reference material and a portable10% HP Ge detector. The simulations for shielded and unshielded measurement conditions revealed a good agreement with the experimentally acquired g-spectra, both for the detection efficiency values and for the overall spectrum shape and intensity in the energy range up to2.6MeV.JRC.E.7-Nuclear Safeguards and Forensic

    An Interactive Web Accessible Gamma-Spectrum Simulato

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    A versatile gamma-spectrum simulation tool has been developed to allow generation of accurate gamma-spectra for a wide range of NaI and HPGe detectors and for any mixture of known gamma-emitting radionuclides. The simulator has been developed as a web application, which can be accessed through the NUCLEONICA nuclear science and data portal at www.nucleonica.net.JRC.E.6-Actinides researc