22 research outputs found
In this study indirect arterial preassure measurements were compared using correct cuff width versus standard one, in 1000 people. The choice of the correct cuff width followed the American Heart Association recommendation. The results showed inappropriation of the standard cuff in the studied population, which is too much large in the majority of the arms, resulting in important hipoestimation of the arterial preassure values, particularly in the young adults, females and leans. Such findings raise the hypotesis that the use of standard cuff can mask the early diagnosis of hypertension in people with thin arms.Neste estudo medidas indiretas da pressão arterial foram comparadas, usando-se manguito de largura correta versus o de largura padrão, em 1000 pessoas. O manguito de largura correta, apropriada à circunferência do braço, foi escolhido segundo as recomendações da American Heart Association. Os resultados evidenciaram inadequação do manguito padrão na população estudada, tomando-se excessivamente largo na maioria dos braços; resultando em importante hipoestimação dos valores de pressão arterial, sobretudo nos adultos jovens, sexo feminino, e magros. Tais achados levantam a hipótese de que o uso do manguito padrão possa prejudicar o diagnóstico precoce da hipertensão arterial
Controlling the dynamic behavior of piezoceramic cylinders by cross-section geometry
This paper focuses on the possibilities of controlling the dispersion spectra and wave characteristics of cylindrical waveguides by changing their geometry and electro-elastic properties. We consider cylinders with classical circular and hollow cross-sections, and waveguides that have sector cut of arbitrary angular measure in the cross-section. Numerical results are presented for the cylinders of all studied types with different boundary conditions. It is shown that the required wave characteristics can be obtained by a variation of the cross-section geometry of the waveguides