23 research outputs found

    Definition of the Ethical Values and Ethics Codes for Turkish Midwifery: A Focused Group Study in Kocaeli

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    Background: The independent roles of midwives have not been properly defined, and midwifery ethical values and moral codes proper to Turkish culture have not been developed. The absence of legal regulations concerning midwifery has negatively affected midwifery in the process of professionalization. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the professional values of midwifery in Turkey. Materials and Methods: A focus group was created with the participation of nine midwives working at two state hospitals and a university hospital that provide birth service for women in Kocaeli, which is the most important industrial city in Turkey. The opinions of the midwives on the characteristics that a good midwife should possess and the professional values that a good midwife should observe were collected via in-depth interviews. The interviews were recorded. A total of three meetings were held with the participants. Finally, the notes taken by the reporter during these interviews were rearranged, and the recordings were transcribed by the researchers. Results: The characteristics suggested by the participants were classified into three categories: professional, personal, and interpersonal. Professional competence, capacity to properly inform interested parties, trustworthiness, respect for individuals and human dignity, and empathy were the most commonly named characteristics. As for the professional values of midwifery, professional competence, trustworthiness, responsibility, maximum benefit, and protection of privacy were the most often identified. Midwives also reported that most of the difficulties they faced in the exercise of daily tasks concerned protecting the privacy of their patients as well as the integrity and prestige of the profession, achieving the maximum benefit and least harm for patients, and providing a just and equal service. Conclusions: The professional values were mentioned by participant midwives were similar to the values proposed by international professional organizations. But there were some differences perhaps due to cultural differences

    Inner Ear Malformations in Congenital Deafness Are Not Associated with Increased Risk of Breech Presentation

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    Background: There is speculation that an immature vestibular system may be associated with breech presentation at delivery. Our aim was to determine whether syndromes with congenital inner ear malformations were accompanied by a higher frequency of breech presentation/malpresentations than in the general population (2%−3%). Methods: A review was conducted for published literature using PubMed/MEDLINE (1936–2016), to determine frequency of breech presentation and transverse lie in cases with congenital deafness (Michel aplasia, Wildervanck syndrome, Mondini-Alexander dysplasia, Waardenburg syndrome, CHARGE syndrome, Large vestibular aqueductal syndrome, Pendred syndrome, Oculo-aurico-vertebral spectrum, Jervel and Lange-Nielsen syndrome, Usher syndrome, and Scheibe dysplasia) and vestibular nerve aplasia. Results: Identified were total of 122 cases. The frequency of breech presentation was 1.64%, and of transverse lie 1.64%, giving a total of 3.28% malpresentations. Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that congenital malformations of the vestibular apparatus are not associated with the increased risk of breech presentation at delivery

    In Vitro study of the penetration of Streptococcus sanguis and Prevotella intermedia strains into human dentinal tubules

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    The persistent presence of bacteria in the root canal system often leads to the failure of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine in vitro penetration of Streptococcus sanguis and Prevotella intermedia into dentinal tubules, Samples obtained from human teeth were inoculated with a strain of S. sanguis (NCTC 7853) and P. intermedia (NCTC 93336) for 20 days. Bacterial penetration into tubules was investigated at scanning electron microscopy and light microscopic level. The results showed that S. sanguis could penetrate into dentinal tubules 382.3 mu m, whereas P. intermedia could penetrate 25.9 mu m It was observed that P. intermedia had not penetrated into all dentinal tubules, If penetration occurred the depth was quite limited

    In vitro study of the penetration of Streptococcus sanguis and Prevotella intermedia strains into human dentinal tubules

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    The persistent presence of bacteria in the root canal system often leads to the failure of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine in vitro penetration of Streptococcus sanguis and Prevotella intermedia into dentinal tubules, Samples obtained from human teeth were inoculated with a strain of S. sanguis (NCTC 7853) and P. intermedia (NCTC 93336) for 20 days. Bacterial penetration into tubules was investigated at scanning electron microscopy and light microscopic level. The results showed that S. sanguis could penetrate into dentinal tubules 382.3 mu m, whereas P. intermedia could penetrate 25.9 mu m It was observed that P. intermedia had not penetrated into all dentinal tubules, If penetration occurred the depth was quite limited

    Comparative evaluation of antibacterial effects of Nd:YAG laser irradiation in root canals and dentinal tubules

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    The antibacterial effects of the Nd:YAG laser on contaminated root canals and dentinal tubules were observed as the aim of this study, The samples were inoculated with Streptococcus sanguis (NCTC 7853) and Prevotella intermedia (NCTC 93336), and the effects of Nd:YAG laser were tested on these teeth. The specimens were lased with 1.8 W and 2.4 W Nd:YAG laser for 30 s, and the presence of bacteria in tubules was observed under light microscopy, The 1.8 W laser sterilized the tubules in 86.3% of sections inoculated with S, sanguis, whereas 2.4 W laser sterilized in 98.5% of the sections. Both laser powers sterilized ail samples inoculated with P, intermedia. The scanning electron microscopic observations supported the light microscopic findings

    Evaluation of serum ischaemia-modified albumin levels in patients with Bell's palsy

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    Objective This prospective study aimed to evaluate the relationship between serum ischaemia-modified albumin levels and Bell's palsy severity. Methods The study included 30 patients diagnosed with Bell's palsy and 30 healthy individuals. The patients were separated into three disease severity groups (grades 2, 3 and 4) according to House-Brackmann classification. Blood samples were collected from all participants and the results compared between groups. Results Significant differences in serum ischaemia-modified albumin were found between the study and control groups (p < 0.001); values were significantly higher in the study group than in the control group. Conclusion The significantly higher levels of serum ischaemia-modified albumin in the study group suggest that Bell's palsy pathogenesis is associated with oxidative stress.WOS:0004863238000132-s2.0-85071190329PubMed: 3143459