113 research outputs found

    Comparison of the prevalence and sonographic features of thyroid nodules accompanying autoimmune thyroid diseases

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    Introduction: The coexistence of thyroid nodules and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) has been widely reported. The aim of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the prevalence and sonographic features of malignancy of thyroid nodules in ATD patients. Material and methods: We retrospectively analysed data from 500 patients with ATD in our hospital. We recorded ultrasonographic, histopathological and laboratory features of these patients. Thyroid ultrasonography was performed on all the patients, as well as fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the thyroid nodule, when required. Patients underwent operations depending on the result of the FNAB. Results: Of the 500 with ATD (400 female and 100 male; mean age = 42.4 years), 300 (60%) had Hashimoto&#8217;s thyroiditis (HT) and 200 (40%) presented with Graves&#8217; disease (GD). The frequency of thyroid nodules was statistically significantly higher in those with GD (37.8%) than in those with HT (24.3%) (p < 0.001). One hundred and forty-nine nodules underwent FNAB (37.8%, 76 out of 200 had GD and 24.3%; 73 out of 300 had HT). The results of the cytological examination were: non-diagnostic cytology, benign, malignant and indeterminate in 19.4%, 73.8%, 2% and 4.5% of the nodules, respectively. When 55 GD and 32 HT patients, on whom total thyroidectomy had been carried out, were evaluated, the incidence of thyroid carcinoma was similar between patients with GD (n = 3, 5.5%) and HT (n = 2, 6.3%) (p > 0.05). Conclusions: We observed that the prevalence of thyroid nodules in patients with GD was higher than patients with HT. However, in general, the characteristics of the nodules and FNAB results were similar in both ATDs. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 658-664)Wstęp: W licznych doniesieniach stwierdza się współwystępowanie guzków tarczycy i autoimmunologicznych chorób tarczycy. Celem pracy była retrospektywna ocena występowania i sonograficznych cech złośliwości guzków tarczycy u pajcentów z autoimmunologicznymi chorobami tarczycy (ATD, autoimmune thyroid disease). Materiał i metody: Analizie retrospektywnej poddano dane 500 pacjentów z ATD, u których przeprowadzono badania ultrasonograficzne, histopatologiczne i laboratoryjne. U wszystkich pacjentów wykonano badanie ultrasonograficzne oraz, w zależności od wymagań, biopsję aspiracyjną cienkoigłową (BAC). Pacjentów poddano operacji w zależności od wyniku BAC. Wyniki: Spośród 500 pacjentów z ATD (400 kobiet i 100 mężczyzn, średnia wieku: 42,4 lat), u 300 (60%) stwierdzono zapalenie tarczycy Hashimoto (HT, Hashimoto thyroids), a u 200 (40%) chorobę Gravesa (GD, Graves disease). U pacjentów z GD stwierdzono statystycznie wyższą częstość występowania guzków tarczycy (37%) w porównaniu z pacjentami z HT (24,3%) (p < 0,001). Wykonano BAC 149 guzków, w 37,8% (76 z 200) przypadków z GD i w 24,3% ( 73 z 300) z HT. Wyniki badania cytologicznego: cytologia niediagnostyczna (19,4%), guzki łagodne (73,8%), guzki złośliwe (2%) i guzki o pośredniej złośliwości (4,5%). Spośród 55 pacjentów z GD i 32 z HT, u których wykonano tyroidektomię totalną, stwierdzono podobną częstość występowania raka tarczycy - u pacjentów z GD (n = 3, 5,5%), a u pacjentów z HT (n = 2, 6,3%) (p > 0,05). Wnioski: Zaobserwowano wyższą częstość występowania guzków tarczycy u pacjentów z GD w porównaniu z pacjentami z HT. Natomiast charakterystyka guzków i wyniki BAC nie różniły sie w obu typach ATD. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 658-664

    Cushing’s syndrome presenting with metastatic giant adrenocortical cancer: A case report

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    Adrenokortikal karsinom nadir görülen kötü prognozlu bir tümördür. En sık klinik prezentasyonu Cushing Sendromu’dur ama bunun tersine Cushing sendromunun nadir sebeplerindendir. Biz bu makalede nadir görülmesi nedeniyle kortizol salgılayan metastatik dev adrenokortikal karsinom tanıları olan bir vakayı sunduk. Kilo alımı, kıllanma artışı, adet düzensizliği ile başvuran 46 yaşındaki kadın hasta 15 yıl önce malign melanom tanısı almış, cerrahi ve kemoterapi sonrası kür kabul edilmişti. Hastada abdominal obezite, hirsutismus ve akneiform döküntüler mevcuttu. Gece serum kortizolü, 24 saatlik idrar kortizolü artmış, adrenokortikotropik hormon baskılı idi. Deksametazon 2mg ve 8mg supresyon testlerinde baskılanma olmadı. Adrenal Cushing sendromu tanısı ile çekilen surrenal magnetik rezonans görüntüleme sağ sürrenalde 7x8x9cm kitle saptandı. Sürrenalektomi patolojik incelemesinde adrenokortikal karsinom saptandı. Sisplatin, etoposid, mitotan kemoterapisi verilen hasta 36 ay sonra yaygın metastazlar nedeni ile öldü.Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare tumor with poor prognosis. Cushing’s syndrome is the most common clinical presentation but adrenocortical carcinoma is one of the rare causes of Cushing’s syndrome. Because of the rarity, we report a patient who had cortisol-secreting metastatic giant adrenocortical carcinoma in the article. 46-year-old female with a history of malignant melanoma presented with weight gain, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities. She had abdominal obesity, hirsutism, and acneiform eruptions. Her midnight serum cortisol and 24-hour urinary cortisol were high; adrenocorticotropic hormone was low. 2mg and 8mg dexamethasone suppression tests were not suppressed. Adrenal magnetic resonance imaging showed 7x8x9cm right adrenal mass. The patient underwent adrenalectomy. Adrenocortical carcinoma was detected on pathological examination. Despite the chemotherapy (cisplatin+etoposide+mitotane) was given, she died 36 months later because of disseminated adrenocortical carcinoma

    Hypothyroidism, new nodule formation and increase in nodule size in patients who have undergone hemithyroidectomy

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    Introduction: The current medical literature has conflicting results about factors related to hypothyroidism and nodular recurrences during follow-up of hemithyroidectomized patients. We aimed to evaluate factors that may have a role in new nodule formation, hypothyroidism, increase in thyroid lobe and increase in nodule volumes in these patients with and without Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), and with and without levothyroxine (LT4) use. Material and methods: We enrolled 140 patients from five different hospitals in Ankara and evaluated their thyroid tests, autoantibody titre results and ultrasonographic findings longitudinally between two visits with a minimum 6-month interval. Results: In patients with HT there was no significant difference between the two visits but in patients without HT, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and nodule volume were higher, and free T4 levels were lower in the second visit. Similarly, in patients with LT4 treatment there was no difference in TSH, free T4 levels, or lobe or nodule size between the two visits, but the patients without LT4 had free T4 levels lower in the second visit. Regression analysis revealed a relationship between first visit TSH levels and hypothyroidism during follow-up. Conclusions: Patients who have undergone hemithyroidectomy without LT4 treatment and without HT diagnosis should be followed up more carefully for thyroid tests, new nodule formation and increase in nodule size. The TSH levels at the beginning of the follow-up may be helpful to estimate hypothyroidism in hemithyroidectomized patients

    Clinical Study Comparison of Efficiencies of Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument, Neurothesiometer, and Electromyography for Diagnosis of Diabetic Neuropathy

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    Aim. This study compares the effectiveness of Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI), neurothesiometer, and electromyography (EMG) in detecting diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes type 2. Materials and Methods. 106 patients with diabetes type 2 treated at the outpatient clinic of Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital Department of Endocrinology between September 2008 and May 2009 were included in this study. Patients were evaluated by glycemic regulation tests, MNSI (questionnaire and physical examination), EMG (for detecting sensorial and motor defects in right median, ulnar, posterior tibial, and bilateral sural nerves), and neurothesiometer (for detecting alterations in cold and warm sensations as well as vibratory sensations). Results. According to the MNSI score, there was diabetic peripheral neuropathy in 34 (32.1%) patients (score ≥2.5). However, when the patients were evaluated by EMG and neurothesiometer, neurological impairments were detected in 49 (46.2%) and 79 (74.5%) patients, respectively. Conclusion. According to our findings, questionnaires and physical examination often present lower diabetic peripheral neuropathy prevalence. Hence, we recommend that in the evaluation of diabetic patients neurological tests should be used for more accurate results and thus early treatment options to prevent neuropathic complications


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    WOS: 000287017700009Objective. Co-existence of Cushing disease and Rathke's cleft cyst (RCC) has been reported in a few cases in the literature so far. We herein describe a rare condition of Cushing disease that might originate from epithelium of RCC. Case. A 48-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with complaints of headache, weakness, and weight gain. The patient underwent endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery due to Cushing disease. Histopathological examination revealed cyst contents and walls compatible with RCC, and normal adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis tissues. Immunohistochemical stainings with ACTH, GH, and prolactin were positive on the epithelium of the cyst. Conclusion. In our case, Cushing disease might he associated with hormonal activity derived from cyst wall of RCC or disappearance of a small microadenoma during surgical or pathological processing. According to the recent data, origin of this lesion and histogenetic link between RCC with Cushing disease could not be explained

    Comparison of Endoscopic and Microscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery Approaches in Acromegalic Patients.

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    92nd Meeting and Expo of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2010) -- JUN 19-22, 2010 -- San Diego, CAWOS: 000281989403267…Endocrine Societ

    Exenatide improves cardiovascular risk factors in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a prospective study

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    Background/aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 6-month treatment regimen with exenatide on the lipid profile, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), carotid intima media thickness (CIMT), visceral adiposity, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), all of which are important cardiovascular risk factors. Materials and methods: This study included 45 obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Baseline clinical findings, laboratory parameters, and ultrasonography findings were recorded. An exenatide recipe was given twice daily to the patients and, after 6 months of therapy, the same variables were compared. The compared parameters were lipid profiles, hsCRP, aspartat aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, liver craniocaudal diameter, visceral fat volume, subcutaneous fat thickness, and CIMT. Liver diameter, visceral fat volume, subcutaneous fat thickness, and CIMT were measured by ultrasonography. Results: After therapy, statistically significant improvements were achieved in lipid profile, hsCRP, liver enzymes, body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences. Also, statistically significant decreases were obtained in liver craniocaudal diameter, subcutaneous fat thickness, visceral fat volume, and CIMT. The reduction of CIMT and liver diameter were not correlated with BMI and HbA1c reduction. Conclusion: This study showed improvement in lipid profile and hsCRP levels with exenatide treatment. We also showed decrease in both visceral fat volume and subcutaneous fat thickness. We demonstrated significant decrease in liver enzymes with significant decrease in liver diameter. These findings support the use of exenatide in patients with NAFLD and T2DM. Additionally, this study showed that exenatide treatment given twice daily reduces CIMT in obese T2DM patients

    May C-peptide index be a new marker to predict proteinuria in anemic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus?

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    Objective. C-peptide is a reliable marker of beta cell reserve and is associated with diabetic complications. Furthermore, HbA1c level is associated with micro- and macro-vascular complications in diabetic patients. HbA1c measurement of diabetic patients with anemia may be misleading because HbA1c is calculated in percent by taking reference to hemoglobin measurements. We hypothesized that there may be a relationship between C-peptide index (CPI) and proteinuria in anemic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the association between C-peptide levels and CPI in anemic patients with T2DM and proteinuria

    The Detection of Preoperative Parathyroid Lesions: The Success of Ultrasonography, Technetium-99m Methoxyisobutylisonitrile Parathyroid Scintigraphy, and Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography-Computed Tomography

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    Objective: We aimed to find and compare the efficacy of ultrasonography (US), technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile parathyroid scintigraphy (MIBI-S), and single-photon emission computed tomography-computed tomography (SPECT-CT) in detecting the localization of parathyroid adenomas in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Methods: In total, 348 patients were included in this study. Preoperative parathyroid imaging with US, MIBI-S, and SPECT-CT was evaluated and compared with operative findings. The results of the imaging methods were compared with pathology and operation reports. Results: In 318 patients (91.3%), one of the imaging methods was able to localize the lesion correctly. US detected the localization of the parathyroid lesions correctly in 268 patients (77%), whereas SPECT-CT and MIBI-S were correct in 254 (73%) and 209 (60%) patients, respectively. There was a statistically significant relationship between the parathyroid hormone (PTH) level and 3 imaging methods' success rates (P < .05). The PTH cut-off value, which best determined the correct localization, was 152.5 pg/mL for US, 143 pg/mL for MIBI-S, and 143 pg/mL for SPECT-CT. It was observed that the correct localization rate for parathyroid lesions increased with higher PTH levels. Conclusion: In our study population, US was more successful, in most cases, than other imaging methods in localizing parathyroid lesions but SPECT-CT was more accurate in localizing mediastinal lesions. In addition, it was found that preoperative PTH levels affect the accuracy of imaging methods. (c) 2021 AACE. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved