101 research outputs found

    Coupling dynamics of 2D Notch-Delta signalling

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    Understanding pattern formation driven by cell–cell interactions has been a significant theme in cellular biology for many years. In particular, due to their implications within many biological contexts, lateral-inhibition mechanisms present in the Notch-Delta signalling pathway led to an extensive discussion between biologists and mathematicians. Deterministic and stochastic models have been developed as a consequence of this discussion, some of which address long-range signalling by considering cell protrusions reaching non-neighbouring cells. The dynamics of such signalling systems reveal intricate properties of the coupling terms involved in these models. In this work, we investigate the advantages and drawbacks of a single-parameter long-range signalling model across diverse scenarios. By employing linear and multi-scale analyses, we discover that pattern selection is not only partially explained but also depends on nonlinear effects that extend beyond the scope of these analytical techniques

    Ionenleitende Borat- und Silikatglasschichten:Strukturelle und Elektrische Charakterisierung mit Hilfe von TEM und Impedanzspektroskopie

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    Die strukturellen und elektrischen Eigenschaften sputterdeponierter ionenleitender Borat- und Silikatgläser mit einer Dicke zwischen 10 und 1000 nm werden mit Hilfe von Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und Impedanzspektroskopie experimentell charakterisiert. Dabei bestätigen sich die amorphe Struktur der Schichten und ihre stöchiometrische Übereinstimmung mit dem Targetmaterial; Ihre spezifische Ionenleitfähigkeit liegt jedoch bis zu zwei Zehnerpotenzen oberhalb der Leitfähigkeit des entsprechenden Massivglases, was auf eine Änderung der Bindungsverhältnisse der Glasmatrix durch den Sputterprozess zurückgeführt wird. Weiterhin beobachtet man, dass die spezifische Leitfähigkeit der Glasschichten unterhalb einer Dicke von 100 nm um bis zu drei Zehnerpotenzen ansteigt. Numerische Computersimulationen auf Basis der Perkolationstheorie zeigen daraufhin, dass dieser Leitfähigkeitsanstieg durch eine räumlich inhomogene Leitfähigkeitsverteilung quantitativ erklärt werden kann

    Appetite Enhancement and Weight Gain by Peripheral Administration of TrkB Agonists in Non-Human Primates

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    Loss of function mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase TrkB pathway resulted in hyperphagia and morbid obesity in human and rodents. Conversely, peripheral or central stimulation of TrkB by its natural ligands BDNF or NT4 reduced body weight and food intake in mice, supporting the idea that TrkB is a key anorexigenic signal downstream of the melanocortin-4 receptor (Mc4r) system. Here we show that in non-human primates TrkB agonists were anorexigenic when applied centrally, but surprisingly orexigenic, leading to gain in appetite, body weight, fat deposits and serum leptin levels, when given peripherally. The orexigenic and pro-obesity effects of peripherally administered TrkB agonists appear to be dose dependent, not associated with fluid retention nor with evidence of receptor down regulation. Our findings revealed that TrkB signaling exerts dual control on energy homeostasis in the primates that could be targeted for the treatment of either wasting disorders or obesity
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