688 research outputs found

    Parental stress increases body mass index trajectory in pre-adolescents.

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    What is already known about this subjectRates of childhood obesity have increased since the mid-1970s. Research into behavioural determinants has focused on physical inactivity and unhealthy diets. Cross-sectional studies indicate an association between psychological stress experienced by parents and obesity in pre-adolescents.What this study addsWe provide evidence of a prospective association between parental psychological stress and increased weight gain in pre-adolescents. Family-level support for those experiencing chronic stress might help promote healthy diet and exercise behaviours in children.ObjectiveWe examined the impact of parental psychological stress on body mass index (BMI) in pre-adolescent children over 4ā€‰years of follow-up.MethodsWe included 4078 children aged 5-10ā€‰years (90% were between 5.5 and 7.5ā€‰years) at study entry (2002-2003) in the Children's Health Study, a prospective cohort study in southern California. A multi-level linear model simultaneously examined the effect of parental stress at study entry on the attained BMI at age 10 and the slope of change across annual measures of BMI during follow-up, controlled for the child's age and sex. BMI was calculated based on objective measurements of height and weight by trained technicians following a standardized procedure.ResultsA two standard deviation increase in parental stress at study entry was associated with an increase in predicted BMI attained by age 10 of 0.287ā€‰kgā€‰m(-2) (95% confidence interval 0.016-0.558; a 2% increase at this age for a participant of average attained BMI). The same increase in parental stress was also associated with an increased trajectory of weight gain over follow-up, with the slope of change in BMI increased by 0.054ā€‰kgā€‰m(-2) (95% confidence interval 0.007-0.100; a 7% increase in the slope of change for a participant of average BMI trajectory).ConclusionsWe prospectively demonstrated a small effect of parental stress on BMI at age 10 and weight gain earlier in life than reported previously. Interventions to address the burden of childhood obesity should address the role of parental stress in children

    Groundwater Suitability for Irrigation: a Case Study from Debre Kidane Watershed, Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia

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    The present paper tries to assess groundwater suitability for irrigation purpose in Debre Kidane Watershed (45.09 km2), northern Ethiopia. The goal was to evaluate the suitability of the groundwater for irrigation, examine the water types and to investigate possible long and short term impact on groundwater quality. Thirty six water samples each were collected in rainy and dry (irrigation) seasons from the active shallow hand dug wells. The well selection for detailed study and water sampling was done using stratified followed by random sampling technique. The number of wells selected for study is accounting 10% of the total available hand dug wells in the area. Parameters such as electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), temperature and other physical properties were recorded in the field. Major anions and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- and NO3-) were analyzed in the laboratory. Chemical data suggests that the water type in the area though varies from Mg-HCO3, Ca-HCO3, Mg-Cl, Na-HCO3 to K- HCO3, predominantly it is mixed cation-HCO3 type in the rainy season; and Ca-HCO3 (Piper diagram) and Na-HCO3 (Stiff diagram) in irrigation season. Dominance of Na in irrigation season and increase in Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) are primarily due to possible increase of Na absorption in the soil replacing Ca. According to the guidelines for irrigation water quality, the groundwater is suitable for irrigation with some minor exceptions. In rainy season, 89% of the samples fall under the water class ā€œgoodā€ and 11% ā€œpermissibleā€ whereas in irrigation season only 30% are classified as ā€œgoodā€ and 70% under ā€œpermissibleā€ class. Toxicity in terms of SAR and salinity though presently under control and there is no specific toxicity effect on vegetables and field crops, however, there are indications of their increase in due course of time if proper measures are not taken. Keywords: Groundwater, Irrigation, Salinity, SAR, Toxicity, Water quality, Hand dug well, Ethiopia

    Initiatives, Opportunities and Challenges in Shallow Groundwater Utilization: a Case Study from Debrekidane Watershed, Hawzien Woreda, Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

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    This paper assesses the opportunities and challenges of household irrigation practices that use groundwater as source in an area in Debrekidane watershed (45.1 km2), Tigray region, northern Ethiopia. It was done by evaluating the recharge and discharge potential of the aquifers, different water harvesting recharge structures and the impact of the intervention on the livelihood of the households. The recharge and discharge potential of the wells were determined from the pumping tests conducted on selected wells. The potential of different recharge structures were determined by evaluating size and nature of their construction. Impact of the intervention on livelihood of the household was assessed through developed semi-structure questionnaires, and by conducting focal group, individual, formal and informal discussions. There are about 360 hand dug wells in the study area getting recharged through the water harvesting structures and directly from rainfall. The numbers of beneficiaries are 326, out of which 5 % are women headed households. Nine per cent of the owners have double hand dug wells. The major opportunities identified in the area include planting variety of new trees, plants, and cultivating of highly valued crops, improvement of the households feeding habits and generation of regular income; and introduction and adoption of water lifting technologies. At the same time spacing and sliding of walls of the hand dug wells, simultaneous production of similar type of vegetable crops by many farmers, wastage of lands due to many wells and the waste debris material, maintenance of water lifting technology, water scarcity; and proper water utilization are some of the major challenges that are faced in the area. Though intervention has changed the situation from meager to significant production, the benefits can further be enhanced by overcoming the identified challenges

    Modular design of heterologous pathways for portability across diverse microorganisms

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    We utilized a method for the high-throughput assembly of heterologous biochemical pathways, and an integration platform for these pathways into the genomes of diverse, non-model microorganisms. Carbon catabolic pathways have been chosen as the first test cases for the pathway design and assembly method. Catabolic pathway optimization has the inherent advantage that growth selections can be used to separate pathways with differing productivities. As such, it provides a tractable testbed for the development of modular engineering approaches. First, we selected pathway enzymes from a group of evolutionarily-divergent host organisms, to capture a wide diversity of possible enzyme structures and pathway configurations. The coding sequences of each pathway have been synthesized and assembled into individual plasmids with unique barcodes, to be combinatorially constructed into pathways using the CombiGEM DNA assembly method 1. These pathways will be assembled in pooled reactions, resulting in the final generation of ~1M pathways. These pathways will be integrated into the recipient microbial host genome using a phage serine recombinase system 2. A ā€œLanding Padā€ comprised of three attB sites will be integrated into the host genome using the Tn7 transposase 3. Finally, the designed pathways will be integrated into the recipient genome, through recombination of the Landing Pad attB site, with the respective attP site on the target pathwayā€™s destination vector. Modified hosts will be grown under the selection of the target carbohydrate substrate. The identification and fitness of each pathway will be measured by sequencing the barcodes of the final versus initial pooled populations. In-depth analysis including metabolomics, transcriptomics and proteomics can illuminate regulatory and metabolic changes that result from introduction of the heterologous pathway. Experimental evolution can also be used with poorly-functioning pathways to select for improved variants. Characterizing the resulting mutants can help to identify factors that were initially limiting activity. Comparing successful, unsuccessful, and evolved pathways will help to explain why species differ in their ability to functionally express various heterologous pathways of interest. Ultimately, the final pathway analysis can be used to design modular metabolic units that are highly active and portable across dissimilar microbes. Understanding the requirements for effective use of various heterologous pathways will allow selection of the best pathway for a particular host, based on its unique genetics and physiology. 1. Wong, A. S. L., Choi, G. C. G., Cheng, A. A., Purcell, O. & Lu, T. K. Massively parallel high-order combinatorial genetics in human cells. Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 952ā€“961 (2015). 2. Elmore, J. R., Furches, A., Wolff, G. N., Gorday, K. & Guss, A. M. Development of a high efficiency integration system and promoter library for rapid modification of Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Metab. Eng. Commun. 5, 1ā€“8 (2017). 3. Choi, K.-H. & Schweizer, H. P. mini-Tn7 insertion in bacteria with single attTn7 sites: example Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nat. Protoc. 1, 153ā€“161 (2006)

    Cell Surface Expression and Function of the Macromolecular C1 Complex on the Surface of Human Monocytes

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    The synthesis of the subunits of the C1 complex (C1q, C1s, C1r), and its regulator C1 inhibitor (C1-Inh) by human monocytes has been previously established. However, surface expression of these molecules by monocytes has not been shown. Using flow cytometry and antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we show here for the first time that, in addition to C1q, peripheral blood monocytes, and the monocyte-derived U937 cells express C1s and C1r, as well as Factor B and C1-Inh on their surface. C1s and C1r immunoprecipitated with C1q, suggesting that at least some of the C1q on these cells is part of the C1 complex. Furthermore, the C1 complex on U937 cells was able to trigger complement activation via the classical pathway. The presence of C1-Inh may ensure that an unwarranted autoactivation of the C1 complex does not take place. Since C1-Inh closely monitors the activation of the C1 complex in a sterile or infectious inflammatory environment, further elucidation of the role of C1 complex is crucial to dissect its function in monocyte, dendritic cell, and T cell activities, and its implications in host defense and tolerance

    Intercontinental spread of Asian-origin H7 avian influenza viruses by captive bird trade in 1990's

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    Wild bird migration and illegal trade of infected poultry, eggs, and poultry products have been associated with the spread of avian influenza viruses (AIV). During 1992ā€“1996, H7N1 and H7N8 low pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) were identified from captive wild birds; such as Pekin robin (Leiothrix lutea), magpie robin (Copsychus saularis), flycatcher sp. (genus Empidonax), a species of softbill and parakeet, sun conure (Aratinga solstitialis), painted conure (Pyrrhura picta), fairy bluebird (Irena puella), and common iora (Aegithina tiphia), kept in aviaries or quarantine stations in England, The Netherlands, Singapore and the United States (U.S.). In this study, we sequenced these H7 viruses isolated from quarantine facilities and aviaries using next-generation sequencing and conducted a comparative phylogenetic analysis of complete genome sequences to elucidate spread patterns. The complete genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis suggested that H7 viruses originated from a common source, even though they were obtained from birds in distant geographical regions. All H7N1 and H7N8 viruses were LPAIV, except a H7N1 highly pathogenic AIV (HPAIV), A/Pekin robin/California/30412/1994(H7N1) virus. Our results support the continued need for regulation of the captive wild bird trade to reduce the risk of introduction and dissemination of both LPAIV and HPAIV throughout the world

    Clinical Profile of Neonates Admitted with Sepsis to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Jimma Medical Center, A Tertiary Hospital in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUNDį” Globally, over 3 million newborn die each year, one million of these attributed to infections. The objective of this study was to determine the etiologies and clinical characteristics of sepsis in neonates admitted to intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia.METHODS: A longitudinal hospital based cohort study was conducted from April 1 to October 31, 2018 at the neonatal intensive care unit of Jimma Medical Center, southwest Ethiopia. Diagnosis of sepsis was established using the World Health Organizationā€™s case definition. Structured questionnaires and case specific recording formats were used to capture the relevant data. Venous blood and cerebrospinal fluid from neonates suspected to have sepsis were collected.RESULTS: Out of 304 neonates enrolled in the study, 195 (64.1%) had clinical evidence for sepsis, majority (84.1%;164/195) of them having early onset neonatal sepsis. The three most frequent presenting signs and symptoms were fast breathing (64.6%; 122/195), fever (48.1%; 91/195) and altered feeding (39.0%; 76/195). Etiologic agents were detected from the blood culture of 61.2% (115/195) neonates. Bacterial pathogens contributed for 94.8% (109/115); the rest being fungal etiologies. Coagulase negative staphylococci (25.7%; 28/109), Staphylococcus aureus (22.1%; 24/109) and Klebsiella species (16.5%; 18/109) were the most commonly isolated bacteria.CONCLUSION: Majority of the neonates had early onset neonatal sepsis. The major etiologies isolated in our study markedly deviate from the usual organisms causing neonatal sepsis. Multicentre study and continuous surveillance are essential to tackle the current challenge to reduce neonatal mortality due to sepsis in Ethiopia
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