558 research outputs found

    Patterns of dominant flows in the world trade web

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    The large-scale organization of the world economies is exhibiting increasingly levels of local heterogeneity and global interdependency. Understanding the relation between local and global features calls for analytical tools able to uncover the global emerging organization of the international trade network. Here we analyze the world network of bilateral trade imbalances and characterize its overall flux organization, unraveling local and global high-flux pathways that define the backbone of the trade system. We develop a general procedure capable to progressively filter out in a consistent and quantitative way the dominant trade channels. This procedure is completely general and can be applied to any weighted network to detect the underlying structure of transport flows. The trade fluxes properties of the world trade web determines a ranking of trade partnerships that highlights global interdependencies, providing information not accessible by simple local analysis. The present work provides new quantitative tools for a dynamical approach to the propagation of economic crises

    Citizens, bribery and the propensity to protest

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    It is widely assumed that the more one experiences corruption the more likely one is to want to protest about it. Yet empirical evidence illustrating this is thin on the ground. This paper fills that gap by focusing on the extent to which self-reported experience of bribery affects the willingness to engage in protests against corruption in Africa. We find that the more one experiences bribery the more one is likely to support anti-corruption protests. A further unexpected finding is that the personal experience of corruption also increases the willingness to rely on bribes to solve public administration problems

    In vitro metabolic fate of nine LSD-based new psychoactive substances and their analytical detectability in different urinary screening procedures

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    The market of new psychoactive substances (NPS) is characterized by a high turnover and thus provides several challenges for analytical toxicology. The analysis of urine samples often requires detailed knowledge about metabolism given that parent compounds may either be present only in small amounts or may not even be excreted. Hence, knowledge of the metabolism of NPS is a prerequisite for the development of reliable analytical methods. The main aim of this work was to elucidate for the first time the pooled human liver S9 fraction metabolism of the nine d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) derivatives 1-acetyl-LSD (ALD-52), 1-propionyl-LSD (1P-LSD), 1-butyryl-LSD (1B-LSD), N6-ethyl-nor-LSD (ETH-LAD), 1-propionyl-N6-ethyl-nor-LSD (1P-ETH-LAD), N6-allyl-nor-LSD (AL-LAD), N-ethyl-N-cyclopropyl lysergamide (ECPLA), (2’S,4’S)-lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide (LSZ), and lysergic acid morpholide (LSM-775) by means of liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry. Identification of the monooxygenase enzymes involved in the initial metabolic steps was performed using recombinant human enzymes and their contribution confirmed by inhibition experiments. Overall, N-dealkylation, hydroxylation, as well as combinations of these steps predominantly catalyzed by CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 were found. For ALD-52, 1P-LSD, and 1B-LSD deacylation to LSD was observed. The obtained mass spectral data of all metabolites is essential for reliable analytical detection particularly in urinalysis and for differentiation of the LSD-like compounds as biotransformations also led to structurally identical metabolites. However, in urine of rats after the administration of expected recreational doses and using standard urine screening approaches, parent drugs or metabolites could not be detected

    Alpha-fetoprotein-producing primary lung carcinoma: A case report

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    Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)-producing lung adenocarcinoma is a rare type of lung cancer, with its characteristics not yet fully clarified. We recently encountered a case of this type of lung cancer. The patient was a 69-year-old man who consulted an internist with the chief complaint of epigastric pain. Chest X-ray and CT revealed a lobulated mass measuring 70 mm in diameter in the right lower lung field and a metastasis in the right hilar lymph nodes. Of the tumor markers, the serum AFP was elevated (4620 ng/ml), and the serum carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 were also slightly elevated. Transbronchial lung biopsy revealed the diagnosis of lung cancer. Under thoracoscopic assistance, right lower lobectomy + mediastinal lymph node dissection was carried out. Immunostaining showed the tumor cells to be AFP-positive. The tumor was thus diagnosed as an AFP-producing lung adenocarcinoma. The patient followed an uneventful clinical course after the surgery, with serum AFP decreasing to the normal range by about 2 weeks after the surgery. As of this writing, no sign of tumor recurrence has been noted. This case is presented here with a review of the literature

    The International-Trade Network: Gravity Equations and Topological Properties

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    This paper begins to explore the determinants of the topological properties of the international - trade network (ITN). We fit bilateral-trade flows using a standard gravity equation to build a "residual" ITN where trade-link weights are depurated from geographical distance, size, border effects, trade agreements, and so on. We then compare the topological properties of the original and residual ITNs. We find that the residual ITN displays, unlike the original one, marked signatures of a complex system, and is characterized by a very different topological architecture. Whereas the original ITN is geographically clustered and organized around a few large-sized hubs, the residual ITN displays many small-sized but trade-oriented countries that, independently of their geographical position, either play the role of local hubs or attract large and rich countries in relatively complex trade-interaction patterns

    Relativistic nature of a magnetoelectric modulus of Cr_2O_3-crystals: a new 4-dimensional pseudoscalar and its measurement

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    Earlier, the magnetoelectric effect of chromium sesquioxide Cr_2O_3 has been determined experimentally as a function of temperature. One measures the electric field-induced magnetization on Cr_2O_3 crystals or the magnetic field-induced polarization. From the magnetoelectric moduli of Cr_2O_3 we extract a 4-dimensional relativistic invariant pseudoscalar α~\widetilde{\alpha}. It is temperature dependent and of the order of 10^{-4}/Z_0, with Z_0 as vacuum impedance. We show that the new pseudoscalar is odd under parity transformation and odd under time inversion. Moreover, α~\widetilde{\alpha} is for Cr_2O_3 what Tellegen's gyrator is for two port theory, the axion field for axion electrodynamics, and the PEMC (perfect electromagnetic conductor) for electrical engineering.Comment: Revtex, 36 pages, 9 figures (submitted in low resolution, better quality figures are available from the authors

    Unexpected Role of α-Fetoprotein in Spermatogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Heat shock severely affects sperm production (spermatogenesis) and results in a rapid loss of haploid germ cells, or in other words, sperm formation (spermiogenesis) is inhibited. However, the mechanisms behind the effects of heat shock on spermatogenesis are obscure. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To identify the inhibitory factor of spermiogenesis, experimental cryptorchid (EC) mice were used in this study. Here we show that α-fetoprotein (AFP) is specifically expressed in the testes of EC mice by proteome analysis. AFP was also specifically localized spermatocytes by immunohistochemical analysis and was secreted into the circulation system of EC mice by immunoblot analysis. Since spermatogenesis of an advanced mammal cannot be reproduced with in vitro, we performed the microinjection of AFP into the seminiferous tubules of normal mice to determine whether AFP inhibits spermiogenesis in vivo. AFP was directly responsible for the block in spermiogenesis of normal mice. To investigate whether AFP inhibits cell differentiation in other models, using EC mice we performed a partial hepatectomy (PH) that triggers a rapid regenerative response in the remnant liver tissue. We also found that liver regeneration is inhibited in EC mice with PH. The result suggests that AFP released into the blood of EC mice regulates liver regeneration by inhibiting the cell division of hepatocytes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: AFP is a well-known cancer-specific marker, but AFP has no known function in healthy human beings. Our findings indicate that AFP expressed under EC conditions plays a role as a regulatory factor in spermatogenesis and in hepatic generation

    Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling of FE 999049, a Recombinant Human Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, in Healthy Women After Single Ascending Doses

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this analysis was to develop a population pharmacokinetic model for a novel recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (FE 999049) expressed from a human cell line of foetal retinal origin (PER.C6(®)) developed for controlled ovarian stimulation prior to assisted reproductive technologies.METHODS: Serum FSH levels were measured following a single subcutaneous FE 999049 injection of 37.5, 75, 150, 225 or 450 IU in 27 pituitary-suppressed healthy female subjects participating in this first-in-human single ascending dose trial. Data was analysed by nonlinear mixed effects population pharmacokinetic modelling in NONMEM 7.2.0.RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination rates was found to best describe the data. A transit model was introduced to describe a delay in the absorption process. The apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) estimates were found to increase with body weight. Body weight was included as an allometrically scaled covariate with a power exponent of 0.75 for CL/F and 1 for V/F.CONCLUSIONS: The single-dose pharmacokinetics of FE 999049 were adequately described by a population pharmacokinetic model. The average drug concentration at steady state is expected to be reduced with increasing body weight