12 research outputs found
Real-Time Monitoring of Cable Break in a Live Fiber Network using a Coherent Transceiver Prototype
We monitor a 524km live network link using an FPGA-based sensing-capable
coherent transceiver prototype during a human-caused cable break. Post-analysis
of polarization data reveals minute-level potential warning precursors and
baseline-exceeding changes directly preceding the break.Comment: 3 page
Local structure precursors to spatially heterogeneous dynamics studied via computer simulation.
A relatively recent discovery that brings new insights to the dynamics of supercooled liquids is the notion of spatially heterogeneous dynamics (SHD), where subsets of neighboring particles are found to be significantly more or less mobile over a given time interval, compared to the average particle, than would be expected from a Gaussian distribution of particle displacements. This thesis work aims to further our understanding of SHD. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the one-component Dzugutov (DZ) liquid in a metastable equilibrium supercooled state we examine ideas introduced by Garrahan and Chandler (GC) in their dynamic facilitation (DF) model of the glass transition. Utilizing a recently introduced measure of DF, we find that DF is important for particle motion in the supercooled DZ liquid, that mobility propagates continuously, and that this effect becomes increasingly pronounced with decreasing temperature (T). We compare our results to those of a BKS silica melt and show that in both systems dynamic facilitation is strongest on the time scale of the late-beta-relaxation, and that the temperature dependence of this measure of DF is similar, once the temperature dependence of the structural relaxation time is scaled out. Further, using the DZ model, we investigate the properties of highly mobile particles moving in strings at low T where string-like motion (SLM) is well developed, and compare the properties of the string particles to the properties of less mobile particles in the liquid. We find that SLM occurs most frequently in the boundary regions between clusters of icosahedrally-ordered particles and disordered, liquid-like, domains. Through analysis of the local potential energy, coordination numbers, the radial distribution function and common neighbor (CN) analysis for string versus bulk particles, we find in a low T-range a unique structural environment for string particles made up of elongated cages comprised nearest neighbors ( NN). Using the CN indices, we form a criterion that identifies broken NN cages, and show, for the DZ and a polymer melt model, a connection between this solely structural measure and an elevated propensity for mobility.Ph.D.Applied SciencesChemical engineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/126096/2/3237906.pd
Estimation of a Liquidity Premium for Swedish Inflation Linked Bonds
It is well known that the inflation linked breakeven inflation, defined as the difference between a nominal yield and an inflation linked yield, sometimes is used as an approximation of the marketâs inflation expectation. DâAmico et al. (2009, [5]) show that this is a poor approximation for the US market. Based on their work, this thesis shows that the approximation also is poor for the Swedish bond market. This is done by modelling the Swedish bond market using a five-factor latent variable model, where an inflation linked bond specific premium is introduced. Latent variables and parameters are estimated using a Kalman filter and a maximum likelihood estimation. The conclusion is drawn that the modelling was successful and that the model implied outputs gave plausible results
Multipel regressionsanalys av S&P 500 Energy Index
I denna rapport undersöktes S&P 500 Energy Index genom multipel regressionsanalys. ModellerframstÀlldes genom regression och baserades pÄ data hÀmtad frÄn börsen. Modellerna angavs iprocentuell Àndring respektive absolut Àndring. Validitet för varje enskild kovariat testades och en risknivÄ avgjorde om en kovariat skulle inkluderas i modellen eller inte. Detta ledde till tvÄ modeller med bÀttre kurvanpassning till den givna mÀngd data över det valda energiindex. MÄlet med regressionsanalysen var att med given data framstÀlla en kurvanpassning som bÀst beskrevden valda regressorn. De tester som utfördes för relativa vÀrden pÄvisade en korrelation mellan energiindex och kovariater för rÄvaror och större marknadsindex, medan för absoluta vÀrden pÄvisades en korrelation mellan energ iindex och nÀstan samtliga kovariater. Vidare, volatilitet hanterades bÀttre Àn förvÀntat av modellerna, speciellt den absoluta modellen. Genom gÄende kunde de bÄda modellerna, sett till felens storlek, beskriva S&P 500 Energy Index vÀl genomvalda kovariater
Multipel regressionsanalys av S&P 500 Energy Index
I denna rapport undersöktes S&P 500 Energy Index genom multipel regressionsanalys. ModellerframstÀlldes genom regression och baserades pÄ data hÀmtad frÄn börsen. Modellerna angavs iprocentuell Àndring respektive absolut Àndring. Validitet för varje enskild kovariat testades och en risknivÄ avgjorde om en kovariat skulle inkluderas i modellen eller inte. Detta ledde till tvÄ modeller med bÀttre kurvanpassning till den givna mÀngd data över det valda energiindex. MÄlet med regressionsanalysen var att med given data framstÀlla en kurvanpassning som bÀst beskrevden valda regressorn. De tester som utfördes för relativa vÀrden pÄvisade en korrelation mellan energiindex och kovariater för rÄvaror och större marknadsindex, medan för absoluta vÀrden pÄvisades en korrelation mellan energ iindex och nÀstan samtliga kovariater. Vidare, volatilitet hanterades bÀttre Àn förvÀntat av modellerna, speciellt den absoluta modellen. Genom gÄende kunde de bÄda modellerna, sett till felens storlek, beskriva S&P 500 Energy Index vÀl genomvalda kovariater
Unroutable Traffic: Maintaining Trust and Integrity of the LHC Open Network Environment
This paper explores the methods and results confirming the baseline assumption that LHCONE[1] (Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment) traffic is science traffic. The LHCONE is a network conceived to support globally distributed collaborative science. LHCONE connects thousands of researchers to Large Hadron Collider (LHC) datasets at hundreds of universities and labs performing analysis within the global collaboration on high-energy physics. It is âOpenâ to all levels of the LHC as well as a short list of approved non-LHC science collaborations. LHCONE satisfies the need for a high performance global data transfer network of supporting scientific analysis. Even though LHCONE is a closed virtual private network, packets from non-LHCONE sites were found within the network on multiple occasions. This paper describes the findings, discusses the reasons and proposes some ideas on how to prevent âunroutable LHCONE packetsâ in order to maintain trust and integrity within the network
Unroutable Traffic: Maintaining Trust and Integrity of the LHC Open Network Environment
This paper explores the methods and results confirming the baseline assumption that LHCONE[1] (Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment) traffic is science traffic. The LHCONE is a network conceived to support globally distributed collaborative science. LHCONE connects thousands of researchers to Large Hadron Collider (LHC) datasets at hundreds of universities and labs performing analysis within the global collaboration on high-energy physics. It is âOpenâ to all levels of the LHC as well as a short list of approved non-LHC science collaborations. LHCONE satisfies the need for a high performance global data transfer network of supporting scientific analysis. Even though LHCONE is a closed virtual private network, packets from non-LHCONE sites were found within the network on multiple occasions. This paper describes the findings, discusses the reasons and proposes some ideas on how to prevent âunroutable LHCONE packetsâ in order to maintain trust and integrity within the network