16 research outputs found
Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll
The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To give the research more depth a special analysis has been made, assuming the perspective of the B&I-researcher Sanna Taljas' three perspectives regarding the music department. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library, which she calls the general education, alternative and demand repertoire. The examination is based on an empirical research, where five librarians were interviewed and fifty users have responded to a survey, but the essay also includes a literary study carried out to explore which ideas there are regarding the music department's missions and roles in the existing literature. Librarians and the user's opinions coincide quite well. What distinguish the most are the opinions surrounding the competency of the music library. Librarians highlight the importance of a music science education and reference work, while the users do not expect this competency at all, but regard it more important that the librarians are service minded and have knowledge of music outside of the commercial market. Admittedly the librarians set ideas that could be compared to Taljas' perspectives higher than the users do, ideas that for that sense is not lacking in the users. The differences are mainly about what the users verses the librarians prioritise
Associations of occupational standing with musculoskeletal symptoms: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Objective Given the high exposure to occupational standing in specific occupations, and recent initiatives to encourage intermittent standing among white-collar workers, a better understanding of the potential health consequences of occupational standing is required. We aimed to review and quantify the epidemiological evidence on associations of occupational standing with musculoskeletal symptoms. Design A systematic review was performed. Data from included articles were extracted and described, and meta-analyses conducted when data were sufficiently homogeneous. Data sources Electronic databases were systematically searched. Eligibility criteria Peer-reviewed articles on occupational standing and musculoskeletal symptoms from epidemiological studies were identified. Results Of the 11 750 articles screened, 50 articles reporting 49 studies were included (45 cross-sectional and 5 longitudinal; n=88 158 participants) describing the associations of occupational standing with musculoskeletal symptoms, including low-back (39 articles), lower extremity (14 articles) and upper extremity (18 articles) symptoms. In the meta-analysis, 'substantial' (>4 hours/workday) occupational standing was associated with the occurrence of low-back symptoms (pooled OR (95% CI) 1.31 (1.10 to 1.56)). Evidence on lower and upper extremity symptoms was too heterogeneous for meta-analyses. The majority of included studies reported statistically significant detrimental associations of occupational standing with lower extremity, but not with upper extremity symptoms. Conclusions The evidence suggests that substantial occupational standing is associated with the occurrence of low-back and (inconclusively) lower extremity symptoms, but there may not be such an association with upper extremity symptoms. However, these conclusions are tentative as only limited evidence was found from high-quality, longitudinal studies with fully adjusted models using objective measures of standing
Kvinnor som mördar : En kvalitativ studie i hur kvinnor som mördar sina män framställs i media
Vi har studerat tolv avsnitt av den amerikanska dokumentären Kvinnor som mördar. Dokumentären presenterar tolv kvinnors bakgrunder och deras liv fram tills de begår mord och får sitt straff i domstol. Vi har fokuserat på att studera brottslingar av det kvinnliga könet, eftersom detta område inte är lika utforskat som brottslingar av det manliga könet. Vårt syfte med studien är att studera hur dessa kvinnor som mördat sina män/pojkvänner presenteras i dokumentärserien. Då det är ett ovanligt fenomen att kvinnor begår mord, fann vi det intressant att studera detta forskningsområde. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi studerade och analyserade avsnitten i dokumentärserien, enligt ett materialdrivet tillvägagångssätt. Vår ambition var att hitta mönster och samband mellan avsnitten om presentationen av de tolv kvinnorna. De mönster vi fann delade vi in i kategorierna "utseende och beteende", "omgivande människors uppfattning", "straff", "kontraster" och "make/pojkvän". Resultatet av studien visar att det finns en tendens till att kvinnorna i vår dokumentär presenterades som typiskt kvinnliga mördare. Deras kvinnlighet och kvinnliga egenskaper framhävdes tydligt i detta program, såsom deras roll som mödrar i familjen, deras utseende och sexuella beteende. Konsekvensen av detta är att mördarnas kvinnlighet betonas, snarare än det faktum att de är mördare
The Sustainability of Living in a "Green" Urban District: An Emergy Perspective
While urban areas hold great potential for contributing to sustainable development, there is a critical need to better understand and verify what measures improve urban sustainability. To achieve this, this project implements emergy synthesis to evaluate the environmental support to a building-called Smaragden-located in a certified "green" urban district in Uppsala, Sweden. Inputs to the building's construction and maintenance phases are accounted for, as are flows supporting the residents' everyday practices (i.e., urban life), on a yearly per capita basis. In this way, the relative importance of lifestyle issues versus the built environment is quantified and compared. Key focus areas are identified where efficiency and sustainability gains are most likely. The emergy synthesis detailed the top contributors to urban resource consumption and revealed that both the lifestyle and built environment in Smaragden are highly unsustainable, ranking poorly in terms of the emergy indices calculated, and, when considered from a global emergy perspective, overshooting resource consumption by more than 70 times. The paper therefore concludes that interdependencies of urban districts on systems at larger scales of society and environment need to be explicitly addressed and actively incorporated in urban policy and planning, and that design interventions are hence grounded in a systems perspective on urban sustainability
The Sustainability of Living in a "Green" Urban District : An Emergy Perspective
While urban areas hold great potential for contributing to sustainable development, there is a critical need to better understand and verify what measures improve urban sustainability. To achieve this, this project implements emergy synthesis to evaluate the environmental support to a building-called Smaragden-located in a certified "green" urban district in Uppsala, Sweden. Inputs to the building's construction and maintenance phases are accounted for, as are flows supporting the residents' everyday practices (i.e., urban life), on a yearly per capita basis. In this way, the relative importance of lifestyle issues versus the built environment is quantified and compared. Key focus areas are identified where efficiency and sustainability gains are most likely. The emergy synthesis detailed the top contributors to urban resource consumption and revealed that both the lifestyle and built environment in Smaragden are highly unsustainable, ranking poorly in terms of the emergy indices calculated, and, when considered from a global emergy perspective, overshooting resource consumption by more than 70 times. The paper therefore concludes that interdependencies of urban districts on systems at larger scales of society and environment need to be explicitly addressed and actively incorporated in urban policy and planning, and that design interventions are hence grounded in a systems perspective on urban sustainability
Hormonal determinants of mammographic density and density change
Background Mammographic density (MD) is a strong risk factor for breast cancer. We examined how endogenous plasma hormones are associated with average MD area (cm(2)) and annual MD change (cm(2)/year). Methods This study within the prospective KARMA cohort included analyses of plasma hormones of 1040 women. Hormones from the progestogen (n = 3), androgen (n = 7), oestrogen (n = 2) and corticoid (n = 5) pathways were analysed by ultra-performance supercritical fluid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPSFC-MS/MS), as well as peptide hormones and proteins (n = 2). MD was measured as a dense area using the STRATUS method (mean over the left and right breasts) and mean annual MD change over time. Results Greater baseline mean MD was associated with overall higher concentrations of progesterone (average + 1.29 cm(2)per doubling of hormone concentration), 17OH-progesterone (+ 1.09 cm(2)), oesterone sulphate (+ 1.42 cm(2)), prolactin (+ 2.11 cm(2)) and SHBG (+ 4.18 cm(2)), and inversely associated with 11-deoxycortisol (- 1.33 cm(2)). The association between MD and progesterone was confined to the premenopausal women only. The overall annual MD change was - 0.8 cm(2). Hormones from the androgen pathway were statistically significantly associated with MD change. The annual MD change was - 0.96 cm(2)and - 1.16 cm(2)lesser, for women in the highest quartile concentrations of testosterone and free testosterone, respectively, compared to those with the lowest concentrations. Conclusions Our results suggest that, whereas hormones from the progestogen, oestrogen and corticoid pathways drive baseline MD, MD change over time is mainly driven by androgens. This study emphasises the complexity of risk factors for breast cancer and their mechanisms of action
A promised land? First summary of the research program
This document lays out the background for the research program “A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden,” (nr. M22-0029) awarded by the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond’s in 2022. The document summarizes work in progress and may therefore be updated and republished in different versions according to the requirements of the program. This interdisciplinary program aims to understand the economic, social, and political challenges and opportunities of the ongoing industrial transformation in northern Sweden. A key element of the program is to identify drivers, obstacles, and preconditions in a historical, present, and forward-looking processperspective.
A promised land? First summary of the research program
This document lays out the background for the research program “A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden,” (nr. M22-0029) awarded by the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond’s in 2022. The document summarizes work in progress and may therefore be updated and republished in different versions according to the requirements of the program. This interdisciplinary program aims to understand the economic, social, and political challenges and opportunities of the ongoing industrial transformation in northern Sweden. A key element of the program is to identify drivers, obstacles, and preconditions in a historical, present, and forward-looking processperspective.
A promised land? First summary of the research program
This document lays out the background for the research program “A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden,” (nr. M22-0029) awarded by the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond’s in 2022. The document summarizes work in progress and may therefore be updated and republished in different versions according to the requirements of the program. This interdisciplinary program aims to understand the economic, social, and political challenges and opportunities of the ongoing industrial transformation in northern Sweden. A key element of the program is to identify drivers, obstacles, and preconditions in a historical, present, and forward-looking process-perspective.