215 research outputs found

    Optimum measurement for unambiguously discriminating two mixed states: General considerations and special cases

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    Based on our previous publication [U. Herzog and J. A. Bergou, Phys.Rev. A 71, 050301(R) (2005)] we investigate the optimum measurement for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that occur with given prior probabilities. Unambiguous discrimination of nonorthogonal states is possible in a probabilistic way, at the expense of a nonzero probability of inconclusive results, where the measurement fails. Along with a discussion of the general problem, we give an example illustrating our method of solution. We also provide general inequalities for the minimum achievable failure probability and discuss in more detail the necessary conditions that must be fulfilled when its absolute lower bound, proportional to the fidelity of the states, can be reached.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics:Conference Series (Proceedings of the 12th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Ankara, June 2005

    Optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states

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    We investigate generalized measurements, based on positive-operator-valued measures, and von Neumann measurements for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that occur with given prior probabilities. In particular, we derive the conditions under which the failure probability of the measurement can reach its absolute lower bound, proportional to the fidelity of the states. The optimum measurement strategy yielding the fidelity bound of the failure probability is explicitly determined for a number of cases. One example involves two density operators of rank d that jointly span a 2d-dimensional Hilbert space and are related in a special way. We also present an application of the results to the problem of unambiguous quantum state comparison, generalizing the optimum strategy for arbitrary prior probabilities of the states.Comment: final versio

    Coherent states engineering with linear optics: Possible and impossible tasks

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    The general transformation of the product of coherent states i=1Nαi>\prod_{i=1}^N|\alpha_i> to the output state i=1Mβi>\prod_{i=1}^M|\beta_i> (N=MN=M or NMN\neq M), which is realizable with linear optical circuit, is characterized with a linear map from the vector (α1,...,αN)(\alpha^{\ast}_1,...,\alpha^{\ast}_N) to (β1,...,βM)(\beta^{\ast}_1,...,\beta^{\ast}_M). A correspondence between the transformations of a product of coherent states and those of a single photon state is established with such linear maps. It is convenient to apply this linear transformation method to design any linear optical scheme working with coherent states. The examples include message encoding and quantum database searching. The limitation of manipulating entangled coherent states with linear optics is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Quadratic squeezing: An overview

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    The amplitude of the electric field of a mode of the electromagnetic field is not a fixed quantity: there are always quantum mechanical fluctuations. The amplitude, having both a magnitude and a phase, is a complex number and is described by the mode annihilation operator a. It is also possible to characterize the amplitude by its real and imaginary parts which correspond to the Hermitian and anti-Hermitian parts of a, X sub 1 = 1/2(a(sup +) + a) and X sub 2 = i/2(a(sup +) - a), respectively. These operators do not commute and, as a result, obey the uncertainty relation (h = 1) delta X sub 1(delta X sub 2) greater than or = 1/4. From this relation we see that the amplitude fluctuates within an 'error box' in the complex plane whose area is at least 1/4. Coherent states, among them the vacuum state, are minimum uncertainty states with delta X sub 1 = delta X sub 2 = 1/2. A squeezed state, squeezed in the X sub 1 direction, has the property that delta X sub 1 is less than 1/2. A squeezed state need not be a minimum uncertainty state, but those that are can be obtained by applying the squeeze operator

    Optimal unambiguous filtering of a quantum state: An instance in mixed state discrimination

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    Deterministic discrimination of nonorthogonal states is forbidden by quantum measurement theory. However, if we do not want to succeed all the time, i.e. allow for inconclusive outcomes to occur, then unambiguous discrimination becomes possible with a certain probability of success. A variant of the problem is set discrimination: the states are grouped in sets and we want to determine to which particular set a given pure input state belongs. We consider here the simplest case, termed quantum state filtering, when the NN given non-orthogonal states, {ψ1>,...,ψN>}\{|\psi_{1} >,..., |\psi_{N} > \}, are divided into two sets and the first set consists of one state only while the second consists of all of the remaining states. We present the derivation of the optimal measurement strategy, in terms of a generalized measurement (POVM), to distinguish ψ1>|\psi_1> from the set {ψ2>,...,ψN>}\{|\psi_2 >,...,|\psi_N > \} and the corresponding optimal success and failure probabilities. The results, but not the complete derivation, were presented previously [\prl {\bf 90}, 257901 (2003)] as the emphasis there was on appplication of the results to novel probabilistic quantum algorithms. We also show that the problem is equivalent to the discrimination of a pure state and an arbitrary mixed state.Comment: 8 page

    Optimal unambiguous discrimination of two subspaces as a case in mixed state discrimination

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    We show how to optimally unambiguously discriminate between two subspaces of a Hilbert space. In particular we suppose that we are given a quantum system in either the state \psi_{1}, where \psi_{1} can be any state in the subspace S_{1}, or \psi_{2}, where \psi_{2} can be any state in the subspace S_{2}, and our task is to determine in which of the subspaces the state of our quantum system lies. We do not want to make a mistake, which means that our procedure will sometimes fail if the subspaces are not orthogonal. This is a special case of the unambiguous discrimination of mixed states. We present the POVM that solves this problem and several applications of this procedure, including the discrimination of multipartite states without classical communication.Comment: 8 pages, replaced with published versio

    Optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed states and application to a class of similar states

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    We study the measurement for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that are described by density operators ρ1\rho_1 and ρ2\rho_2 of rank d, the supports of which jointly span a 2d-dimensional Hilbert space. Based on two conditions for the optimum measurement operators, and on a canonical representation for the density operators of the states, two equations are derived that allow the explicit construction of the optimum measurement, provided that the expression for the fidelity of the states has a specific simple form. For this case the problem is mathematically equivalent to distinguishing pairs of pure states, even when the density operators are not diagonal in the canonical representation. The equations are applied to the optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed states that are similar states, given by ρ2=Uρ1U\rho_2= U\rho_1 U^{\dag}, and that belong to the class where the unitary operator U can be decomposed into multiple rotations in the d mutually orthogonal two-dimensional subspaces determined by the canonical representation.Comment: 8 pages, changes in title and presentatio

    Programmable quantum state discriminators with simple programs

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    We describe a class of programmable devices that can discriminate between two quantum states. We consider two cases. In the first, both states are unknown. One copy of each of the unknown states is provided as input, or program, for the two program registers, and the data state, which is guaranteed to be prepared in one of the program states, is fed into the data register of the device. This device will then tell us, in an optimal way, which of the templates stored in the program registers the data state matches. In the second case, we know one of the states while the other is unknown. One copy of the unknown state is fed into the single program register, and the data state which is guaranteed to be prepared in either the program state or the known state, is fed into the data register. The device will then tell us, again optimally, whether the data state matches the template or is the known state. We determine two types of optimal devices. The first performs discrimination with minimum error, the second performs optimal unambiguous discrimination. In all cases we first treat the simpler problem of only one copy of the data state and then generalize the treatment to n copies. In comparison to other works we find that providing n > 1 copies of the data state yields higher success probabilities than providing n > 1 copies of the program states.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Optimal minimum-cost quantum measurements for imperfect detection

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    Knowledge of optimal quantum measurements is important for a wide range of situations, including quantum communication and quantum metrology. Quantum measurements are usually optimised with an ideal experimental realisation in mind. Real devices and detectors are, however, imperfect. This has to be taken into account when optimising quantum measurements. In this paper, we derive the optimal minimum-cost and minimum-error measurements for a general model of imperfect detection.Comment: 5 page