1,070 research outputs found

    Navigating the Accounting Academic Job Market and Related Advice

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    Purpose: To disseminate helpful advice to current and future candidates about the accounting academic job market. Methodology/Approach: Literature review, interviews with recently hired faculty members, insights from the author’s experiences as both job candidates and search committee members, and discussions with colleagues. Findings: In this chapter, we discuss the current state of the job market for accounting professors and offer our insights as well as those from a group of recent graduates. It is our recent experience that many rookie candidates pursue initial faculty positions with an incomplete understanding of many aspects of the market, including how the market clears, job expectations, and other issues that we believe are important. While others have adequately addressed the importance of research in the profession and alluded to some aspects of the market, we provide additional useful information about the market and other career aspects in order to assist new graduates in their quests to find fulfilling appointments. Our chapter complements existing literature to form an updated and more complete picture of the market and profession. Practical Implications: This chapter helps prepare candidates for the job market by providing information and advice that complements advice given in Ph.D. programs and the existing literature. Social Implications: Candidates entering the job market will better understand the nuances of the market and can make more informed decisions about the institutions that best meet their needs. Originality/Value of Article: The chapter provides important practical advice for job seekers about the accounting academic job market not available elsewhere

    Bubble formation in ϕ6\phi^6 potential

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    Scalar field theory with an asymmetric potential is studied at zero temperature and high-temperature for ϕ6\phi^6 potential. The equations of motion are solved numerically to obtain O(4) spherical symmetric and O(3) cylindrical symmetric bounce solutions. These solutions control the rates for tunneling from the false vacuum to the true vacuum by bubble formation. The range of validity of the thin-wall approximation (TWA) is investigated. An analytical solution for the bounce is presented, which reproduces the action in the thin-wall as well as the thick-wall limits.Comment: 22 pag

    Effects of different regions of the developing gut on the migration of enteric neural crest-derived cells: A role for Sema3A, but not Sema3F

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    AbstractThe enteric nervous system arises from vagal (caudal hindbrain) and sacral level neural crest-derived cells that migrate into and along the developing gut. Data from previous studies have suggested that (i) there may be gradients along the gut that induce the caudally directed migration of vagal enteric neural precursors (ENPs), (ii) exposure to the caecum might alter the migratory ability of vagal ENPs and (iii) Sema3A might regulate the entry into the hindgut of ENPs derived from sacral neural crest. Using co-cultures we show that there is no detectable gradient of chemoattractive molecules along the pre-caecal gut that specifically promotes the caudally directed migration of vagal ENPs, although vagal ENPs migrate faster caudally than rostrally along explants of hindgut. Exposure to the caecum did not alter the rate at which ENPs colonized explants of hindgut, but it did alter the ability of ENPs to colonize the midgut. The co-cultures also revealed that there is localized expression of a repulsive cue in the distal hindgut, which might delay the entry of sacral ENPs. We show that Sema3A is expressed by the hindgut mesenchyme and its receptor, neuropilin-1, is expressed by migrating ENPs. Furthermore, there is premature entry of sacral ENPs and extrinsic axons into the distal hindgut of fetal mice lacking Sema3A. These data show that Sema3A expressed by the distal hindgut regulates the entry of sacral ENPs and extrinsic axons into the hindgut. ENPs did not express neuropilin-2 and there was no detectable change in the timetable by which ENPs colonize the gut in mice lacking neuropilin-2


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    Background:Antisynthetase Syndrom (ASyS) is an autoimmune overlap disease characterized by antiaminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase (anti-ARS) antibodies and the classic triad of arthritis, myositis and interstitial lung disease (ILD) (1). Markers of cardiovascular (CV) or cerebrovascular (CVB) risk have never been examined in ASyS.Objectives:Aim of this study (RIsk of CARdiovascular Disease in ASyS: RI.CAR.D.A.) was to test the ability of an established traditional CV risk prediction score (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation-SCORE) and its EULAR modified version (mSCORE) to identify ASyS patients at high CV risk. Moreover, we sought to examine for the first time associations of CV surrogate markers with clinical and immunological ASyS parameters.Methods:SCORE/mSCORE and the gold standard marker of aortic stiffness (carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity-cfPWV) were examined in patients with ASyS and healthy controls in a multicenter setting (6 Rheumatology Centers). Moreover, sonography of the common- (CCA), internal- (ICA) and external- (ECA) carotid arteries was performed in subsets of both groups, evaluating carotid intima-media-thickness (cIMT), plaques and duplex-sonographic indices of CBV risk such as the resistance- (RI) and pulsatility-index (PI).Figure 1.Carotid Doppler surrogate markers of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk in controls and ASyS (case).cIMTCarotid intima media thickness;CAA(common-),ICA(internal),ECA(external) carotid artery;RIresistance index;PIpulsatility index. (all;p0.9 mm) (SCA) in85.7%of the patients respectively. ROC analyses showed similarly poor diagnostic performances of SCORE/mSCORE in comparison to cfPWV(>10 m/s) and SAC by areas under the curve (AUC) of0.56 (95%CI=0.39-0.73) and0.63 (95%CI=0.3-0.96),respectively. cfPWV and SCA were higher in ASyS patients compared to controls (padj=0.021andp=0.003, respectively). cfPWV and cIMT correlated in the patient group significantly with age (r=0.679; p<0.001 and r=0.664; p<0.001,respectively).Moreover, cfPWV correlated with BMI (padj=0.001) and diabetes(padj=0.043). ACC-RI and ACC-PI showed significant associations with a marker of myositis activity [creatine phosphokinase (CPK):r=0.629;p=0.012andr=0.574;p=0.032, respectively]. Finally, ACI-RI and ACI-PI values were higher in patients with ILD (both;p=0.039).Conclusion:This is the first report of higher aortic stiffness and SCA in ASyS patients compared to controls. Active myositis and presence of ILD were associated with higher CVB risk parameters. Furthermore, SCORE/mSCORE performed poorly in identifying patients at high CV risk and carotid arteriosclerosis compared to cfPWV and CS respectively. Thus, cfPWV and CS could improve CV and CBV screening in ASyS patients.References:[1]Cavagna L, et al. Clinical Spectrum Time Course in Anti Jo-1 Positive Antisynthetase Syndrome.Medicine2015;94:1144.Disclosure of Interests:None declare

    Strongly absorbed quiescent X-ray emission from the X-ray transient XTE J0421+56 (CI Cam) observed with XMM-Newton

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    We have observed the X-ray transient XTE J0421+56 in quiescence with XMM-Newton. The observed spectrum is highly unusual being dominated by an emission feature at ~6.5 keV. The spectrum can be fit using a partially covered power-law and Gaussian line model, in which the emission is almost completely covered (covering fraction of 0.98_{-0.06}^{+0.02}) by neutral material and is strongly absorbed with an N_H of (5_{-2}^{+3}) x 10^{23} atom cm^{-2}. This absorption is local and not interstellar. The Gaussian has a centroid energy of 6.4 +/- 0.1 keV, a width < 0.28 keV and an equivalent width of 940 ^{+650}_{-460} eV. It can be interpreted as fluorescent emission line from iron. Using this model and assuming XTE J0421+56 is at a distance of 5 kpc, its 0.5-10 keV luminosity is 3.5 x 10^{33} erg s^{-1}. The Optical Monitor onboard XMM-Newton indicates a V magnitude of 11.86 +/- 0.03. The spectra of X-ray transients in quiescence are normally modeled using advection dominated accretion flows, power-laws, or by the thermal emission from a neutron star surface. The strongly locally absorbed X-ray emission from XTE J0421+56 is therefore highly unusual and could result from the compact object being embedded within a dense circumstellar wind emitted from the supergiant B[e] companion star. The uncovered and unabsorbed component observed below 5 keV could be due either to X-ray emission from the supergiant B[e] star itself, or to the scattering of high-energy X-ray photons in a wind or ionized corona, such as observed in some low-mass X-ray binary systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An ALMA Survey of H₂CO in Protoplanetary Disks

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    H₂CO is one of the most abundant organic molecules in protoplanetary disks and can serve as a precursor to more complex organic chemistry. We present an Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array survey of H₂CO toward 15 disks covering a range of stellar spectral types, stellar ages, and dust continuum morphologies. H₂CO is detected toward 13 disks and tentatively detected toward a fourteenth. We find both centrally peaked and centrally depressed emission morphologies, and half of the disks show ring-like structures at or beyond expected CO snowline locations. Together these morphologies suggest that H₂CO in disks is commonly produced through both gas-phase and CO-ice-regulated grain-surface chemistry. We extract disk-averaged and azimuthally-averaged H₂CO excitation temperatures and column densities for four disks with multiple H₂CO line detections. The temperatures are between 20–50 K, with the exception of colder temperatures in the DM Tau disk. These temperatures suggest that H₂CO emission in disks generally emerges from the warm molecular layer, with some contributions from the colder midplane. Applying the same H₂CO excitation temperatures to all disks in the survey, we find that H₂CO column densities span almost three orders of magnitude (~5 × 10ÂčÂč–5 × 10Âč⁎ cm⁻ÂČ). The column densities appear uncorrelated with disk size and stellar age, but Herbig Ae disks may have less H₂CO compared to T Tauri disks, possibly because of less CO freeze-out. More H₂CO observations toward Herbig Ae disks are needed to confirm this tentative trend, and to better constrain under which disk conditions H₂CO and other oxygen-bearing organics efficiently form during planet formation

    Low- and Medium-Dispersion Spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003): Discovery of an Asymmetric High-Velocity Wind in a Moderately Fast Nova

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    We present low-resolution (R∌90R\sim 90) and medium-resolution (R∌2500R\sim 2500) spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct with the HBS instrument, mounted on the 0.91-m telescope at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, and with FOCAS, mounted on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope. We estimated the interstellar polarization toward the nova from the steady continuum polarization components and Hα\alpha line emission components. After subtracting the interstellar polarization component from the observations, we found that the Hα\alpha emission seen on 2003 October 7 was clearly polarized. In the polarized flux spectrum, the Hα\alpha emission had a distinct red wing extending to ∌+4900\sim +4900 km s−1^{-1} and a shoulder around +3500+3500 km s−1^{-1}, showing a constant position angle of linear polarization \theta_{\rm *}\simeq 155\arcdeg\pm 15\arcdeg. This suggests that the nova had an asymmetric outflow with a velocity of vwind≃3500v_{\rm wind}\simeq 3500 km s−1^{-1} or more, which is six times higher than the expansion velocity of the ionized shell at the same epoch. Such a high-velocity component has not previously been reported for a nova in the `moderately fast' speed class. Our observations suggest the occurrence of violent mass-loss activity in the nova binary system even during the common-envelope phase. The position angle of the polarization in the Hα\alpha wing is in good agreement with that of the continuum polarization found on 2003 September 26 (p∗≃0.4p_{\rm *}\simeq 0.4--0.6 %), which disappeared within the following 2 d. The uniformity of the PA between the continuum polarization and the wing polarization on October 7 suggests that the axis of the circumstellar asymmetry remained nearly constant during the period of our observations.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    On the nature of XTE J0421+560/CI Cam

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    We present the results of the analysis of RXTE, BATSE and optical/infrared data of the 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient system XTE J0421+560 (CI Cam). The X-ray outburst shows a very fast decay (initial e-folding time ~0.5 days, slowing down to ~2.3 days). The X-ray spectrum in the 2-25 keV band is complex, softening considerably during decay and with strongly variable intrinsic absorption. A strong iron emission line is observed. No fast time variability is detected (<0.5 % rms in the 1-4096 Hz band at the outburst peak). The analysis of the optical/IR data suggests that the secondary is a B[e] star surrounded by cool dust and places the system at a distance of >~ 2 kpc. At this distance the peak 2-25 keV luminosity is ~4 x 10^37 erg/s. We compare the properties of this peculiar system with those of the Be/NS LMC transient A 0538-66 and suggest that CI Cam is of similar nature. The presence of strong radio emission during outburst indicates that the compact object is likely to be a black hole or a weakly magnetized neutron star.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal, July 199

    Species Doublers as Super Multiplets in Lattice Supersymmetry: Exact Supersymmetry with Interactions for D=1 N=2

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    We propose a new lattice superfield formalism in momentum representation which accommodates species doublers of the lattice fermions and their bosonic counterparts as super multiplets. We explicitly show that one dimensional N=2 model with interactions has exact Lie algebraic supersymmetry on the lattice for all super charges. In coordinate representation the finite difference operator is made to satisfy Leibnitz rule by introducing a non local product, the ``star'' product, and the exact lattice supersymmetry is realized. The standard momentum conservation is replaced on the lattice by the conservation of the sine of the momentum, which plays a crucial role in the formulation. Half lattice spacing structure is essential for the one dimensional model and the lattice supersymmetry transformation can be identified as a half lattice spacing translation combined with alternating sign structure. Invariance under finite translations and locality in the continuum limit are explicitly investigated and shown to be recovered. Supersymmetric Ward identities are shown to be satisfied at one loop level. Lie algebraic lattice supersymmetry algebra of this model suggests a close connection with Hopf algebraic exactness of the link approach formulation of lattice supersymmetry.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    Endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-homeostasis is altered in small and non-small cell lung cancer cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowledge of differences in the cellular physiology of malignant and non-malignant cells is a prerequisite for the development of cancer treatments that effectively kill cancer without damaging normal cells. Calcium is a ubiquitous signal molecule that is involved in the control of proliferation and apoptosis. We aimed to investigate if the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca<sup>2+</sup>-homeostasis is different in lung cancer and normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-signaling was investigated using fluorescence microscopy and the expression of Ca<sup>2+</sup>-regulating proteins was assessed using Western Blot analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In a Small Cell Lung Cancer (H1339) and an Adeno Carcinoma Lung Cancer (HCC) cell line but not in a Squamous Cell Lung Cancer (EPLC) and a Large Cell Lung Cancer (LCLC) cell line the ER Ca<sup>2+</sup>-content was reduced compared to NHBE. The reduced Ca<sup>2+</sup>-content correlated with a reduced expression of SERCA 2 pumping calcium into the ER, an increased expression of IP<sub>3</sub>R releasing calcium from the ER, and a reduced expression of calreticulin buffering calcium within the ER. Lowering the ER Ca<sup>2+</sup>-content with CPA led to increased proliferation NHBE and lung cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The significant differences in Ca<sup>2+</sup>-homeostasis between lung cancer and NHBE cells could represent a new target for cancer treatments.</p
