6,166 research outputs found

    Perturbation Theory for Singular Potentials in Quantum Mechanics

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    We study perturbation theory in certain quantum mechanics problems in which the perturbing potential diverges at some points, even though the energy eigenvalues are smooth functions of the coefficient of the potential. We discuss some of the unusual techniques which are required to obtain perturbative expansions of the energies in such cases. These include a point-splitting prescription for expansions around the Dirichlet (fermionic) limit of the δ\delta-function potential, and performing a similarity transformation to a non-Hermitian potential in the Calogero-Sutherland model. As an application of the first technique, we study the ground state of the δ\delta-function Bose gas near the fermionic limit.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, no figure

    Quark mass and condensate in HQCD

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    We extend the Sakai-Sugimoto holographic model of QCD (HQCD) by including the scalar bi-fundamental "tachyon" field in the 8-brane-anti-8-brane probe theory. We show that this field is responsible both for the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry, and for the generation of (current algebra) quark masses, from the point of view of the bulk theory. As a by-product we show how this leads to the Gell-Mann- Oakes-Renner relation for the pion mass.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; v2: corrected typos in eqs. (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), (4.9) and (4.11), and corrected figures 3, 4, 5 and 6; v3: section 5.3 on the pion mass rewritten in a clearer way, version published in JHE

    DDF Construction and D-Brane Boundary States in Pure Spinor Formalism

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    Open string boundary conditions for non-BPS D-branes in type II string theories discussed in hep-th/0505157 give rise to two sectors with integer (R sector) and half-integer (NS sector) modes for the combined fermionic matter and bosonic ghost variables in pure spinor formalism. Exploiting the manifest supersymmetry of the formalism we explicitly construct the DDF (Del Giudice, Di Vecchia, Fubini) states in both the sectors which are in one-to-one correspondence with the states in light-cone Green-Schwarz formalism. We also give a proof of validity of this construction. A similar construction in the closed string sector enables us to define a physical Hilbert space in pure spinor formalism which is used to project the covariant boundary states of both the BPS and non-BPS instantonic D-branes. These projected boundary states take exactly the same form as those found in light-cone Green-Schwarz formalism and are suitable for computing the cylinder diagram with manifest open-closed duality.Comment: 37 pages, typos corrected, some organisational changes mad

    Momentum modes of M5-branes in a 2d space

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    We study M5 branes by considering the selfdual strings parallel to a plane. With the internal oscillation frozen, each selfdual string gives a 5d SYM field. All selfdual strings together give a 6d field with 5 scalars, 3 gauge degrees of freedom and 8 fermionic degrees of freedom in adjoint representation of U(N). Selfdual strings with the same orientation have the SYM-type interaction. For selfdual strings with the different orientations, which could also be taken as the unparallel momentum modes of the 6d field on that plane or the (p,q) (r,s) strings on D3 with (p,q)\neq (r,s), the [i,j]+[j,k]\rightarrow [i,k] relation is not valid, so the coupling cannot be written in terms of the standard N \times N matrix multiplication. 3-string junction, which is the bound state of the unparallel [i,j] [j,k] selfdual strings, may play a role here.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, to appear in JHEP; v2: reference adde

    D-brane interactions in type IIB plane-wave background

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    The cylinder diagrams that determine the static interactions between pairs of Dp-branes in the type IIB plane wave background are evaluated. The resulting expressions are elegant generalizations of the flat-space formulae that depend on the value of the Ramond-Ramond flux of the background in a non-trivial manner. The closed-string and open-string descriptions consistently transform into each other under a modular transformation only when each of the interacting D-branes separately preserves half the supersymmetries. These results are derived for configurations of euclidean signature D(p+1)-instantons but also generalize to lorentzian signature Dp-branes.Comment: 24 pages, Normalisation of boundary states correcte

    Lectures on Non-BPS Dirichlet branes

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    A comprehensive introduction to the boundary state approach to Dirichlet branes is given. Various examples of BPS and non-BPS Dirichlet branes are discussed. In particular, the non-BPS states in the duality of Type IIA on K3 and the heterotic string on T4 are analysed in detail.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX; lectures given at the TMR network school on `Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and quantum gravity', Torino, 26 January - 2 February 2000, and at the `Spring workshop on Superstrings and related matters', Trieste, 27 March - 4 April 2000; references adde

    Absorption of dilaton s-wave in type 0B string theory

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    We find the absorption probability of dilaton field in type 0B string theory. Since the background solutions are of the form AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 on both regions, we use the semiclassical formalism adopted in type IIB theory to find the absorption cross section. The background tachyon field solution was used as a reference to relate the solutions of the two regions. We also consider the possible corrections to absorption probability and the ln(lnz)\ln(\ln z) form of the correction is expected as in the calculation of the confinement solution.Comment: minor corrections, reference added, version to appear PR

    Aspects of Type 0 String Theory

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    A construction of compact tachyon-free orientifolds of the non-supersymmetric Type 0B string theory is presented. Moreover, we study effective non-supersymmetric gauge theories arising on self-dual D3-branes in Type 0B orbifolds and orientifolds.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX; submitted to Proceedings of Strings '9

    KO-Homology and Type I String Theory

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    We study the classification of D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields in Type I string theory by developing a geometric description of KO-homology. We define an analytic version of KO-homology using KK-theory of real C*-algebras, and construct explicitly the isomorphism between geometric and analytic KO-homology. The construction involves recasting the Cl(n)-index theorem and a certain geometric invariant into a homological framework which is used, along with a definition of the real Chern character in KO-homology, to derive cohomological index formulas. We show that this invariant also naturally assigns torsion charges to non-BPS states in Type I string theory, in the construction of classes of D-branes in terms of topological KO-cycles. The formalism naturally captures the coupling of Ramond-Ramond fields to background D-branes which cancel global anomalies in the string theory path integral. We show that this is related to a physical interpretation of bivariant KK-theory in terms of decay processes on spacetime-filling branes. We also provide a construction of the holonomies of Ramond-Ramond fields in Type II string theory in terms of topological K-chains.Comment: 40 pages; v4: Clarifying comments added, more detailed proof of main isomorphism theorem given; Final version to be published in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Feasibility study for a numerical aerodynamic simulation facility. Volume 1

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    A Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility (NASF) was designed for the simulation of fluid flow around three-dimensional bodies, both in wind tunnel environments and in free space. The application of numerical simulation to this field of endeavor promised to yield economies in aerodynamic and aircraft body designs. A model for a NASF/FMP (Flow Model Processor) ensemble using a possible approach to meeting NASF goals is presented. The computer hardware and software are presented, along with the entire design and performance analysis and evaluation